Your bottom ten worst artistes of all time

a man of classic taste Corruption, I might be odd but I think she's the nicest out of the lot, certainly looks better than the Stepford Wives. paraphrase Alan Partridge, you're welcome Nicola, just no singing.
Pretty much any porcelain-skinned redhead does it for me, Mrs Kidman included. She can keep her mouth shut too though, no more duets with Robbie please!

Although she can sing all she likes if she can persuade Mr Williams to never release another record..... :)
...I've heard he's back in the studio. :yikes:

I saw an advert of "his smugness" once, posing with a beautiful pair of PMC's, presumably someone had to hear that crap in startling resolution, have pity...
the subjective nature of music ?

interesting thread and a good read

I'll stick my neck in for a 2nd forum post although I'm not sure I can think of 10 from the top of my head just yet ? - we'll see

think I'll start on those groups or artists who are considered critically acclaimed , revered and legendary and then move on to sub-group and section other stuff

so ,

#1 - The Beatles - the early black suit pop stuff was nice of its type if you like that sort of thing , the later long hair hippy stuff pushed the odd bounary maybe - overall though much of their stuff bores me stupid :eek: - I'm often told by many people that they influenced everything musically that came after them :confused:

#2 - Pink Floyd - despite owning DSOM , and who doesn't ? , I still haven't come to terms with it :( - and when I hear the other albums I realise why people think DSOM is so good , I think :confused: - I really like the music from this era in time {late 60s to mid 70s} but Floyd for some reason have never floated my boat

#3 - Neil Young - considered legendary by just about all the music critics and I'm sure he's turned out some good songs ? - for me though he's about as turgid as they come and reminds me of the type of bloke I throw a handful of spare change to when most often spotted slumped in shop doorways

#4 - Sex Pistols - no , your ears weren't wrong the first time you heard them , they really were crap ! - quite what this shower of scratters ever did for music or what they stood for I'm not sure ?

#5 - U2 - initially I thought they could have been good but as time went on it became apparent that The Edge knew of only one way to kick a tune out of a guitar and that Bono fancied himself as some uber-god

#6 - Queen - how can a group that start off quite well end up becoming the most boring and predictable stadium rock act of the 80s ? - because Brian May {much like The Edge} could only tune his guitar one way and dear old Freddie wanted to camp it up on the big stage probably had something to do with it

#7 - Oasis - the 90s Beatles apparently :confused: - strange really , unless this is what people mean about The Beatles giving influence to all that followed ? - to me they're just a group led by a couple of oiks who roll out anthem songs for lager louts & football supporters - lads & geezers music on the whole - I'll add Blur in here as well , just as bad in many ways , that lot thought they were the 90s Kinks :rolleyes:

#8 - Coldplay - likeable student pap is about as kind as I could be should somebody ask me to describe their stuff - another critics favourite and for the life of me I fail to see why ? - nothing new going on here with what they do and add to the list all the other alternative next best-things {Franz Ferdinand and the lkes of}

#9 - Madonna - now this lass has turned out the odd good track over time , however when you consider that if the average lass in the street were to buy a child from some far off land as some kind of fashion statement then most of us would think "bleedin' weirdo" - Madge does it and everyone thinks she really is some kind of Madonna :confused: - pretentious , moi ?

#10 - Eminem - now words fail me here ! , well actually they don't but if I was to really describe what I thought then I'd probably not get to make a 3rd post on here - whoever said that this dick had the art of literature comparable to Shakespeare really was on a piss take

and so to other stuff -

Simply Red , Sade , Phil Collins , Dido , etc - what I'd generically term as background dinner party stuff , coffee table CDs , music for people that don't actually like or understand music , birds music - it's all commercially middle of the road and sells I know - but less pain can be had by accidentally stapling your tongue to a desk I'm sure ?

Def Leppard , Bon Jovi , Europe , etc - hair rock , middle of the road rock , the type of rock that gets stuck on a 'drive your car whilst listening to this shite' compilation CD - yet again , where's my stapler ?
scoobah skibaddadyy pow... maroon 5's annoying jazz inflection and coffee shop muzac get on my wick. Snow Patrol, I don't really like music, but this will do as every other pleb is buying it "if I just lie here, would you lie WETH me"... God I hate it. Aerosmith, all thats bad about American rawk (no actually BJovi did that first) distilled into one band experience. Carbon footprint the size of Alaska too.

