zero cost isolation

I think this was suggested a while back, has anyone tried it yet?

Drilling 3 recesses in a triangle pattern into 2 wooden disks then Sandwiching balls in between.

I think that's roughly the same idea as in the 'Finite Elemente' cerabases.
a diamond blade will cut it easily so will a stone disk, (just not as easy) if you make them a tiny bit bigger you can clean them up with a grinding disk.

I would try all available options if I was making them so glass might be worth it ? dissimilar materials etc ?

normally on the label it has what timber it is made from if not you can pretty much guess just by looking and trying to dent it with a fingernail.

dunno about the dissipate / absorb thing I would try it and see.:)

thanks dean l

glass is said to resonate...thats yhe only thing.

Currently im favouring ball bearings....and getting pretty dramatic results!

woods.....your prob right...

dissip[ate/absorb? ....a facinating subject.....or perhpts two fascinating subjects?


I think the zero cost isolation tweak allows the excitement of a piece of music to shine through without the usual downsides of too much brightness.

I don't know about granite & heavy materials, I kinda think light & rigid is best.

,,,as I say I am getting very positve results :)
Hello Zanash, It's the material rather than the shape i've found, play around with some different woods, Anyone fancy trying some ceramic balls?
It's the material rather than the shape i've found, play around with some different woods, Anyone fancy trying some ceramic balls?


yes Ive been reading a note that pete sent me,.....oh my golly....

I've just got a load of oak here at the mo'....CAN GET marante thought at a price.

how much are the ceramic balls?

Did order some biggar ball bearings but ( Bank holiday!!) they haven't turned up yet.

I'm waiting to see, at present about £8.00 each:eek:
The more I order the cheaper it get's though, I'm waiting to here back on cost's for larger numbers.

this idea is working rther well at the mooment...

the wider bigger cones at the bottom made quite a lot of difference.

have since put wider cones ontop of the granit slab (not ssuch a difference)....+bigger BBs all round..

Am now down with a cold (again) so how much i'm going to hear at the moment..... don't know

interesting pic - juts one question tho - how stable is it..? - looks as tho you could roll it around with a touch of a finger...!!
The wider base 45mm is much better....

I'd not get too hung up on materials .....thats only a flavour change rather than a design principle change.

This is meant as a low cost alternative to the stupid money "isolation" units that you can buy from some dealers.

As I've said under my cdp stillpoints with ceramic balls had exactly no effect nil nix none...

the 45mm dia oak with 8mm balls was a relevation....they also trounced RA's large and small oak cones ....
I've a selection of cones and feet including michel tenderfeet [large and small] vecteur cones and some chineses ones ....none have as much influence on the performance of my cdp as the the 45mm dia with the 8mm balls.
interesting pic - juts one question tho - how stable is it..? - looks as tho you could roll it around with a touch of a finger...!!

.....not altogether . :)

theres a hole drill in th e tops of the cones ( as wel asthe bottom) to retain the BBs..

also ,as i say, i have replaced the upper cones with ones similer to the bottom

getting the cones in situ to start with is a fiddle....true enough.

the amp on top loks even worse......its ok though.

...the mark 2 version...

yep, better again....

not night/day but the kit was cold just now....+I'm bunged up with cold

its amazing what difference there was for using 9mil BBs and 60 mil cones. i was def hearing stuff i haven't heared before .....+ more bass authority.


(just fetched the cds back, cheers pete)
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Different woods have different properties, and they do have an effect on the sound, the bases I've knocked up are 50mm tapering to 25mm. with a 15/32" ball, Oilier woods absorb vibration better than purely hard woods such as Oak, the cost is still very little in comparison to the likes of RA etc, interesting about the ceramic balls bit, think I may give it a miss at the price.
The wider base 45mm is much better....

I'd not get too hung up on materials .....thats only a flavour change rather than a design principle change.

This is meant as a low cost alternative to the stupid money "isolation" units that you can buy from some dealers.

As I've said under my cdp stillpoints with ceramic balls had exactly no effect nil nix none...

the 45mm dia oak with 8mm balls was a relevation....they also trounced RA's large and small oak cones ....
I've a selection of cones and feet including michel tenderfeet [large and small] vecteur cones and some chineses ones ....none have as much influence on the performance of my cdp as the the 45mm dia with the 8mm balls.
yes ...but its the same idea...changing the wood will affect the sound I have no doubt. But its still a ball on a block .....! you've not changed the modus operandi was what I was getting at
talking of wooden balls - I bought the sunday times and that came with a brochure that contains the usual naff stuff - but they were offereing a load of wooden moth balls (maybe they have a fragrance tho?) that were marble sized - but they were really cheap - maybe about a fiver for 50...

if you want I can check again tonight and see if they have a url...

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