World Audio Design / Williams - Hart

Dev said:
Another recommendation for WAD amps. I've heard 6550 and KT88 based kits and liked them a lot. Unfortunately it also means I like my own (and more expensive) amps less:(.

I can understd that...I still love my Krells for the power and control,and superb for AV use also,but the WAD does music so well,and goes superbly with Quad ESLs.
vibbles said:
at this point can I also mention the Glasshouse 300b kits
IMO better than the WAD 300b kits and provide high end valve sound at reasonable prices


The WAD Kit300B and the Glasshouse are about on a par for price,although the Glasshouse has better WAF probably in view of it's copper finish,but you'd have to also take into account that both WAD and Glasshouse have a very similar heritage in the form of Andy Grove,and I think the only way of proving one to be superior to the other would be a direct test...even then,individual preferences will have an influence,as will the presence of things like upgraded caps and NOS tubes.

The JJ 300B's are ok for instance,but the TJ meshplates are way that level,a lot comes down to individual components.
alexs2 said:
..... both WAD and Glasshouse have a very similar heritage in the form of Andy Grove,and I think the only way of proving one to be superior to the other would be a direct test...

In stock form the Glasshouse leaves the WAD for dead.

However if you can get hold of an early WAD 300b PP with interstage transformer, that is probably one of the best amps I have ever heard, provided 25watts is enough.
Although Andy Grove designed both amps there is significant diferences, in particular with the way he delt with the psu and trannies in the Glasshouse, which make it a much better proposition,


LiloLee said:
In stock form the Glasshouse leaves the WAD for dead.

Looking at both designs, you will find them very similar. The WAD has a parallel output stage but the main circuit ideas are common to both. Where the Glasshouse looks to be a winner is in the power supply. Andy Groves have gone more to town on the Glasshouse power supply. Also he uses a very good valve in the cathode follower stage of the glasshouse. Some of the other components look better as well.

I have not heard a Glasshouse amp but have heard a WAD 300BPSE amps. When I had a good listen to the WAD, it gave a very good account of itself. Having looked at the design for the Glasshouse, I would be suprised it is better but, ideally, a comparison would be good.

Here is a valve bake off that was done a few years ago. It features a few WAD amps including the cheapest kit KEL84 and the WAD 300bPSE monoblocks.

LiloLee said:
However if you can get hold of an early WAD 300b PP with interstage transformer, that is probably one of the best amps I have ever heard, provided 25watts is enough.

I must admit, I'm a fan of amps with interstage transformer. I own a Border Patrol amp that uses interstage transformers and also owned a prototype Border Patrol amp that didn't have an interstage transformer. The interstage transformer added more drive and grip to the sound.

I have heard an old WAD 300B PP with the interstage transformer. It is a corker. I wouldn't mind one myself. Would be interesting to do a comparison.


If you're going to build a valve amp, (I would and I have), you must take precautions against electrical shock, the voltages are definitely high enough to be fatal. When testing follow instructions and don't assume capacitors have been discharegd, measure them with a dvm.

IMO a valve kit is easier to build than a solid state and is more rewarding, sonically and visually. I've built a couple of ss amps and a couple of valve amps and prefer valves but YMMV

I've built a 3 box Pre and have recently upgraded some of the resistors to Vishays. Big. Stupid. Grin. On. My. Face. every time I listen to it. for the money it is stupendous. I haven't heard a lot of pre amps but this is the best I've heard. some people reckon its better than E.A.R. stuff, but I can't compare.

WAD have instructions in PDF format on their website to download if you fancy a look to see what's involved in building them, and Mark is very helpful on the phone, as are the people on the forum.

I'm planning a 300B kit soon but my mate is trying to sell me his Gamma Aeons... :)
I've got a WAD Kit88 with various mods,Sowter output transformers etc.
Its a good amp and drives my IPL S3tlm Ribbon speakers with ease.
The Sowters weigh a stone each but improved the sound a lot.
I personally didn't like the Kit6550, the old 300b PP is very good though:)
kennyk said:
I've built a 3 box Pre and have recently upgraded some of the resistors to Vishays. Big. Stupid. Grin. On. My. Face. every time I listen to it. for the money it is stupendous. I haven't heard a lot of pre amps but this is the best I've heard. some people reckon its better than E.A.R. stuff, but I can't compare.

WAD have instructions in PDF format on their website to download if you fancy a look to see what's involved in building them, and Mark is very helpful on the phone, as are the people on the forum.


I think in terms of ease of construction,and backup,WAD do take a lot of beating.

As a relative novice,I found the kit pretty straightforwards to build,and mark was very helpful in getting them going just before Xmas,at some considerable personal effort.

I have the World Audio Designs KaT6550. This is the power amp version of the KiT6550 integrated.

The amp is fantastic. Solid build quility. Heavy chassis and TXs. (19kg in total!)

The components are sound, if nothing special, and the valves supplied if you want them are good. My amp is driving tricky speakers and they work very well together. Upgradeability is easy, but space is limited in places - eg. PIO signal caps and PSU caps.

The sound delicious to me, and knocks my old Aura PA200 for dead.


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