Upon reflection (and much listening), it increasingly seems the effect is primarily recording-dependent - some recordings sounding stunning and absolutely spot on, others exhibiting this overenergetic treble. This would presumably indicate the system is just telling it like it is and that the recordings are at fault (which is exactly what I want from my system).
That said, my Sennheiser HD-600 headphones also differ greatly from recording to recording but almost never have any problems with brightness at all, and tend to sound very natural and realistic (though without the dynamics, presence, bass power, or sheer grunt of the ATCs), so I'm having a hard time deciding which sound is "right"... Other than the treble, the ATCs and Senns sound remarkably similar, tonally. They're also both frequently used as pro monitors. Perhaps this is an indication that it is room acoustics after all..?
I've also heard Dynaudio BM-15s in my system (in this room) and they didn't have any problems with excess treble, though they are known for being somewhat more "relaxed" in the upper frequencies than most studio monitors, so it's probably not saying much...
I like the idea of rockwool. I'll have to see if there are any shops nearby that sell it cheap. As I said, I've currently got a duvet up there at the moment, and it kinda/sorta/maybe improved soundstage depth, but didn't tame the treble in the least.
Anyway, the whole thing with the CD player was that I've
read that the 507 can have a tendency to sound on the lean/bright side so, seeing as my experience of other CD players is very limited in my system, I just thought I'd have a look around and see what other sorts of presentations are out there. I'm hoping to get a local dealer to lend me some units on home dem as I'd much rather
not sell the Meridian until and unless I hear something that I
definitely prefer.
Certainly the Meridian is a top notch player, and I like what it does, I've just been 'plagued with flies' so to speak by said reviews. So this is mostly just to satisfy my curiosity.
Can anyone else with experience of the 507 (especially with ATC speakers!), and particularly in comparison to comparable players, confirm or deny whether they thought it sounded "lean" or "bright" at all..? If I get a lot of people saying 'no' I might just be persuaded to drop this whole endeavour.
P.S. - Amusingly enough, maybe I just need some tone controls.