Which speakers are liked ? (if any)

amir said:
I love Dynaudio . i listened it in A/B comparison with sonus faber (20000$)
Dyns don't lie, i believe
Dyns are best, i believe
Dyns are my choice
but if you have highend amp/source Dyns should be for you

Yes Amir. Dyns don't lie, it's true... but the Beryllium dust just tells the truth. What "lies" between is omission...
Ken said:
I bet it does to Johnathon Woss.


Sorry I have not heard of Jonathon Woss, must be some one on UK television. I have a nephew in Perth, I'm in Canada, but we are both from UK.

mudgey, it was probably a poor attempt at humour on my part.

Jonathon Ross (Woss) is on UK TV and BBC Radio, he is a little short tongued.

How long have you had your NS1000's

I have a pair that are currently in use more than any of the others that I own.

I think that the mid range and top end are in a league of there own as far as cone speakers are concerned. However even though they have 12ââ'¬Â bass units I find they are a just a little bass light.

Have you had the crossovers checked out, when I bought mine they had three leaking caps. I had the lot replaced.

Take no notice of those who cannot hear. :rolleyes:
JBL K2s for me - as soon as my Dittons give up the ghost (which at this rate will be at about the same time as the Sun goes supernova..)
mudgey said:
I have a pair of Spendor S3/5se's being used with a Sub,I think they are a great improvement over the original BBC monitor's. They easily fill my 12' X 18.5' room, don't be put off by the low efficiency, they are easily driven by medium wattage amps. I use a Cary Rocket 88 tube amp,wonderful.

Naim CD3.5 - Naim pre 32.5, Naim flatcap 2 - Rocket 88 - Spendor S3/5se
Inouye PLC, DIY Belden speaker and ic cables - ACI Titan sub :cool:


I have S3/5Se too :) though without the sub.
They still sound fab in my 12' by 10' room driven by a Sonneteer Alabaster

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In my limited experience (and in no particular order), Id say Amphion, Vienna Acoustics, 7V (well, he is an old aquaintence and I did like them at the show last year), Usher, Sonus Faber (I do like the crem aud) and hopefuly Totem after I hear em next week.

Ken said:
I would like to know which speakers are liked by posters on this board.

Hmm. That is like asking a bunch of blokes which girl they want as Girlfriend. Once you discount the ones that seem related to hankering after what you can't get (make mine a Cameron Diaz & Halle Berry Sandwich with me inbetween as filling if I may) it is mainly related to what they know and have. That are a lot of different answers.

Ken said:
Is this to be expected because speakers are probably the most variable item, being at the 'end of the chain' so to speak. Or is there a make that the majority actually like?

The problem with speakers is manifold. The majority of HiFi/HighEnd Speakers work according to principles that make them comparably unsuited to high fidelity reproduction under domestic conditions. Given that practially ALL of them are griviously wrong, it is mostly a question of which particular wrongs don't spoil your enjoyment.

I have two possible theories why I like single driver, high sensitivity dipole speakers so much:

1) Because they are actually closer than practically anything else to giving good reproduction under domestic conditions.

2) Because I grew up with big wooden open back Valve Radios using Full Range Drivers which to me sounded ton's better than the later transistor stereo thingeys.

I actually do suspect a little of both, I do have sound (ouch) acoustical reasons to claim superior performance but no doubt acoustic programming throughout childhood plays a part, as does my taste in Music/Recordings (I consider most modern recording unuttereable Sh!te and like a lot of early stereo stuff fom the late 50's to mid/late 60's best, both recordings and performances)....

Probably not what you wanted to know, but I thought I'll tell you anyway :-P

Ciao T
3DSonics said:
... The problem with speakers is manifold. The majority of HiFi/HighEnd Speakers work according to principles that make them comparably unsuited to high fidelity reproduction under domestic conditions. Given that practially ALL of them are griviously wrong, it is mostly a question of which particular wrongs don't spoil your enjoyment.
Absolutely right.

... 2) Because I grew up with big wooden open back Valve Radios using Full Range Drivers which to me sounded ton's better than the later transistor stereo thingeys...
Isn't that strange though? It was clear to many of us that something was lost. Personally, I think I excused the transistor stereo thingies by telling myself that they were more 'accurate'.

My first hi-fi experiment was to take a mono valve record player, fit a stereo cartridge and match it up with an old valve radio for the other channel. The system actually sounded pretty good for a while.

I then decided that both speaker drivers should fit into similar sealed cabinets which I duly constructed. The sound was awful.

I'd like to say that this was as a result of the inherent superiority of the open-back, 'dipole' design. Unfortunately, I suspect it was the result of completely ignoring the drivers' T/S parameters, constructing the cabinets out of 1/4" ply and making them square. I remain convinced to this day that finishing them in pillar box red with gold tape trimming didn't help either.

Still, we learn and we move on.

My favourite speakers now? Well certainly nothing with crossovers cluttering up the mids, where they try to match disparate drive units. Quad ELSs are good and I like TL bass. Otherwise I must admit a bias towards my own designs which, considering I can choose my own compromises and design for myself, is perhaps hardly surprising.
I myself really Like Epos spearks.

I have some of the following

Epos ES-14
Epos ELS3
Epos ELS3C
See my signature, absolutely hooked on the ProAc sound.

I had Tablette 50's for ~ 6 years, saw mw through many upgrades.
For me, it just had to be the Response 1SC
Ken said:

How long have you had your NS1000's

I have a pair that are currently in use more than any of the others that I own.

I think that the mid range and top end are in a league of there own as far as cone speakers are concerned. However even though they have 12ââ'¬Â bass units I find they are a just a little bass light.

Have you had the crossovers checked out, when I bought mine they had three leaking caps. I had the lot replaced.

Take no notice of those who cannot hear. :rolleyes:

In my setup I never felt that the 1K's were bass light. I never checked out the crossover either.
Meridian 507
Tag 60p & 10PA
Anyone recommend some good speakers for these electronics? Around £600 or less. Would consider higher model 2nd hand

Any Totem speaker, Naim SBLs (active) and of course the Seventh Veil Nonsuch. Then PMC and Living Voice
Flexo said:
Meridian 507
Tag 60p & 10PA
Anyone recommend some good speakers for these electronics? Around £600 or less. Would consider higher model 2nd hand


Hi Flexo.

Welcome to the forum :)

You'd be better off starting a new thread and asking this.

You should also be a bit MOre specific.

What type of music do you listen to?
What's the room like they'll be used in?
What kind of sound are you after?

Also, many here prefer to buy second hand. Is this something you'd consider?

What are your current speakers, and what is it you're hoping to improve with a change/upgrade?


MO :)

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