2nd hand CD player experimentations

Re: Hi Lawrie.

Originally posted by fox
Glad you enjoyed my reply. I would only consider "enlightening you" if I felt the Herculean task ahead of me would actually make a difference.

But it won't
So I shan't

Hi Foxy,

I didn't quite 'enjoy your comments' as you put it and if you haven't read what you wrote, I would urge you do so. I almost puked in embarassment for you when I read them because I got the impression that when you wrote that, you were kneeling in front of a huge framed photograph of JW (occupational hazard perhaps, being a picture framer?):o

By contrast, my U.S. contact who still has all his Mana glass shelves in storage has offered to demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the Neuance shelves over the Mana shelves starting with a suspended deck like the Michell Orbe and working his way down through CD player, amps etc. I must say that I am looking forward to my next visit out there. Now, that's what what I call confidence in a product.;)

Originally posted by Bubsy
Sceptics such as Lawrie should try before condemning.

Hey Bubsy

You've got me figured out all wrong, man.:D I am not a Mana sceptic as the product perhaps works for you guys. I am open minded or else I would not have accepted an American invitation to listen to Mana vs Neuance and Mana's 14 day or whatever money-back guarantee does not apply to people like me living in Lawrieville (outside the U.K.) What I am 'sceptical' about though is the assumption that if one is not using Mana, then "one is not serious about hifi or music" to quote a famous phrase by one of your gang and I am also 'sceptical' about the methods used to promote the product. As Foxy himself has openly admitted, enlightening me or anyone else for that matter would be a Herculean task presumably because there are no actual differences or benefits to be heard? IIRC, Tones of this forum carried out several tests using a Mana Soundframe and it did not make a difference - not one iota. So maybe, Foxy is right, enlightening me would not make a difference at all if Tones' experiences are anything to go by.

P.S. Didn't you feel like throwing up when you read Foxy's comments? I know you are a disciple as well but not even you would write such stomach churning comments. Check out this comment from Foxy: If it (Nuance) was any good JW would replace the boards with Neuance boards. Hallo Foxy, it's your wake-up call here: has it dawned on you that Neuance is a competitor and it would be suicidal for JW to replace all his shelves with Nuance shelves?:o I hope that you (Foxy) got a severe reprimand for those comments.;)

Enjoy the music,

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Hi Lawrie,

if Tones' experiences are anything to go by

Tones can't tell any difference between CD and vinyl.

Foxy isn't a picture-framer, that would be the self-styled "Stallion", late of this parish, and many others. :)

EDITED to add: I know you are a disciple as well

I am not 'a disciple'.
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Hi reg

Please take my comments on the subject of stands in reference to speaker stands since I was originally replying to your (mistaken, I believe) assertion that a good speaker stand is one which allows the speaker cabinet to vibrate.

I can see why this is the *zero-to-be-gained* forum, your belief is wrong reg, where have I said that? It would seem that you are reading whatever you like into what is written.......
your belief is wrong reg, where have I said that (a good speaker stand is one which allows the speaker cabinet to vibrate).

Here, Barnie.

The main goal with speaker supports IMO is to support the speaker in such a way, as to allow the energy in the cabinets to reproduce as music and to minimalize the energy dumped into the support and in turn the floor. Speakers are always at war with their supports!


You know exactly what you meant. Just because I chose to paraphrase your statement rather than quote it verbatim is not an excuse for you to pretend that you never expressed that opinion.


You know exactly what you meant. Just because I chose to paraphrase your statement rather than quote it verbatim is not an excuse for you to pretend that you never expressed that opinion.

Yes I know what I meant and you have no right to twist my words!

If, in paraphrasing your original comment incorrectly, I have 'twisted your words', I apologise. Would you care to explain how I have 'twisted your words' and rendered a different meaning to that which you intended?

However, if you can't provide a different interpretation of your words, it will be you who owes me an apology.

Fair enough reg


If, in paraphrasing your original comment incorrectly, I have 'twisted your words', I apologise. Would you care to explain how I have 'twisted your words' and rendered a different meaning to that which you intended?

However, if you can't provide a different interpretation of your words, it will be you who owes me an apology.

I said........."allow the energy in the cabinets to reproduce as music "

You said........"a good speaker stand is one which allows the speaker cabinet to vibrate."
I said........."allow the energy in the cabinets to reproduce as music "

You said........"a good speaker stand is one which allows the speaker cabinet to vibrate."

Here goes;

So if there is "energy in the cabinets", it will most likely be in the form of vibration (we'll ignore heat & potential energy etc.). Right?

If that energy is to be "reproduce(d) as music", it needs to allowed to vibrate in order to excite the air around it. Right?

If you agree with the above, your statement "The main goal with speaker supports IMO is to support the speaker in such a way, as to allow the energy in the cabinets to reproduce as music"
could be re-written as "the main goal with speaker supports IMO is to support the speaker in such a way, as to allow the speaker to vibrate"
Now, I'm willing to be corrected on this, but had assumed that one of the other main goals with speaker supports is to be a good speaker stand. Right?

My paraphrasing is complete. And you still haven't explained to me how I have 'twisted' your words by telling me what you really meant.

Here goes;

So if there is "energy in the cabinets", it will most likely be in the form of vibration (we'll ignore heat & potential energy etc.). Right?
Wrong......any energy in your speaker comes via a power amp!
Wrong......any energy in your speaker comes via a power amp!

Barnie. I couldn't give two hoots where the energy comes from. If you read your statement and my point carefully, you'll see that I'm referring to the "energy in the cabinets" as you describe it.

We're talking here about how that energy manifests itself (not how it got there) and the way mechanical energy shows up is in the form of movement. In this case, vibration.

any 2nd hand CD player experimentations? can the mana stuff be moved to another new thread?
I think the original intent of the thread has long disappeared so there's no reason to not let this one run as it is until the warring parties get bored or start acting nasty :)


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