Anyone "Handy" interested in a DIY Turntable Project?

Just had a scoot round the web it seems there made of tin ?..but there relatively cheep and you could easily get half a kilo if you wanted. Being round they will find there own level and self stack..and vibrations will try to move the balls as it passes though converting to heat so the theory goes.
if anybody is after a platter from a gyrodec, let me know.

I still have it from when I upgraded to an Orbe platter a few years ago.
zanash said:
This metal is just to add mass ?

Not exactly,

The idea of building up the plinth from laminated plywood, with or without a steel plate was to produce a dense non resonant base for the bearing / platter and armboard, making the plinth with shot filled cavities would imo compromise the design.
I understand the reasons behind filling stands / speakers with shot or sand, but with a deck that seems like locking the stable door after the horse has bolted, (only necessary due to bad design)
I think we can make a less resonant deck with far better isolation from vibration via the original route. The reason I wanted to add the metal plate was to provide an enhanced interface between the bearing and the plinth. It seems pointless to ruin a quality bearing by screwing it onto plywood. By bolting the bearing to the metal you can guarantee a superior fixing, and by then laminating that into the plywood you end up with a more substantial structure, the bearing and lower plinth become in effect one piece, along with the added benefit of loads of mass. If we can make the whole deck as one unit (plus the compliant layer) and it has enough mass, then if mounted on sorborthane or similar feet it will be impervious to vibration.

I wait to be shot down in flames
A simple version here, based on one of my "dream turntables", here..

I personally think the idea is sound, nice and simple, although a pocket of lead could act as a means of converting any energy (into heat). Would there be that much energy in a plinth of that size and weight? I would doubt it.

Have you thought of using lead sheet as part of the constrained layer?
Paul Dimaline said:
Have you thought of using lead sheet as part of the constrained layer?

I had wanted to use a single sheet of metal about 9 - 10mm thick, however the cost and difficulty of working with this has lead (ha ha) me along the path of laminating several 3mm stainless sheets. Using lead sheet in the midle layer would be an excellent way of damping the stainless sheets without compromising the design.

I like the look of the dps's Paul, very slick.

Very impressed with your handywork on the turntable, looks very nice. :) How have you managed to get over the problem with the sub-platter / platter :confused: How is the motor mounted within the plinth ?
You need to be able to reduce transmited vibration, into through and out of the plinth. There was a very exotic isolation platform of a few years back that used the principle of moving layer made of small balls....this recieved good reviews at the time.

Adding steel IMO is a retrograde step, but I'm not doing the build !

The lead sheet is a good idea, if you go down the steel route. Maybe a copper grounded blanket will act as a faraday cage if you generate any stray fields. It would not need to be thick either, but would need to enclose the constrained layers to be effective.
granville said:
I wait to be shot down in flames

No flames from this direction, it makes sense, though I must say if we can avoid steel and it can be done cheaply then I'm all for it. To be honest I don't know whether there would be any issues with stray magnetic fields or not ... wouldn't want to be tempting fate though
My apologies Granville. I'll get it out tomorrow. Should be with you Monday or Tuesday. Been busy with the business.
Hi Granville,

All the bits are boxed and the courier booked. All things going well. Should be with you on Monday


PS. Courier collected Friday PM, so with you Monday
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Yes indeed, will post thoughts at a later date. Sorry for delay been feeling a bit rough of late :(
Have sourced some stainless, yet to order, just wanted to check all systems are go :) more specific post to follow.
Hi Tony

Now had the chance to take a good look at the bits.

Acrylic platter looks very nice indeed. The bearing looks well made, very low friction and no discernable play. Shame the shaft is mounted into aluminium, I hope it was a decision based on solid reasoning rather than cost. The motor is impressive looking, I've not had it up and running but I guess you have.

I have decided to go with the stainless steel rather than the aluminium, to keep the cost down I shall be laminating 2 pieces of 3mm stainless with some lead.
I aim to get up around 9 - 12mm thick for the bearing mount, depending on your feet. You need to let me have dimensions of your final choice or the actual feet.

I will also cut some trial sheets of ply and make a mock up of the fist half of the plinth.

Do you have a source of sorbathane sheet ? around 6 - 10mm thick would be good.

I'll post info and pics as I start to work on it.

Let me know if you have any issues re the above.


Granville I don't have a source of sheet sorbothane (though one might prove very handy for all kinds of reasons).

Does any else here know of a UK source - googling didn't seem to help. All I get is a load of stuff fpor sorbothane insrets for sports shoes.

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