Originally posted by wadia-miester
Cookie, stop humouring these inconsquenical creatures, merely teasing them, is but a waste of an long-ago theory, as you well know.
The fact the branch would never fall on your current form, is a concept these 'mortals' will never able to comprehend, yet alone begin to fathom![]()
If by some inexplicable Phenomenon, such as a black hole passing at near right angles to solar systems pivital axis, then you would just revert to your 'normal state', quiet puzzling these humans, when such passion is show for pieces of crudely formed apartus that generate a form of sonic distrubance in the surrounding local atmosphere, when they own impending distruction, is all but immanent, such triviality bemuses one ?, oh what an interesting species, shame oh relative spell on this 'Freak show' is so restrictive to our studies.
A fitting epitaph The Earth, showed promise, even understanding, but snuffed out, cruely by it's obsession with irrelevent misgivings and double blind testing, to realise that the universe waits for no man' shame really, some of the inhabitants show great forward thinking.
Excellent work WM. Your reputation on Alpha Centuri is not undeserved.
BTW, will there be any of those cheese cracker thingys on offer at the next proposed convention. These human ones, despite my misgivings, really know how to make a proper cracker.