Good choice.
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scoobah skibaddadyy pow... maroon 5's annoying jazz inflection and coffee shop sounds get on my wick. Snow Patrol, I don't really like music, but this will do as every other pleb is buying it "if I just lie here, would you lie WETH me"... God I hate it. Aerosmith, all thats bad about American rawk (no actually BJovi did that first) distilled into one band experience. Carbon footprint the size of Alaska too.

Good choice.

I wouldn't necessarily disagree but Aerosmith predates Bon Jovi by a fair few years ... and if you are going to cast the blame why not go to the source and blame KISS?
...Far be it from me to tar people with the same brush, but it saves time. They are all crap! :D

"crayzee crayzee ni-yites" - please shut up. I heard the GF listening to the Charlies Angels film from upstairs, now the soundtrack to that is a total rogues gallery, its even got Nob Jovvi - Livin on a prayer. I'm feeling sick now. I'd take Kiss over Bon Jovi anyday, there's a smugness to those old poodles being top of their game, which is actually a pile of dung.
I don't understand how you can list your worst hates? Have you heard everything there is to hear? Also if they are that bad why listen to them long enough to determine that they should be on a list?
you get them piped at you on films, people on the train with walkmans, television, radio, idiot neighbors, people in cars with windows down you can easily reach saturation point. I may not have heard everything, but certainly I know an unoriginal clichéd generic product when I've heard one. With so much sheep like behaviour in the public that buys this rot, its good to have a few Guy Fawkes willing to speak out. Theres actually a lot of common choices here. I like this thread. But I'm then and again - I would - I'm grumpy today.
I don't understand how you can list your worst hates? Have you heard everything there is to hear? Also if they are that bad why listen to them long enough to determine that they should be on a list?

Its a fair point. Me I'd like to consign the entire genre of Happy Hardcore and it's sub genres. As my friend Simpson so accurately put it ... Idiot music for idiot people on drugs. I am familiar with it as it is very popular with the brain dead morons revving their souped up pratmobiles with the jumbo subs at the traffic lights just over the road.
I guess what I was trying to say was that if I disliked any piece of music I'd tend to put it out of my mind rather than try and remember if that was the nth worst or only an m, l .....
If you haven't any idea what music you hate, how can you measure the music that you love? For every Smiths, Joy Division, Radiohead there's a Britney Spears, Take That or Crazy Frog - it's only by hearing the Britneys etc and realising how poor their musical output is that you appreciate the Smiths etc even more.
(Substitute your own music for these if the examples provided don't work for you).

If by some miracle everyone liked exactly the same music and agreed that it was the best thing ever recorded it would be a very boring world....but still a better world than that where Crazy Frog outsells Radiohead :)
I'm not saying I don't hate or like anything. I was just saying that unless I like it I'm not likely to carry on listening to it and wouldn't try and memorise what it is just to form a list. It seems I'm in a minority, so please carry on.
Has no-one mentioned Dexy's Midnight Runners? I have not read all the pages of this thread but they must be considered here surely?!

And yes, it is part of the human psychological process to remember the tracks you hear in your general environment which is why people can create such lists as this. It's probably not so much a conscious effort to keep track of everything bad, but more of a way of just putting down on (electronic) paper and comparing what others think,...sorry Dev ;)

I personally can't stand most of the modern RnB stuff, how many records do we need of men trying to smooch and give the impression they are the best thing for women since sliced bread!:p ,...and this comes from an old Soul Funk boy!

We should also list any Rock band/artist that has to play pretentious long guitar solo's,...what a boring racket that is most of the time.:JPS:
Has no-one mentioned Dexy's Midnight Runners? I have not read all the pages of this thread but they must be considered here surely?!

What? :eek: Their first record is absolutely brilliant. Yeah .... that'd be why no one's mentioned them. There are bands out there that are just giant turd sandwiches and that's the best you can come up with :rolleyes: Tsk :)
What? :eek: Their first record is absolutely brilliant. Yeah .... that'd be why no one's mentioned them. There are bands out there that are just giant turd sandwiches and that's the best you can come up with :rolleyes: Tsk :)

You need to stop taking the 'funny' mushrooms that you must have growing in your back garden if that's your definition of brilliant :p
"Searching for the Young Soul Rebels" - bloomin excellent - highly recommended, none of that dog on a string and dungarees/cross dressing rubbish. It all went pear shaped each time he reinvented the band on subsequent albums. The first one with the "on the waterfront look" is a peach.