Anyone fancy meeting up

i should be able to make it but there's a chance i might not so if numbers get tight then i'll reluctantly give up my spot to someone else.....
How far from Brentwood are you ? got to collect some speakers next weekend would like to combine a visit :D
Ya-Boo said:
How far from Brentwood are you ? got to collect some speakers next weekend would like to combine a visit :D

What ya picking up? BTW, don't suppose you called me yesterday did you? Someone 'from the forum' did but I'm not sure who.
I'll look up on the map see if I can tie in a meet up
will confirm on the thread asap

Simon, nope was'nt me

Dev, all

Sorry, but I'm going to have to withdraw. Very late notice , I know, but my weekend has just dissappeared :(

Another time, I hope!
Hi Dev,

Once again appologies for not being able to make it,some other time maybe,have fun.

They disappeared Richard! I take that as a good sign.:)

A few had to cancel but 3DSonics, Julian2002, Sideshowbob, Rob Holt, SCIDB and Tenson made it and we spent the afternoon listening to the new AMR amp, CDP and speakers that Thorsten brought along.

It was an enjoyable afternoon, even though there was a bit too much kit swapping for my liking. I'll let the others comment on the kit in detail, but from my POV, AMR electonics are fine but speakers need a bit more work. The speakers had very good bass and treble but somehow didn't quite sound cohesive.

Here's a picture of the kit we listened to:-
many thanks to dev fo having us all round and a big thanks to his boss for the great food.
again a bit too much box swapping for my liking but it was interesting to hear the amr kit, and devs rougue amp even if it was only for a few minutes :(. good to see some old faces and put faces to names that i hadn;t met before.
i'd not really want to comment on the amr kit as a lot of the listening i did was in an unfamiliar room with unfamiliar music however i'd agree with dev;s assessment on the day. they did what they did really well though and to be fair they are adjustable so may just need a bit of fiddling with.

The room doesn't look right with those wimpy speakers in it. It's just not you.

Both Neil and I sadly missed the samosas but it doesn't really sound like my kind of thing. Did Ian and Dean bring any good music along?
They did Mike, but it was not as unusual as we have come to expect from Ian:D.

It was different to our previous get togethers as I've mentioned above, because Thorsten was felt brave enough to let us become reviewers for a day. So it became necessary to swap kit at times for comparison. It was good for me in a way because my oldest and cheapest speakers (Tannoy SRM10b that I paid £80 for a few years ago) were the ones most liked by the majority of the listeners. Having said that, the AMR's went much deeper and had greater clarity but there was something amiss. I'm sure they could be made to work very well by playing with positioning/toe-in etc. Also the AMRs come with taps (resistors) to change the characteristics of the crossovers. Still, it was nice to be able to simply plonk the Tannoys on stands and get the most "jelled" sound, even though they didn't go very deep or high, they just seemed "natural".

In summary though, I think Ian was probably deprived of a chance to show his usual (i.e. unusual for everyone else:D) taste in music. Still, a good day I think.
I should mention that everyone present was impressed by the build quality of all AMR kit, including the BIG flight cases that the electronics come in. The kit is back-breaking heavy and extremely well put together.

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