Apropos nothing in particular

Alex, I'm sure your'll find things to be now 'Well Optimised'.
I'm lead to believe Steinheart amps Pre/power, Notts analogue spacedeck will be doing the anaolgue side, and some realitive unknown CDP will be present. T.
''A clear case of thread hijacking, I call it. Can't a guy post an innocent piece of commercial exploitation without being inundated with adverts for cheap travel? ''

More like a plug for the 4 days of piece and quiet a 35 ukp air ticket buys.
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Alex, I'm sure your'll find things to be now 'Well Optimised'.
Thanks for your kind words Alex. We'll do our best not to let the side down.

Just a word about the optimisation. I'm in a state of mild shock right now. For some time a certain member of this forum (who shall of course remain nameless) has been saying: "I'm not trying to be funny Steve but you've really got to rewire your speaker internals with our latest speaker cable". I've been saying, "yeah, yeah, I will", but thinking that changing a relatively short length of cable from reasonably good to better couldn't make much difference.

Anyway, with the show approaching and in an attempt to keep spirits high in the 'Seventh Veil - wired by Omiga Audio' room, I arranged with said member and his bat-eared partner to supply the cable for me to do the rewiring. "Surely I don't have to do the Little Awesomes as well" I said, "there's only a few inches of cable in there". "Yes," they informed me gravely, "the Little Awesomes" as well.

To cut a short story to its appropriate length, the results have been stunning. More clarity and space, which I was half expecting, and tighter, better-timed bass, which I wasn't. I'm well chuffed.

I think that there's something going on here which can't be explained by the laws of physics generally thought to be applicable (capacitance, inductance, resistance, rf interference, skin effect). Maybe there's a physicist out there who can apply his mind to explaining this but something is definitely going on. Either that or a certain member of this forum (who shall of course remain nameless) and his bat-eared partner should be burnt at the stake - after the show of course.
Originally posted by Robbo
Just to irritate ex members of the forum, the cable you were using before was...........;)
I believe it started with F, ended in C and had FR in the middle :D

So, Steve, which one has the bat ears, Tony or Tim? ;)

Whilst investigating projector/screen possibilities at my local emporium, I was given a recent copy of HiFi+ to take away.

Why does Roy Gregory bother? He writes the most irritating things in the most irritating way possible. He can't punctuate properly, and the majority of his text is actually meaningless if you can bear to examine the words he uses.

And he's editing the thing! Grrrr.
Originally posted by 7_V
I think that there's something going on here which can't be explained by the laws of physics generally thought to be applicable (capacitance, inductance, resistance, rf interference, skin effect). Maybe there's a physicist out there who can apply his mind to explaining this but something is definitely going on.
Don't you start too Steve :rolleyes: . Just because we don't know how to apply the laws of physics in this particular case (particularly tough without knowing the details of the cable construction...but commercial realities apply) doesn't require the invention of new species of oleaginous reptiles. Probably the person who has done most to explain the origins of cable effects would be Jon Risch (whoever he is)...seems to be the expert on DIY cables (although may have moved on to greater things since).

your're right. the prose in hifi plus is cloying at best. then again most other hifi mags are also poor also

Originally posted by Robbo
Just to irritate ex members of the forum, the cable you were using before was...........;)
Cat5 :shame:
Originally posted by michaelab
So, Steve, which one has the bat ears, Tony or Tim?
Michael, the clue was in: "I'm not trying to be funny Steve..."

Graham, Jon Risch is certainly considered to be one of the cable gurus. His work was what turned me on to Cat5 in the first place. I still can't find any explanations from him (or anyone) on the differences I heard. I probably should have kept quiet about it - intoxicated on music again, I guess. Incidentally, Jon Risch has also done some interesting work on home made bass-traps and room treatment.
Originally posted by Robbo

The main thing is your babies are singing better than ever. Looking forward to hearing them at Bristol.

Say what? This man is going to bring his babies to Bristol? And make them sing? And people want to come along to listen? To singing babies? Has nobody thought about the welfare of the babies in all of this?
Originally posted by notaclue
Say what? This man is going to bring his babies to Bristol? And make them sing? And people want to come along to listen? To singing babies? Has nobody thought about the welfare of the babies in all of this?
Hey, the 3 year old does a mean rap and anyway, someone's got to pay for the room. All this welfare business is political correctness gone mad.

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