Are M/F onto something?

you're all mental. the ONLY proper colour for hi-fi illumination is green. red is for turgid american toss and blue is for screechy hi-fi bollocks. you know it makes sense.


Arh But, (shortly to be converted) Brother Julian, for thou art mistaken my good fellow, for Blue is the one true path, forsake all other pale imitations, crude imposters try to fake the road to musical shangralar.
Blue is the colour Brothers, "And it became clear to them all, that Blue is the light that shines the way"
Members of Zero gain I give you 'The Blue Light Brothers'
Julian my dear chap

It may be true.
I now realise that my Shearne is just soooo much better.
I just had a quick listen after seeing it had a blue LED and guess what, it sounds wicked, wonderful a world beater even.

I may have seen the light (pun intended)
Rats - I've just shifted my i blue led, but it was on a DAC 20 so I guess it didn't count:o

The Linn & Creek are green, the Rega is red and the Yammy is orange - please help me find the road to absolution.. Not a set of traffic lights.

Does the blue glow from the 64 count??:D

The DAC64 with it's glow and window is even higher on the L337 scale (search the web for l337 if you don't understand).
I've heard that the gold anniversary blue LED edition is better. Tony - can you confirm this?

I guess this explains why they are 50% more expensive, but they do come in a nice presentation case.
Fellow Brothers of the Fellowship of the Blue Lights, you are seeking murth, where only Blue with surfice, Greg Gold is such a materialistic trait, you know in your heart of hearts, that BLUE has no equal, no peer, no pedistal tall enough, no stack of M*n* could ever equate to the House of Blue Light (Passable ablum, but do check out Mad Dog & Mitiz dupree)
For I say unto you' Let us rock' bathed in the glory of blue light, we shall over come, the mountain of mediaoracy that is just hifi and travel further, faster into the unknown, bring the BLUE light to those poor unfortunate souls, who's every day hum drum lives are affected by souless, tuneless and downright bland sound reproduction. Brothers the way is clear, the way is BLUE.
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And what shade of blue would sir like? lee 079? 119? 132? 161? 174? 181? there are many to chose from or are you a rosco man
In the beginning
Back in nineteen fifty-five
Man didn't know about a rock 'n' roll show
And all that jive
The white man had the smoltz
The black man had the blues
No one knew what they was gonna do
But Tchaikovsky had the news
He said -

"Let there be sound", and there was sound
"Let there be BLUE light", and there was BLUE light"
"Let there be drums", and there was drums
"Let there be guitar", and there was guitar
"Let there be rock"
I've known about this for a long time but decided to keep quiet about it. I use a single blue LED on my bass equalizer.

I've conducted blind tests - the tester holds empty wrappers of Quality Street chockies over the LED to change the colour; the listener is blind drunk.

I have to admit that the tests so far have been inconclusive. Nevertheless, I believe I'm on the verge of a grand unifying theory of sound quality, coloured LEDs, chocolate consumption and whiskey.
I do believe that good old rascal WM is recommending TWO blue lights, preferably large and bright ones.

Glad to see he's finally on the verge of getting the system up to scratch. I have to say, I've been aware of this for some time. The Sim kit has blindingly bright blue LED's (yes you actually can't look directly at them in the dark!). It sounds good. Just got my Microgroove plus. Clearly superior to the Microgroove. It's got a blue LED rather than a poxy green one. Obvious when you think about it. The effect is greatly enhanced by placing said components in a cabinet with frost glass, I beleive Robbo can confirm this.

Of course you really want big blue lights with meters, tone controls, glowing output devices and good music. Those searching for ultimate transparency, dynamic thwack and skybound soundstages will only end up being disappointed listening to the sound rather than the music;)
Merlin, you'll be wanting blue LEDs on the windscreen washer nozzles on your car next :D (I've heard it can give as much as 50bhp extra power)


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