zero cost isolation

talking of wooden balls - I bought the sunday times and that came with a brochure that contains the usual naff stuff - but they were offereing a load of wooden moth balls (maybe they have a fragrance tho?) that were marble sized - but they were really cheap - maybe about a fiver for 50...

if you want I can check again tonight and see if they have a url...

Probably cedar, which I think smells very nice (not being a moth). Moths on the other hand don't like the smell at all.
Very interesting reading...
Why hasn't anyone tried glass marbles <recoils in horror and reaches for his earplugs>

If you can afford to try tungsten carbide some interesting results can be obtained (as well as an empty wallet). I found it to be initially very good, with way more bass - then I realised that the extra bass was at the expense of clarity / control in that area!
Standard tool steel was ok - and in some instances s/s was also - just not ever with glass (that classic 'Naim' house sound).

So tell me - you've all gone this far with the front end - why has no one done it with your speakers yet?

Hint - heavier speakers react better - and the supports need to be well 'grounded' with some weight to them as well (if using speaker stands)....
So tell me - you've all gone this far with the front end - why has no one done it with your speakers yet?


I have!!

I'm now using oak cones + ball bearings under my Ruarks.....both under the stands and between stand and speakers.

This evening i just put wider cones under the stands....+9 mil BBs. I'm not totally sure its a happy combo as the larger balls raise the speakers up a little, which i didn't want to do. Bass is up, however and some extra detail. I'll have to give this one soem listening.
Hi, are your stands on carpet or a solid floor?

You have noted more bass and more detail - exactly as I did. After more listening see if that bass is actually deeper or is the amp able to control the speaker better...

The extra clarity can 'alarm' some as it is rather unexpected - I have found it to allow for far more relaxed listening over time, but it is never going to be the same for all!
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talking of wooden balls - I bought the sunday times and that came with a brochure that contains the usual naff stuff - but they were offereing a load of wooden moth balls (maybe they have a fragrance tho?) that were marble sized - but they were really cheap - maybe about a fiver for 50...

if you want I can check again tonight and see if they have a url...

here goes...

prepare yourself for th small tho... :D
quote sq225917

"With the balls mounted top and bottom there was a tightening of the sound. With the balls just on the top of the cone the sound was tighter,fuller and simply more musical."


Just did the same thing.
DavidF, if you see Pete again ask him to try my carbon/balsa supports, very different presentation, may work in some systems, not mine.
Visiting Ed Rogerson ....he was using avondale carbon feet under the AAA5 ....these were swapped for 40mm discs and 12mm balls ...

I can't stress how much of a change this made .....the AAA5 was sat on a mana equipment support....of all the tweaks this rivaled the biggest increasing the resolution and dynamics of the cdp.

A last...

I have two sets of cones available as in pic, if anyone is interested in having a try.

They are approx 45 mm 13 mil high, wih a 13mm chrome ball bearing.

They are finished with medium brown wax.

I would add that the dark area raound the top of the cone at the top of the pile is where I have added the wax last thing after drilling. It isn't evident now.

Price is £15 + £1 p+p


Has anyone tried these as turntable feet? I'm about to make some spikes for my Q Deck, but maybe I should try some of these instead?

I admit I haven't...but (regretably) my TT isn't in constant use for now. Wants wall mounting.

I stand to be correted but I don't see why it shouldn't work(?)
have tested them under my top end,cough cough, project expression 2, sounds better with the compliant feet suppied as standard.
yeh, for sure they work wonders under the cd player, but not so under the deck.

i'm guessing different devices have different vabration requirements, damping/sinking etc.

david did you make petes cones? if so i'll trade your 4x6mm ceramic balls, Al2O3, for four shallow cones.. i've just ordered them from the states.
yeh, for sure they work wonders under the cd player, but not so under the deck.

i'm guessing different devices have different vabration requirements, damping/sinking etc.

david did you make petes cones? if so i'll trade your 4x6mm ceramic balls, Al2O3, for four shallow cones.. i've just ordered them from the states.


I wondered if that was the case...

Yes, I made Pete cones.

Sorry not sure about the ceramic balls...I don't have any! I'm using ball bearings (12 mm if poss).

These are what I've got available just now...though hope to have more (varieties) soon.


well if you can knock up four disc to take some 6mm balls i'll trade you four balls for four wooden discs.

they should arrive back end of this week,though i'll be in spain until the 17th. if you fancy the trade let me know, i'll get her in doors to post them out.

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