Nope; had the usual couple of weeks' experimentation in school - definitely NOT my thang. Mind you, if it's true what they say about yer G spot being up yer butt... Urm, no, definitely NOT!
I *will* say this however; girly-girly women make me sick. Women who are strong (not neccessarily physically, but, you know, strong) are more my thing. Ones who break a nail and spend a year mourning it need not apply.
The problem is this (and my other disabled mates'll confirm this); disability=low self esteem. Also, disabled people also seem to attract other "outcasts", so it's really hard to figure out if someone actually likes YOU or wants to take advantage of you. One of my mates recently BLATANTLY left himself wide open to this, but luckily for him she got busted. So that's two things. In *my* case, I also distrust women very much because of the mother/adoption thing. Now CONSCIOUSLY I *know* all women aren't rubbish and that I could be perceived to be fruitloop (I *am* a Gemini!) but the subconscious is powerful, so it all adds up to a big-league neurotic mess.
Assuming I managed to lure a suitable woman into my life, I then have the added neurosis of worrying if they're gonna mess me around etc, which is no good for either of us. As it turns out, I wasn't wrong in the case of my ex! That was 3 years ago FFS and I still can't lighten up.
So no, not gay, not enjoying enforced celibacy, but also still trying to stop being a total twonk re the woman thing and coming up against that damn subconscious trust stumbling block, so resulting in the "sod it I can't be arsed, but I don't like the status quo" mentality. D'OH!
I'm sure I'll crack it, but between you and me I'm not willing to invest time in something until I'm sure of it. And by that point, the woman's a good mate, and yet another vicious circle appears!