Worst drivers are BMW drivers

Dev said:
Before buying my current BMW I went into an Audi dealership to checkout an A4, but found it a bit cramped in the rear, so I thought I'd look at an A6 instead. I simply could not get the dealer to give me the time of day. I thought such arrogance existed in HiFi circles only :D. Anyway if that's their attitude why would I want to own an Audi?, regardless of how good it is at taking the piss out of the M3. Besides there is a new M3 out soon with a V8.


This not just Audi dealers. I had something similar in BMW dealer. Also I've had it in other dealers as well.

Your source shows a Toyota MR2 at 129ft. It would be interesting to have figures for other light sporty cars. Anyway a cheap sports car makes your bike figures look a little silly.

SCIDB said:

This not just Audi dealers. I had something similar in BMW dealer. Also I've had it in other dealers as well.

Hi Dean,

I can only go by my own experience. I have been to 2 separate Audi dealers and a VW (for a S/H Polo for my daughter) but they made pretty sure I'll never feel the need to revisit them again.

Visiting a Mercedes and BMW dealers was a complete contrast. I felt they were making an effort to sell me a car. It probably is nothing more than a coincidence. I probably just met their friendly salesmen, maybe the real SoBs were off that day.
penance said:
I wonder how many 'accidents' he suffered at the station.
In this case a good kicking in the cells could certainly seem appropriate, hope he got one (or more).

penance said:
It does seem odd that the windows didn't break.
That's because that cop was trying to smash it with a twig.
The Devil said:
Holey moley! And you lot think BM drivers are bad.

The cops aren't much good at breaking windows, are they?

Wrong types of sticks I would imagine. Would have thought they would issue traffic police with something far more effective at breaking in to cars.

I hope they did the guy for attempted murder to be honest.

GTM said:
Wrong types of sticks I would imagine. Would have thought they would issue traffic police with something far more effective at breaking in to cars.

I hope they did the guy for attempted murder to be honest.


£50 says he got off with a minor traffic offence, then jumped bail and was never seen again, we don't punish people in this country. Had that been the USA he would have been shot, he's a danger to himself and others, the way he ramed the police bike and the poor (and I'm sure terrified) learner driver.
Wow, i didn't think this thread would still be going, doesn't take much to get you guys fired up :)
Your all plant killers unless you drive a hybrid :)
You can just imagine the conversation in the pub..

'Yeah, I had my driving lesson this afternoon, and this bloke....'

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