Yet another bold claim...

Bd wrote :
An accurate amp is like a mirror... not everybody likes what they see...

that precisely is mine and a few others points, the point of listening to music is to like it. Music is not really head, its heart.

Steve: Are you sure on that one?, my instincts say otherwise...I have seen some pretty low figures around, Rotel amongst them.
Analogue Amp. design hasn't changed that much in 20 yrs, semiconductor technology has though.
Lt Cdr Data said:
Steve: Are you sure on that one?, my instincts say otherwise...I have seen some pretty low figures around, Rotel amongst them.
Analogue Amp. design hasn't changed that much in 20 yrs, semiconductor technology has though.
No, to be honest Ian, I'm not sure. It's just something that I read.

I remember that in the 70s Japanese amp designers, in particular, used to quote incredibly low distortion figures and I thought that the figures were higher now. However, I'm no expert on amplifiers and tend to judge them by listening, rather than by looking at the specs, so I could be wrong.
I just want to make clear three points:

1) Tube Dude's null test doesn't have anything to do with looking at specs. Tube Dude's null test tells you if the amplifier is doing what it was designed for in the first place: the output must be only an amplified version of the input, nothing more nothing less;

2) Tube Dude's null test avoids (unmeaningful) specs;

3) The beauty of a mirror image (like the one from an accurate amp) only depends of what one puts in front of it.
BerylliumDust said:
3) The beauty of a mirror image (like the one from an accurate amp) only depends of what one puts in front of it.

Finally we are in some form of agreement :D

The problem for me is that the software is horribly compromised, unless you are lucky enough to own a true high resolution source which of course rules out any red book player :D
merlin said:
The problem for me is that the software is horribly compromised, unless you are lucky enough to own a true high resolution source which of course rules out any red book player :D


Here we are in unagreement... I like very much what Moon Eclipse gives me with almost all of my CDs. I don't have any desire for upgrades anymore, that's why I'm so happy.
BerylliumDust said:
I like very much what Moon Eclipse gives me with almost all of my CDs. I don't have any desire for upgrades anymore, that's why I'm so happy.

Yep, undoutedly one of the top Cd spinners on the market BD. But hardly accurate. CD players simply are not believable - another amazing claim ;)
If there is a reason for me to be unhappy with what I have... it only can mean that there is a reason for me to be even happier.

As for that amazing claim I have another one... try to record vynil music in a CD, we'll see that it still sounds like vynil (Tube Dude dixit). I've tried... and it is vynil.

As a matter of fact, I think the reason for Michael comes to appreciate his NOS DAC is the very same reason why people like vynil... it rounds-off things: lack of accuracy.
As a matter of fact, I think the reason for Michael comes to appreciate his NOS DAC is the very same reason why people like vynil... it rounds-off things: lack of accuracy.
You've gone and done it now Vasco. You really have asked for it. I'm stepping aside in time to avoid any stray bullets :D

BerylliumDust said:
If there is a reason for me to be unhappy with what I have... it only can mean that there is a reason for me to be even happier.

As for that amazing claim I have another one... try to record vynil music in a CD, we'll see that it still sounds like vynil (Tube Dude dixit). I've tried... and it is vynil.

As a matter of fact, I think the reason for Michael comes to appreciate his NOS DAC is the very same reason why people like vynil... it rounds-off things: lack of accuracy.

You'll find vynil more accurate when spelt as vinyl.
greg - Vasco is Portuguese so give him a break about English spelling. The word for vinyl in Portuguese is spelt (and pronounced) vinil, can you blame a foreigner for substituting the the i for y in the syllable where it actually sounds like a y rather than the one where it doesn't?

michaelab said:
greg - Vasco is Portuguese so give him a break about English spelling. The word for vinyl in Portuguese is spelt (and pronounced) vinil, can you blame a foreigner for substituting the the i for y in the syllable where it actually sounds like a y rather than the one where it doesn't?


Yep I know Vasco is Portuguese, but the comments about accuracy were just begging for the pun - no offence intended.
BerylliumDust said:
... As a matter of fact, I think the reason for Michael comes to appreciate his NOS DAC is the very same reason why people like vynil... it rounds-off things: lack of accuracy.
OK BD, I'll bite (it would be impolite not to)

In view of your earler comments on this thread, could you expand on your 'people like lack of accuracy' statement?

IMO there's accuracy and truth as has been said before in this thread. When aaccuracy fails to produce the truth (as is the case with CD), one has to wonder as to it's validity.
wadia-miester said:
My cd is wholley inaccurate but I love it, my TT makes me smile too, brothers let us rock
With you on this one WM. Oh, and is that the sound of sound of distant cymbals I hear... ;)
BD can't be Portuguese he's not nearly negative enough ! (sorry Michael and RdS)

I'm allowed to say those sorts of things of course being half Portuguese (ok ok strictly speaking a 1/4) and very negative myself ! :p


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