Which speakers are liked ? (if any)

I do respect the Quad 989's, not my speaker but good all the same, Egglestone Works Andra II's can be good, Those Merlin VSM's with the right gear can sound damn fine too. Properly done horns have a charm too.
The Meadowlarks and their BASSIC system is best implementation of aTransmission line I've heard by a long way. I don't do studio or big monitors, they serve a purpose, play music with other speakers though.
Apogee's are very good, just need a decent room for the 'Proper versions'
Some of the Vienna Acouastic stuff is good the Mahlar's are quite pleasing.
Plenty of good speakers out there, & plenty of tat too, speakers are just so personal, more so than front ends and women I'm lead to believe.
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wadia-miester said:
Apogee's are very good, just need a decent room for the 'Proper versions'
Some of the Vienna Acouastic stuff is good the Mahlar's are quite pleasing.
Plenty of good speakers out there, & plenty of tat too, speakers are just so personal, more so than front ends and women I'm lead to believe.

Ive got a lot of common ground with WM there.

I also have similar taste to DEV, enjoying large speakers, and some older models like Tannoy GRFs, Altecs, Vitavox's etc.

I like ribbons and electrostatics for mid/treble, but like conventional preferably large cones for bass.

I quite like Vienna acoustics, they get a lot right for a box speaker.

I always loved my living voices, like he Vienna acoustics they are both good to buy second hand and dont need big amps.

I love horns when combined with conventional bass cones too.

Basically its large bass cones for me, with the best quality mid/treble unit possible.

A pair of JBL K2s would be very nice please santa.
JM Labs are nice sounding speakers- amongst the best treble i've heard and soundstaging is fairly awesome :p

I have a soft spot for Mordaunt Shorts too, having owned 3 pairs they are great fun but the ones i've heard have lacked that certain last bit of finesse. They have some new £3.5k Performance 8's out now which may be worth an audition

Best speakers i've ever heard are the Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors. Quite simply awesome mid and treble response. I'd be happy with some :)
i'd like to hear some Triangle speakers actually. They are supposed to sound not unlike their other French counterparts, JM Labs....
I'm with Bottleneck here, although some very expensive horns do sound very similar to Electrostatics IMO. Big Bass cones! Low distortion high level bass is so addictive.

I really don't like the majority of modern speakers. Voiced from the top down, they seem to have lost their way to me over the last decade or so crawling all over the altar of perceived detail.

Exceptions to me exist courtesy of Proac, Harbeth, Vandersteen and a few others. Maybe I'm just too nostalgic!

Heard the Triangle Zeruis 202 - very very very good - music just kinda leaps out at you, feet tapping all over the place............

I'm saving for a pair of ATC 50's but in the meantime I was looking at a second hand pair of Audio Note AN-E Silvers. Real butch masculine speaker size wise.

Trouble was, when I heard it I was underwhelmed totally. Played several tracks through it (powered by MF combo cdp and a big b*stard KWP thingie)

Dealer said, listen to these and he brought out the Zerius - bloody hell, within the first couple of bars I knew Triangle had got it right for me. Music just flew out from them.

Going back again this week and if it rings my bell again, well, er, I'll answer the door then.
Ok I got the hint. Not everyone ready for a cable debate yet again.

The best musical sound I have heard is the one in my living room. Thing is it could be anyone make of loudspeakers that happens to found its way here. However, it is after some different premutation of loudspeakers and furnitures arrangement. Once found it is best to leave it be and enjoy the music and not listen for the sound of the louspeakers and the rest of the hifi toys. Just listen to the musical notes and programme. Try to understand what the composers and musicians is doing for a change.
Yep BD, I think the C1 is just about the best small standmount on the market at the moment. But geez don't you pay for it!
And if you want to know what it's like to have knitting needles stuck in your ears you can always try a pair of Yamaha NS1000Ms :D

I love Dynaudio . i listened it in A/B comparison with sonus faber (20000$)
Dyns don't lie, i believe
Dyns are best, i believe
Dyns are my choice
but if you have highend amp/source Dyns should be for you
Ken said:
Apart from the latest Quads ESL's, some feint praise for some ATC, praise for Naim by Naim 'trekies',

I own Quad 989's and they are, by a fair margin, the best speaker I've heard.

I also own a pair of ATC active 50's ...

If the naim forum is anything to go by, naim owners are not rational people, so their prediliction for naim speakers (and components) is probably misplaced nostalgia or brand loyality.

I have
System 1
IBLs active with Naim amplification.
Absolutely stunning speakers when driven actively. Their speed and clarity is unequalled. They provide a totally transparent view of the performance. Critics complain about their bass. Adherents maintain their bass is limited but clean with no overhang.

System 2
Rega Kytes.
Cracking little Kan type speakers available at a bargain price s/h and capable of showing what a 'big' system is capable of too.


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