A woman scorned

What other way CAN you be kinky as a Scorpio then? BTW, one of my female mates is Scorpio, and though I've never had the pleasure (I had an opportunity and screwed IT up, rather than her ;)) I bet she goes off like a rocket. I KNOW she's had the odd interesting experience on a plane... :)
I need her name, number and vital stats:)

only jesting.

Good luck with 'Pam and her 5 sisters':)
lAmBoY said:
I need her name, number and vital stats:)

You won't believe her name (I can't state it here) - it sounds like a porno name but is what she was christened, and no, her parents aren't hippies. She's spoken for (by some other lucky barsteward), but I can tell you (IIRC - it was one of those mashed up nights) that she's got 34D attributes and is 5ft10 tall - lovely!

Oh - she hogs the blankets as well, but she doesn't snore... **goddamnit why didn't I snog her PROPERLY when she asked for that goodnight kiss!? - another stupid mistake Dom!!!!**
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domfjbrown said:
BTW - some of you might well know my theory on "love". It's a crock. A subtle blend of lust, need and dependance, and it's always a blend of all three throughout a relationship's life. Since I don't have need or dependance on any woman, and know how to deal with lust, I can sit back and laugh at all these saps who get reeled in by the hype.

Spelt "love", you're probably right, Dom. Spelt without quotes, it's really quite simple - it means consciously placing someone else's needs ahead of your own. In other words, it's an act of the will rather than the emotions. And if more people did it, the world, not just the personal relations of people in the world, would be a whole lot nicer.
The Devil said:
It always comes at a price.

True, James, those two almighty great hulks of daughters of mine cost me a fortune! And, not only do they argue back, but they also often win! Is nothing sacred?
And yet whenever I try to refuse the offer of financial aid etc from my parents I get something along the lines of "Oh don't be silly". :rolleyes:
Tenson said:
What sort of crazy person gets up before 11am?! :p Honestly... 1pm is the best time to get up! I got up at 11 today and I feel her pain :(
I reckon, unless she works nights, that 11am is a fair balance. Perhaps if she gets woken up everyday at 11am by your sounds she'll probably find herself getting into bed a little earlier at night :D
domfjbrown said:
...plus I'm a lazy slob at that stuff. Hearing all the sob stories and domestic violence and agro with relationships doesn't help. It's NEVER like the movies after all, is it?

Well, no, it's far better actually!
It depends what movies you watch - Deep Throat, anyone?? Just kidding!

As for the pros/£50 without a love glove thing - is it REALLY worth the risk? And for £20 with one - where?? Yeah baby yeah!

Actually, when it comes down to it, I'd have too-big a conscience - actually argued with a pro (who hung out at the end of my street in Reading - nice place, that) about why she was bang off on offering me a BJ for a fiver. No matter how much someone might need the money, you'd surely expect to pay a lot more than that considering how minging that area's likely to be after a day at work - Betty Swollox, anyone??? (and no, I didn't take her up on her offer before anyone asks!)

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