An open post to the forum's Naim representatives

Maybe as Mick's ventured into the woods, I reckon some of you hard core sheep ought to come out of the flock and listen to music the Z/g way, I reckon a lot of you might be in for a shock, go on, go on, go on, go on, you know secretly you want to, the flock is losing it's appeal (so I'm told, by more disgruntled memebers that you same "Come by!!!" Too)
Got to be worth a try, might even hand cuff you to the sheppard even more, there is life beyond briks, sbls & 250's you know, and it's rather good too. Wm
Originally posted by Marco
Can I get a Bel Canto instead? (I know it's worth less, but it'll do).


Didn't realise the cost of a component was the best way of assessing its sound quality. Yet again Marco has shown us all how little we know. <<<exits to sound of one hand clapping>>>


i thought you were...
doctor: always about a week behind on sleep, dangerously out of it on a lethal cocktail of self prescribed drugs and alcohol. please be more consistent in future...

Well, you can fool some of the people some of the time. An early night is now about 12.30, I blame the music habit, but really it's me.
Originally posted by Marco

Shouldn't you be typing some articles for hi-fi plus or something instead?


Just finished one thanks for asking. It was only a cheap box so obviously sounded crap, much worse than one that was more expensive.


I hope that you removed the fuse, plugged it into a separate mains spur, and finally set it ablaze. Failure to take these simple steps will result in a severe impairment in your ability to really enjoy the musical flow and groove, like wot I do.

Furthermore, and moreover [cont page 94]
Originally posted by The Devil
... plugged it into ...

Plugged it into? Plugged it into!?!?! What are you babbling about man? The thing had to be hardwired to the taps of the 40kV to 240V transformer I have in the lounge. I know they are usually found up electric poles, but this was a snip at £10k. Problem is I have had it now for 6 months and it is only just running in (that and teh pervasive smell of PCBs and the hum). I have periods where the system sounds shite, but this must be run in because when I remember how much money I have spent I realise it must sound fantastic. I know for a fact that I'm not just adapting because I can remember perfectly the sound I had 6 months ago ;->


Jason, you are not taking my posts seriously enough. Why does everyone treat me with such disrespect? You may not know this, but I happen to be a very [cont page 94]

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