BerylliumDust said:
I really don't understand you... you are a drummer, (I tried to be one myself but not enough accuracy in timing), you play in a band, you should know exactly how music is suposed to sound like. You know the real thing...
So, why are you happy with just "breast implants"?
I'm afraid I don't do handfuls of sand (silicone

) Real ones all the way for me

. I understand how the music that we play should sound, it is true. Doesn't mean it hold the same for everyone, we all have our personal preferences, mine just happens to be timing/coherence & the live feel as I precieve it to be.
When I'm playing I'm maybe 1.5 to 3 feet from the snares/kick/cymbols etc, I feel/hear REAL dynamics, instainiously with feeling & the nth degree of thwack, together with bass player WE are the driving Rythym & timing section that underpins the whole band, they take they cues of us (or hang out the solo's longer than one of Mike B's dac 64 parise ups


Now, you are never going to recreate that sort of dynamic in your front room

not even with some serious kit, it just aint gunna happen, however one can get close
Besides, some one else may like they drums some what muted and 34 rows back
You see BD, you don't have to understand me (besides you humans are some what limited in rudimentery intelligence and somewhat lacking in the grasp of the very basic fundementals of existance) to 'get' what I try to achieve, you see its not forevery one, I make no bones about it, I also don't ram it down their throats as to why I KNOW I'M RIGHT

Quite the opposite, remember there are those that are partial to Handel/Mozart/Vivalidi and boyzone, so whats top of their 'must have aspects' isn't neccessarly mine or others.
However I believe I managed to get a very happy all round presence and texture, I haven't heard anywhere else, does that make it the best?, not of coarse not, its just my slant on music.
Very simple really
BerylliumDust said:
Just because you haven't yet got it other way, it doesn't mean you have to stop looking for... In fact you are always looking for it, because you are changing equipment all the time... I think this was the reason you got involved in the business in the first place.
Now Vasco thats most uncharitable sir, I've never stated what I have is the 'ONE TRUE WAY', just a different approach, I'm always looking for it?, don't want to 'Burst your bubble' (Excellent album BTW, Company of Snakes), however, my cdp has been Wadia for the last 30 months, my speakers have been Meadowlark for the last 23 months, and my amps have been a Belcanto for the last 24 also (I have built some rather interesting monoblox, though these are a PWM derivitive).
So I'm afarid your not going to tar me with that bursh my old china'.
I would like you to consider long and hard before 'Thinking' again, it obviously plays havoc with your cognitive functions Vasco, I suggest a coarse of liptmus tea, some st johns wart and deep breathing excerises, this should help you stave off those irritating 'thoughts'
I decided to enter the land of anality simply because I couldn't find anything off the shelf that preformed the way I wanted it too. Nothing more, besides racing cars becomes Irksome after a few years, mind you even some of the characters that hang around that particular male bastain arn't a patch on some of the frequenters here
Hope some of the information now present assists you, trying to escape that deluded little bubble of self inflated egoness that you've enveloped yourself in of late, here's hoping that magicain can break that spell of nullness thats got you caught in a tempral causality loop. Wm