Anyone heard the GBP7000 NAIM CD Player?

Originally posted by kermit
Out of interest , did you keep your trials in house or did you get some of the guy,s from the forum to try out some of the new kit as well ?

Ahh yes indeed, there is a good number of products that have been out for the second / third / fourth opinions.

Then there's the stuff we've brewed up for Naim. Obviously we're in no position to tell whether a brew works for the stuff or not.

Firstly we don't have any Naim, and secondly, even if we did, and we tried some stuff and liked it, it may not have sounded like Naim any more, which for most people it seems, is be a bad thing apparently ;) :D .

Richard, he's on a happy moment just at the minute, the Rover passed it's MOT so go easy on him, he's not let out much, too much of a strain on the heart you see. (Valves next I feel)
We've dne 50/50 trials some z/g's and customers, the rest in house abuse and strapped on rev-ometer till the needle bends. T.
Originally posted by kermit
The first think that came into my mind was a bit of shock here .
In that you you have originally made such a huge investment to reach where you are with your system and whilst you,ll come out with some spare cash in the end you,ll not have the estoric hifi that you have spent so long building .

But , after that initial reaction , I guess , your trying to say that you,ll have better sound without having all your money tied up .
Yep, you sussed it, that's what I'm hoping for at the end of the day Richard. :) Although TBH with you, the downgrade was forced slightly by having to leave a well paid job a few months ago, so what with the lack of similar salaried jobs around here that's what embarked me on to this route. A lot of my stuff was bought brand new originally, but now I'm looking at only the second hand market (or cheap foreign imports ;) ). So we'll see what happens...

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