your choice

Hi Guys,

Thanks for the offer. Good to hear peoples stuff. Issac where are you based? I'm in Cheltenham. The Krell is off on monday (done a deal for some Audio Analogue stuff, worth a try I think) when are you free?

Mess really doesn't bother me!

If anyone else is in Cheltenham area let me know, happy to show you my stuff.

Cheers, Tim
I'm near chelt. I am off up north some time very soon indeed however, depending on when the letting agents get themselves into shape. I'm free this afternoon, possibly tomorrow, and maybe the weekend depending on the state of play with my flat up north.
Hi Issac,

Lots of busy days for me too. Saturday is probably best, got one guy coming round to listen to my hifi at some point but I can work round that. Let me know (no probs if this is too awkward).

May have a couple of guests but they'll behave themselves (one's into audio anyway, his girlfriend doesn't understand the fuss!).

What's your current system?

Cheers, Tim

Marantz CD-16, M-Audio SuperDAC (modified), S300, Meadowlark Kestrel Hotrod. Chord, Omiga and DIY cables, DIY "tonne control" supports.

I'll have to let you know tomorrow about saturday, because I might be having to move over the weekend.
Do you know NAD S300 has AC power line filter or no?
Our AC electric network is not clean and i think one of problem for me and my friend is AC line.
I think one of important factor for sound is clean AC power.
It does not (according to the schematics in the service manual).

The audio power supply design in the S300 is very simple, and can be improved (I will attempt to do so in mine at some stage). There is some degree of 100Hz sawtooth that gets through to the output (I've not yet measured it, but you can hear it if you wind the amp up to full volume and stick your ear to the cone)There's also the usual thermal noise hiss (although again, I think this can be reduced).

I use mine on an Olson filtered mains block, with a soniclink mains lead.
Apologies amir for the thread hijack...

I'll confirm with you guys tomorrow about a quick bakeoff. It's a lot better than last time you heard it tone. Still struggling with speaker cable though... the tara is still too recessed but does the right thing with the bass, the DIY is more open but less bass and woolier.... What time on saturday suits you tim F?
Not too worried, if you let me know what's best for you, I'll plan around it. Preferably not 8 in the morning!

wadia-miester are you thinking of popping down too?

Cheers, Tim

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