A woman scorned

GAZZ said:
Do you go often then

It's something to do, innit? ;)

Oh - as for that old wives tale of it making you go blind, I was born totally blind and my eyesight's improving with age, so buhwahwahwahwah.

I don't work in a bank though.

As to anyone else, if you say you don't, you're a liar, and if you say you do...
domfjbrown said:
Wrong on both counts; right hand, and lust.

If I needed or wanted a woman right now, I'd pay for it. I don't need another one in my life as anything other than a mate right now, and I have enough of those :) Women are a liability from what I've seen - since I've never needed one when young, I certainly don't need one now. Sex is all well and good, but to have all the crap that goes with it in a relationship just isn't my bag.

Monogamy is a type of wood according to some people :) often it's "wood" that gets you into trouble too eh??? ;) Serial monogamy sounds alright to me, provided that's monogamy for no more than 6 months at a time (so the devious female can't start changing you and/or changing herself - always moving the flipping goalposts).

That said, there's still the pesky problem of that Bank Holiday bet...


Next time I get reeeaaaaallly depressed about endless singledom, as seems to be my lot these days, I shall seek out your posts in this thread and find consolation :cool:

I am not worthy!!!

Jon :notworthy
hmm, i was born blind aswell, i dont find the need to talk about it, or my masturbation habbits;)

But then, i know love exists and is not some concoction of naff emotions, as derived by those who have never loved:)
This is what makes ZeroGain so unique and good, it's a community of nutters and 'other things' - not just your standard audiophile!
Hey if its a choice between your hifi out the window or a knife to your knackers, I know I'd chose the window!

He got off lightly. I'd also take that as acceptable losses. Lose the hifi but hopefully end up with some new totty, fine by me.
penance said:
But then, i know love exists and is not some concoction of naff emotions, as derived by those who have never loved:)

If 50,000,000 Elvis fans can be wrong, then anyone who believes in that crock can be too :) Planktonic (spelt wrong I know!) love definitely exists - past that, my theory's correct. Prove love exists and I'll eat my words. It's just another myth to sell records with crap "baby oooh baby" lyrics.

Gazz - I know :)

I've never understand the English disease of not being open - about bank balances, house prices, bashing the bishop etc. All men do it - I bet my Franciscan monk uncle has as well - flesh is weak - buhwahwahwahhahahaha!

I'm with Professor Higgins on this one; if I keep this one up, I'll end up with Eliza Doolittle :) If she's anything like Audrey Hepburn, that'll do me - yeah baby yeah!

Hey Tenson - am I a nutter or an "other thing"??? Coming from Cornwall, both are highly likely - he he he...
I am in a very happy relation, with a girl i love very much. 9 years and going strong.

If you dont know what true love is, then youve missed something somewhere.
Frankly to state love is a crutch is offensive to people who do love.
penance said:
If you dont know what true love is, then youve missed something somewhere.
Frankly to state love is a crutch is offensive to people who do love.

Because you can feel something, that doesn't mean it's real... OK, I take it back, but no, I've never experienced (requited) true love. The nearest to it was a stupid 10-years stomach ache for some waste-of-space from old. Kind of jades you and puts you off being bothered.

Being single is great anyway - you can be a totally selfish git and answer to no-one, and you don't get told to "turn it down" or moaned at for wasting money on records while your SO buys shoes at a rate that puts Imelda Marcos to shame. Christ, if I needed or wanted that I'd move back to my folks'.

Remember - living on your own from five, and being betrayed by your birth mum at 3 months tends to make you VERY WARY of women! Not moaning, but it's a simple fact of life. Being disabled sucks, simply BECAUSE you're used to fighting tooth and nail for independance. Having someone else around to mess with that ain't top of the pops for me, unless she's heading in the same direction and willing to give as well as take. My last ex put me off for a long time, and the one before that was soooo long ago I think I was at school. THAT'S how hard it is for me to find one I'd want to let in as any more than mates (and then there's that vicious cycle of getting to know a woman well, then knowing you're compatible, but you want to remain mates - that's a real sod!).

Saying love is a crock is a great get out clause, even if it raises others' hairs. Until I find it, I'll disbelieve it. Sex is something much easier to believe in (although that's ANOTHER area my ex put me off in - biggest mistake of my life, that one!).

...plus I'm a lazy slob at that stuff. Hearing all the sob stories and domestic violence and agro with relationships doesn't help. It's NEVER like the movies after all, is it?
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Maybe, but none compared to most women. Half of them are unstable and money-grabbing, from what I can tell. Have you noticed how a lot of them stick with people they don't like because they're too wussy to live on their own?

The whole thing does my head in to be honest - I've got enough problems of my own without having to bolster someone else, only for them to back stab you and BBD you with someone with more cash and a nice house thanks.

SO yeah, issues definitely. When I meet someone female I can be arsed to deal with though, those tend to disappear. Happens once in a blue moon.

Must have been great back in the day, when a club and a cave would suffice, instead of going out on the pull and wasting money!
What a long thread.

1: love does exist, if you are yet to find it spend less time here and more time looking for girls. if you are female..which i doubt on this forum....look for girls tooo,they arenicer and don't smell so bad.

2: Cheating on somone who loves you is unforgivable...I don't know enough to judge, but by her reaction i think she did care.

3: If my wife chucked my hifi out the window i would be quie impressed....speakers 28 kg each, amps something similar.

4: Not all neighbours are cretins, mine are nice, i play my music VERY loud VERY occasionally. He ( i am assuming he) does the same. 1 nightof headache a month is ok if i can do the same. I have never had a complaint about my hifi. last time iplayed it loud, my wife said she knew what song i was playing when she was on the bridge. the bridge is on the other side of a main road.....on the other side of a park.

5:If you want to get revenge onsomeone youhave to be more creative.
The old get the guy wasted while some of your friends take the number off his door and repaint it. superglue the locks and turf his garden, steal the street sign on the wayout.

Try it, have you ever walked home drunk and been unable to find you house?

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