Yet another northern bake-off?

Ok, currently things are a bit up in the air with this bake-off, so it might get postponed. It might go ahead on the expected date with a change of venue, but things might be too chaotic at that point to host it, so it would be put off a week or three.

Basically I'm in negotiations over a property, which I could obtain vacant posession of pretty quickly if all goes to plan, but I don't know when handover would be.
If the weekend is the best, and Isaac's house is unavailable I will offer up my place, but I can't offer the quality of Isaacs system I'm afraid.
Isaac you do know that the average property transaction takes 3 months, and for ours it took 6! It's a long haul you know. I reckon with christmas in the way, you probably won't get in until at least Feb. Has the survey been done, or have you a date yet? That's when the fun and games can really start
Not yet, but the house is currently vacant, I've been approved for the mortgage and there's no chain involved anywhere, so it's down to mortgage application, searches, surveys etc which can largely happen in parallel. We shall see how it goes.

As to quality of system, at least you've got an amp...
Never mind an amp, I've got £300 worth of useless crap sitting in the car waiting to send back. Seriously though can you get the bits easily enough? I hope you aren't going to be ampless for a serious amount of time. If you are I've got the Linn you're welcome to borrow for a while so long as you promise not to let the magic smoke out of it!
I think Michael's right though, perhaps we shouldn't have a bake off, more a piss up to drown sorrows.
Seriously though Mrs Summit is singing in a choir in Saddleworth these days, so one thursday I could come across and we could sample some of the hostelrys' near you safe in the knowledge a lift back could be obtained. My show at school is taking up the next two so it will have to be after crimbo, but maybe even that is tempting fate

It kind of went like this:








Offer accepted.
Transistors didn't arrive, but I did obtain a new fuse for the amp. Tomorrow hopefully.

Gazz - yes, this is true. I'm fairly confident though.
The transistors finally arrived during the past week. However, I've found that the previous stage has taken damage also, so need yet more parts.

So, currently the S300 is in bits on the floor, house is in process but moving looks like it might be happening around then or a little later, so it's going to be chaotic...

I think, unfortunately, I'm going to have to cancel this one, or at least postpone it to a hifi housewarming once moving is done and hopefully the S300 is returned to rude health.

Is this still on for the 9th of Jan? I've never been to one of these infamous bakeoffs, but Oldham isn't too far and I could do the 9th. Can I come ;)

What's the deal with these things anyway - is one expected to bring some exciting piece of kit to listen to or will some nice old records do :rolleyes:
Hi Tony (Ants)

Thanks for the magazines and for the breakfast. They nice and tasty.

Bake offs are get togethers. They are a chance for forum members to meet up. Equipment can be bought along and put into the hosts system to give a taste of it's performance. The main thing is people bring along various pieces of music to listen to. They are a good chance to meet up with fellow forum folk & 'chew the fat' about many topics. Hifi and non hifi. Music does get discussed quite a lot and to some depth. A bake off gives a good chance to hear new or different music.

Have a look at these for a taster of Bake offs.

I think Isaac is hanging fire on his bake off due to a house move.

Uncle ants - you'd be very welcome, but as Dean said, I'm holding off due to moving house around that time. That, and the S300 is STILL in pieces all over the living room floor.

You're welcome to bring records, but I'd have to trim them down a bit to get them in the marantz :p

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