Your Carbon Footprint

6 for me.
But it didn't allow for most of our heat coming from wood burning stoves, or much of our fruit and veg coming from the garden.
Lead solder is illegal now isn't it?
9 tonnes for 3 people but it excludes rail travel and tube amps etc.
technobear said:
We are doomed... from global warming and rising sea levels

We are doomed... from impending oil and gas shortages

We are doomed... from global economic meltdown

We are doomed... from over-farmed nutrient-deficient soil

We are doomed... from poisoned seas

We are doomed... from the imminent polar shift

We are doomed... by Tony Bliar and George W Bush

So I think we can stop worrying about... carbon

So I think we can stop worrying about... pensions

So I think we can stop worrying about... retirement

So I think we can stop worrying about... anything at all really

12 Tonnes for the two of us. Oops!

Having said that, I am the culprit with my work-related air travel. Bit difficult to avoid when you are involved in the aviation industry...
But it didn't allow for most of our heat coming from wood burning stoves, or much of our fruit and veg coming from the garden.

It doesn't take work into account either, I consider myself to be in the plastics and paper products recycling business ââ'¬â€œ second hand vinyl is green!

Leaded solder will continue to be legal. It will be illegal to sell equipment (or components) containing lead unless there is no viable alternative as of sometime next year.
8 Tonnes for 2 adults

or 9 for option 'electric heating', which is preposterous, since I don't choose gas fired power stations. They are a nice little earner for politicians friends etc. Britain could use tidal stations/ferment organic waste/wind power etc. Many of the Q are stupid anyway such as the old standby/switch off garbage that is always rehashed
Can someone explain to me the advantage of an electric powered car when our power stations run of coal and gas?
Tenson said:
Can someone explain to me the advantage of an electric powered car when our power stations run of coal and gas?

It is a massive advantage to battery manufacturers who presumably churn out all the positive publicity, lobbying politicians etc.
Perhaps Tony uses karmically coherent lead solder which removes its poisonous properites ;)
leonard smalls said:
6 for me.
But it didn't allow for most of our heat coming from wood burning stoves, or much of our fruit and veg coming from the garden.
It does. If the household heating system is wood that has the lowest CF.

My good intention to not use valves amp, turn off all my hifi toys and kept every thing off standby produced a sensible 4.6 ............. but one long haul holiday offset the whole lot and push it to 9.8 ........ hmmmmm.
Tenson said:
Can someone explain to me the advantage of an electric powered car when our power stations run of coal and gas?
It does if we have windfarms everyway, all roofs are solar panels and a few more nuclear power stations.
The lesson seems simple. You can ignore all this recycling rubbish and energy conservation, and if you don't fly away on holiday, you'll still be more enviromentally concious than mr & mrs Green flying to Madagascar to plant a F***ing tree.
Stereo Mic said:
The lesson seems simple. You can ignore all this recycling rubbish and energy conservation, and if you don't fly away on holiday, you'll still be more enviromentally concious than mr & mrs Green flying to Madagascar to plant a F***ing tree.
Same can be said for buying food. The further it has to travel the more fuel burnt. Blackberries from Mexico at Christmas? :rolleyes: Buy "locally grown" rather than "organic from across the oceans". It'll invariably taste better and cause less polution, and you'll get back the seasonal rhythm.

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