A woman scorned

domfjbrown said:
Of course we don't know both sides of the story, but men are by biological default more promiscuous then women, so 9x out of 10 it's the bloke's dick that won't behave.
Errrm, it takes two to tango :rolleyes:

I imagine that, although hifi (or shoes) haven't apparently flown out of windows across the street, the relationship on that side of the road must be a bit stormy right now. Women cheat too.
I have the best of both worlds. Been with my present girlfriend for 9 years now and all is well. We both have our own space which is the key - ie one house each. When we see each other it is quality time. It's still fresh as we don't argue, get in each others way, or do the daily grind many have to put up with. Helps that were both chilled out people too.

I have been with nightmare girls before, so I know where some of you are coming from.

In answer to the question, "is love real". What is real anyway? All emotions are in the mind of course, be it hate or whatever. Real is your own perception. It's a stupid question to ask in fact. If it's real to you then it's real enough. It's like trying to explain the colour red to a blind man. Or trying to explain why spending £15K on a hifi is a good idea to a radio rentals customer. Don't even bother.
Peter Scowcroft said:
1: love does exist, if you are yet to find it spend less time here and more time looking for girls. if you are female..which i doubt on this forum....look for girls tooo,they arenicer and don't smell so bad.

2: Cheating on somone who loves you is unforgivable...

Point 1) - that's back to lust - you only find "love" over time :) Been trying this old routine for years and in the end, when I'm out on the town, I just can't be arsed with the whole shouting-over-the-DJ crap! Blokes don't smell if they use deoderant and wash :) Women smell nicer 'cos they douse themselves in perfume (what are they trying to hide - ever read that bit in "Down and out in Paris and London" where he's on the ship on the way back to the UK? Also, why do they have to hide behind makeup and hair dye, instead of just accepting the ageing process? If you're attractive you don't need it, if you're a minger no amount will help. Be honest.

Point 2) - damn right; it's not on. Sure people stray and it takes two to tango (as Technobear says) but if you can't accept "life is life" when you marry, then you shouldn't bother. Full stop.

pauldixonuk - nice comments re the "reality" of "love" - sort of makes sense! Mind you, if we're going to get into that kind of territory, I've seen things in my life during childhood that seem to suggest the matrix exists... (something strange was going on in Plymouth that month anyway!), so I'm willing to disbelieve anything! How's THAT for nutty????

As for nightmare girls - it only takes one to put you off for life! Bit of a sod really...
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Nightmare girls......sounds like a good title of a new thread....or a dodgy german porn!
So what does make theese girls so nightmare? I Origionally used tothink they were jelous that we could pee standing. untill imet a girl atuniwho could do it....

Mynew theory is they are jelous that if I am in bed and i need to pee, butam to drunk to goto the bathroom i can do it while staying dry and not staining the sheets
Nope; had the usual couple of weeks' experimentation in school - definitely NOT my thang. Mind you, if it's true what they say about yer G spot being up yer butt... Urm, no, definitely NOT!

I *will* say this however; girly-girly women make me sick. Women who are strong (not neccessarily physically, but, you know, strong) are more my thing. Ones who break a nail and spend a year mourning it need not apply.

The problem is this (and my other disabled mates'll confirm this); disability=low self esteem. Also, disabled people also seem to attract other "outcasts", so it's really hard to figure out if someone actually likes YOU or wants to take advantage of you. One of my mates recently BLATANTLY left himself wide open to this, but luckily for him she got busted. So that's two things. In *my* case, I also distrust women very much because of the mother/adoption thing. Now CONSCIOUSLY I *know* all women aren't rubbish and that I could be perceived to be fruitloop (I *am* a Gemini!) but the subconscious is powerful, so it all adds up to a big-league neurotic mess.

Assuming I managed to lure a suitable woman into my life, I then have the added neurosis of worrying if they're gonna mess me around etc, which is no good for either of us. As it turns out, I wasn't wrong in the case of my ex! That was 3 years ago FFS and I still can't lighten up.

So no, not gay, not enjoying enforced celibacy, but also still trying to stop being a total twonk re the woman thing and coming up against that damn subconscious trust stumbling block, so resulting in the "sod it I can't be arsed, but I don't like the status quo" mentality. D'OH!

I'm sure I'll crack it, but between you and me I'm not willing to invest time in something until I'm sure of it. And by that point, the woman's a good mate, and yet another vicious circle appears!
penance said:
Worse thing about Cornwall is you have to go thru Plymouth to get out

Ah ah ah - but have you also noticed it's FREE to enter Cornwall, but you have to PAY to get out!? Another subtle irony - like anyone'd pay through choice to live there. My (adoptive) folks got moved there on a 6 month work contract in 1972. They didn't escape until 1999...

In Plymouth's defence:

  • Sir Francis Drake had some mild connection
  • Jack'n'Chill
  • The "Exit" sign
Never really sure what the g-spot was but there is a nice gland 3" in on the front, up yer bum....but thats a different story....for a different forum.

If real friends arn't you thing there is always us!
Peter Scowcroft said:
If real friends arn't you thing there is always us!

He he - cheers! I have a fair few "in real life" friends too, as a social, er, something or other! Just not got that "special" one (female - Bub!) yet :)

Penance - yep, Mutley used to crack me up as a kid - always seemed like a funny name for a place. Mind you, it's not as funny as Crapstone (just up the Tamar). Now THAT'S class!

Goomer - maybe Peter Andre can cover the Amoeba song - it's gotta be better than "Insania"? Or maybe Lister's "sham glam" band, to add to their set including "Ohm" :)
"(I *am* a Gemini!) "

Are you sure your not Gay? Only a very gay person believes in horoscopes.

Im a Scorpio.

penance said:
Im a Virgin

That's one good thing to say about one of my ex's...

I don't believe in horoscopes, but certainly all the Geminis I know have the split personality thing; not sure what the traits of the others are - isn't Scorpio possessive, or am I confusing that with another one?

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