Your knowledge of all things science is impressive,as is your determination to persuade all non-believers that science and measurements offer the only route to HIFI nirvana.Except you forget one thing,religion is a faith and can't be bought with your science.In the same way you can't persuade the Naim forum that a DVD player costing £200 will only be bettered if a 5k Naim CDP is made with flawed engineering,you can't persuade anyone in here to forget their ears and thus their own tastes,and rely on scientific measurements.
You seem happy when listening to music that your gear compys with your own scientific view of how it 'works',and thus 'measures',which is good for you,it clearly keeps you happy.
But please,can you give it a rest in here? Its obvious to a blind man and a galloping 'hoss,that this forum is frequented by people who use HIFI as an ends to a means,i.e to enjoy music,but with some enjoyment of owning some nice equipment and admittedly,a smidgeon of scientific gratification.But you take this to a level that is getting a tad nauseating.
As has just been said in PF
I haven't heard bollox like this since the 80s, when they were hyping the first CD players.
just as they don't want to hear someone trash their expensive CDPs,some in here I'm sure can't be arsed to argue anymore about sciencific measurements of distortion/accuracy,whatever (I for one have lost the plot when it comes to figuring what point you and BD are trying to make).
I speak for myself obviously,the rest may disagree.God help me if i ever sit listening to music and start thinkng about this sort of stuff and forget to enjoy the music.You are the classic 'equipment' listener and as a result the classic HIFI bore.FFS man get a grip and listen to some Dylan,or any other music where lyrics are more important than the reproduction quality.Maybe soem flicker of emotion will batter the science into submission,although I doubt it. (Try 'Masters Of War',from The Freewheelin',its about the Cuban missile crisis,if that track has you trying to identify strengths in your scientific equipment you are fvcked,a basket case,and can't be helped)