An open post to the forum's Naim representatives

i believe i have only posted here, maybe PFM
passed comment on your post that seemed in keeping with most other peoples opinions

Why answer a question with a question Barnie, are you hideing something?
Be an honest man and answer my question, go on, you know it makes sense!

just an observation, but wherever you've been lately, you seem to have got into scrapes. Maybe a period of not knocking people would be good, you can come across as somewhat vindictive.

I know the problem, I suffered the same. But once many inmates had met me in the flesh, they realised I really was a twat and took no further umbrage;)
I know the problem, I suffered the same. But once many inmates had met me in the flesh, they realised I really was a twat and took no further umbrage

rofl... well said merlin ;)

barnie, take a chill pill mate, life's too short.



My original response was



Mick....who has more Naim than Marco

PS this is to test if he gets wound up.

Thats it



"i believe i have only posted here, maybe PFM
passed comment on your post that seemed in keeping with most other peoples opinions"

Pah! so that's your justification eh! bloody sheep....
Re: penance

Originally posted by Barnie
"i believe i have only posted here, maybe PFM
passed comment on your post that seemed in keeping with most other peoples opinions"

Pah! so that's your justification eh! bloody sheep....

paranoid delusion is a recognised problem, there are people to help you.
If thats not your problem, explain your otburst like an adult!

paranoid delusion is a recognised problem, there are people to help you."

Yes and the sheep will soon be ready for shearing:D

"explain your otburst like an adult!"

So you think you can issue orders as where's that damn sheep dog..........
well, sorry to say Barnie
But you have serious problems, you need help

you can't even justify your own outburst can you? very childish!

you just rely on some come back that has no context here

maybe your a sheep cause you have speakers that other people use
or maybe all the sheep are right and you are in the wrong

or then again, maybe you do just have serious problem, go and get some help, you need it

try coming back with something your lil mind, instead of quoteing and makeing up some 5 year old comeback:rolleyes:

fyi: sheepdogs take orders and dont give them, you are slightly behind eh!

Just look at your scribblings, who is it that's loosing their cool? Perhaps you should take your own advice eh!

"sheepdogs take orders and dont give them, you are slightly behind eh!"

Yes, my orders to round up the who's behind?

LoL Robbo

Barnie, i fail to see your reason with this, apart from very stupid posts!
You obviously can not justify yourself by your blatent refusal to explain your original come back - hence you are not worth the bother

why dont you trot back to your paranoid little den where you have your own herd of sheep to lick you arse and believe your BS.

BTW - they are all out to get you, one day they will catch you and who knows..............
Re: Marco

Originally posted by mick parry

My original response was



Mick....who has more Naim than Marco

PS this is to test if he gets wound up.

Thats it



Mick, that seems fine to me - no probs. But why did you think such a completely innocuous comment would wind me up?


P.S Barnie, are you ok? You do seem unusually confrontational.
Winding up ?

Quote...."Mick, that seems fine to me - no probs. But why did you think such a completely innocuous comment would wind me up?"

Well it could have been the wrong time of the month or if Wrexham got thrashed over the weekend.


Ever so nice Mick
Arh the usual suspects, inviting us to indulge in their playground fantasies, now then gentleman & marco, choose your weapons, 5 levels of mana or sbls' :D face back to back, when bub drops the 'wooly hanky' I want you to walk ten paces then turn and press play on your 'expensive beat boxes' and the last man standing (from not laughing) is the winner, a packet of wine gums and a 2004 naim catalogue, so a worth fighting for prize guys :)

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