Any one else like Kyuss?

Did anyone else get Feathers by Dead Meadow? I bought it last year, been playing it lots. Kyuss fans should get on with it, its a bit like Kyuss doing a psyche tribute to early Sabbath with the singer from Spiritualized. Or something. Proper kick ass slow burning heavy psyche rock.
A few mp3s here. Not sure what the 'unreleased series' is about, Jump right in is on feathers, I thoroughly recommend you download it, its a beast, the ending is mind blowing.

EDIT: just downloaded the unreleased 'Jump Right In', it is different from the album version, not as good, the timing is slightly off towards the end and it doesn't have the screaming fuzz guitar the album has, check the album version first if possible.
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Paul V said:
Likewise, Pete, have a great weekend

Yeah, I did. Cheers Paul ;-)

Anex said:
Did anyone else Feathers by Dead Meadow?
Cheers for the nod Anex, Dead Meadow are right up my street, as it were! Sleepy Silver Door is currently grooving around my brain and I am working my way through the mp3 tracks. Need to get a few of their albums, I guess!
I assume Anex saw them at ATP in 2004 ? Pretty awesome they were ! I bought the 'Shivering King and Others' Lp off the drummer but was a bit disappointed by the sound quality - I realise it's garage rock but it doesn't have to sound like it was recorded in a bucket !

Is 'Feathers' any better in that department ? I'm still tempted even so...
johnfromnorwich said:
I bought the 'Shivering King and Others' Lp off the drummer but was a bit disappointed by the sound quality - I realise it's garage rock but it doesn't have to sound like it was recorded in a bucket !
Cripes, I thought that the "vocalist's mic in a different room" sound was due to the low bitrate mp3 format! That's a pity, but I'll still go for it.
No wasn't there John. Missing them this year too cuz going to the Mudhoney weekend instead :/

Feathers still sounds dark like Kyuss, comets on fire etc. but then its not really about vocals so doesn't bother me, you can hear them but you have to listen. Wouldn't say the sound is bad, just different though haven't heard Shivering King, hadn't heard of them before feathers.
johnfromnorwich said:
...'Shivering King and Others'...I realise it's garage rock but it doesn't have to sound like it was recorded in a bucket !
You're not wrong there! Jeez... I think they were monitoring this by playing the mix on a first gen mp3 player through cardboard speakers. Having said that, it's a good album. Good Moanin is kicking. Not bad, bought it on Sunday night, delivered this morning.
Yeah. I still like the album but it was a bit of a shock. I assume it's deliberate.
Live, they were using really retro equipment (tape echo rather than solid state, jim dunlop wah wahs, old amps) but the sound was pristine. I was in a bit of a mess by the time they came on ('third day of festival' syndrome) but I remember being struck by how young they were and trying to weigh up whether they ultimately amounted to more than a retro tribute act. I was really bowled over though. I hadn't thought of the Kyuss comparison before it was mentioned on here.

I saw Lungfish the same weekend and they had that same 'really repetetive but always different' kinda drone-rock quality.
johnfromnorwich said:
I saw Lungfish the same weekend and they had that same 'really repetetive but always different' kinda drone-rock quality.
Any recommendations for them? They have a fair few albums out.
johnfromnorwich said:
Yeah. I still like the album but it was a bit of a shock. I assume it's deliberate.
Live, they were using really retro equipment (tape echo rather than solid state, jim dunlop wah wahs, old amps) but the sound was pristine. I was in a bit of a mess by the time they came on ('third day of festival' syndrome) but I remember being struck by how young they were and trying to weigh up whether they ultimately amounted to more than a retro tribute act. I was really bowled over though. I hadn't thought of the Kyuss comparison before it was mentioned on here.

I think they're trying to recreate a drug haze type sound, a bit like the front cover, grainy and hazey but you can figure out whats going on. Whether it works or not is another matter but I like it :cool:
Are you going to this years ATP? Just booked the chalet for the Mudhoney/Yeah Yeah Yeahs/Devandra Banhart weekend. Rock on! :MILD: Really looking forward to seeing comets live, if what I've read is right it'll be LOUD
Anex said:
Are you going to this years ATP? Just booked the chalet for the Mudhoney/Yeah Yeah Yeahs/Devandra Banhart weekend. Rock on! :MILD: Really looking forward to seeing comets live, if what I've read is right it'll be LOUD

After the 2005 'Slint' debarcle I swore Mr Hogan would never see another cent of mine (I got caught out in 2003 as well, having bought tickets for the LA/Matt Groening one - only to have it postponed after I'd booked the flight). My attitude is softening slightly, but I'm taking an unpaid year out from my job to do an MSc at the moment so money is a bit tight. The people I've always gone with would take some convincing too (the Slint factor again). I'd love to see Boredoms again....Ah well.
rod said:
Any recommendations for them? They have a fair few albums out.

Talking Songs For Walking is pretty definitive. I'm less keen on the more recent stuff although I think that's the recordings rather than the material - live, they played a lot of songs from Love is Love and I really enjoyed them. Steve Albini was nodding along appreciatively, too.
What didn't you like about the slint one? Other than Mark Kozelek being replaced by Sons & Daughters, what were they thinking with that one?!
Not enough bands (24 or something rather than the 35 odd at previous festivals). This led to much later start times and a massive 'back and forth' between the upstairs and downstairs between sets rather than the staggered billing we usually get - also meaning that downstairs was totally rammed. Plus, with fewer bands to watch, there was more people just drinking constantly. Security was more heavyhanded than previous years too.

Also, the quality was a bit thin, I thought. Few good things: Slint (natch), Mogwai (but I've seen em 12 times already), Matmos (but the projectors weren't working), Melvins...erm not much else (rednails ? pearls and brass ?, early man ? five finger discount ? no thanks). Loads of scenesters too. Grumble grumble.

Overall, it felt like 'Slint + Support' rather than a balanced festival.
I thought pearls and brass were fantastic, bought the CD, its good. Early Man were class and I like the way all the indie kids cried and said it was 'cock rock' cuz it was heavy, Múm were lovely, Brightblack excellent as ever etc. I didn't think there was a bad act except Sons & Daughters. Red Nails were really unrehersed but I downloaded some of their stuff and its pretty good. Think it depends on how you look at it, they just picked stuff they didn't think people would know so they're exposing people to other stuff, thats why I picked the Mudhoney weekend, far more stuff I don't know.
Your right about the start times though, bloody annoying, did you watch early man? Ended up seeing about an hours worth of Dr. Hook videos before they finally came on stage.
TBH I kind of went to see Slint + support so I wasn't that bothered :D
checked Kyuss out after reading this thread.

downloaded and listened to a bunch of MP3's.

sorry, but its a bit turgid and musically bereft IMO.

I much prefer Queens of the stone age.

Oh, and 'songs for the deaf' is my favourite QOTSA album.

Just goes to show how individual a thing taste can be..

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