A very sad day for music

domfjbrown said:
Seriously now though - who cares about SINGLES CHARTS? They've not been relevant since 1995, when Britpop died.
There is a resurgence of ok if not great music spilling back into the charts like the killers, libertines and fantz ferdinand. But its true the majority is brttony Spears et al :rolleyes:
domfjbrown said:
Oi - lay off Led Zep - at least they actually know how to play real instruments :)

This is a very recent development is it, Dom? Sorry, I don't keep up terribly well with the news of lower life forms, such as Britney, Kylie and Led. (I guess, in Kylie's case, we all are abreast of some news)

P.S. Didn't know you were so well up in non-transition metals. Most people only know of them from the swinging thereof.
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analoguekid said:
No as a ringtone it's fine

As a single, it's pants

No I didn't mean the ringtone is funny, I've never heard it. I meant the fact that a ringtone might be No 1 and beat the new Coldplay single to the topspot is funny.

Made me snigger anyway.

Don't tell me you guys actually take the singles chart seriously? It's always been full of complete bollocks and as such a singing frog ringtone is perfect for the singles chart, I'd have said.
ErikfH said:
Maybe you can convince it to swap record proceeds for your bike. :)
If they gave me all the money they'd made from the wretched thing, and promised never to make any "music" again I'd consider letting them have the fire-breathing Guzzi.
But then again, I don't think they deserve anything nice - they'll go to hell for bringing so much misery to so many people!
They'll be roasting on a spit next to Celine, Mariah and Phil.
JUst wondering, have they actually released it as a single or is this a result of including downloads in the singles chart?

If its the latter does that mean that within a few months the singles chart could in effect become the ringtones chart?

If it is then I think that's even funnier :MILD:

PPS. The reason I think its funny is because by this logic it was a pretty sad day for music when Grandma we Love You, Grandad or Shutupayaface topped the singles chart. Y'know, this shit happens and always will. It wasn't a sad day really as the singles chart has nothing to do with the state of music, but the state of the nations poor taste, which is poor and always has been.
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It's a proper single sadly:


Of course the singles chart has been pointless for ages, but it does now seem to have achieved an impressive new low point :rolleyes: .

I'm not a huge fan of the Coldplay single mind. Musically it's nothing very new for them, and as a (well trying to be) physicist the lyric along the lines of "planets moving at the speed of light" is rather painful.
MartinC said:
It's a proper single sadly:


Of course the singles chart has been pointless for ages, but it does now seem to have achieved an impressive new low point :rolleyes: .

I'm not a huge fan of the Coldplay single mind. Musically it's nothing very new for them, and as a (well trying to be) physicist the lyric along the lines of "planets moving at the speed of light" is rather painful.

Clodplay are pretty dire in my opinion but there's no accounting for taste eh?

But back to the OP. Are you saying then that this is a lower point than say Joe Dolce hitting the One spot? Frankly I don't see the difference.
Uncle Ants said:
Are you saying then that this is a lower point than say Joe Dolce hitting the One spot? Frankly I don't see the difference.
I don't know the Joe Dolce one, but I suspect I can safely say no! The Cheeky Girls have more musical merit than that damn frog for goodness sake!
Whats sad is that there has been 14billion (woops, million) and counting spent on a fcuking ring-tone! It really does make me worry, properly worried, about the nations mental state when they consider a ring-tone that important! I thought modern R&B was bad enough, now the most popular form of music is ring-tones! You pick it up when it rings anyway, don't you? Or do you sit there listening to the thing? Does the crazy from really improve these peoples lives? :banghead:

By the way, has anyone ever noticed that 'Guiness' on the smileys page is spelled wrong? It's double n damn it! Please correct this terrible mistake :)
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MartinC said:
I don't know the Joe Dolce one, but I suspect I can safely say no! The Cheeky Girls have more musical merit than that damn frog for goodness sake!

Quite safely. I'm not sure the Cheeky girls do. I've not actually heard the frog myself, but I suspect it may even be marginally better than St Winifred's School Choir. My point is its just one in a long tradition of mind bogglingly bad number ones and as such can't see what the fuss is about.

After me:

"What's-a matter you Hey! Gotta no respect
What-a you t'ink you do? Why you look-a so sad
It's-a not so bad, it's-a nice-a place
Ah, shaddap-a you face"

Sheer class :rolleyes: Kept Vienna by Ultravox of the No 1 spot as well ... Hmm. Mebbe not such a bad thing.
What annoys me isn't the fact it's in the singles chart - they've always been sh*te anyway - but the constant advertising of it.
And what's worse is the fact that the folks who bought it either as a single or a ringtone are:
a) allowed to breed
b) allowed to vote (or will be when they're old enough)

Besides, I always liked "Shaddapayourface"
Uncle Ants said:
I'm not sure the Cheeky girls do. I've not actually heard the frog myself...
Ah, it becomes clear! You really do need to hear it. This is a whole new ball game. Previous crap number ones were at least concieved by someone (no matter how deluded) as a piece of music, as opposed to a phone ring tone... Tones seemed to find somewhere to hear it so you probably could too. Just sticking channel 5 on tonight for one ad. break should do it if nothing else.
leonard smalls said:
What annoys me isn't the fact it's in the singles chart - they've always been sh*te anyway - but the constant advertising of it.
And what's worse is the fact that the folks who bought it either as a single or a ringtone are:
a) allowed to breed
b) allowed to vote (or will be when they're old enough)

I think a new trend of happy slapping anyone whose phone rings with this tone should be started...
MartinC said:
Ah, it becomes clear! You really do need to hear it. This is a whole new ball game. Previous crap number ones were at least concieved by someone (no matter how deluded) as a piece of music, as opposed to a phone ring tone... Tones seemed to find somewhere to hear it so you probably could too. Just sticking channel 5 on tonight for one ad. break should do it if nothing else.

I haven't got a telly ... or at the moment a radio ... or even a mobile phone :rolleyes: And if it truly is worse than Joe Dolce and St Winifred's School Choir and Clive Dunn's memorable Grandad, then that really is funny. The jokes on us guys. The world's full of cloth eared idiots, but strangely that fact seems to come as a surprise.

PS. Previous crap number ones were conceived to empty gullible youngsters' (and possibly doddery oldsters') pockets, musical intentions don't really come into it. The kind of records that people who don't buy records buy ... in their millions. Again, no different so far as I can see.

PPS. Some novelty records are actually not bad at all - I always rather liked the Wombles' Superwomble album - Empty Tidy Bag Blues was awesome - shut your eyes and ignore the lyrics and it could have been an out take from the White Album :MILD: .
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