Are M/F onto something?

You guys are missing the point here, There's absolutley nothing in the Box, just a pair of LED's with the wrong resistor on them', make em extra bright.
It's purely Physco-acoustical, a mere assault of the front periatile Lobe, and synaptic pathways leading to the main cognitive functions in right hemishpere, a Fix, flim flam, a mere hoodwinking of the grey matter, you all right, the DBT has come home to roost, I'm hooked really, I could have shifted 5 at least this afternoon, and it's all down to Wolfgang, so we've christened it the Woofie, so anyone up for a spot of real dbt?
Mike, you know that 2 extrabright LED's near the main central processor of the vehicle will give an undisputed 50+ brake, and on the wipers, man the sky's the limit :eek:
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:rds2: Errr......I am not sure what to say.

Funny. It seems one of my leg is much longer then the other one.
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Well I'm impressed.

Now I'm going to take my Notebook downstairs and work on the old business plan in front of the Arsenal-Chelsea rerun on the box.

If blue is the colour, is football the game?

A quote from Garyi in the Tag Gone Thread -

Tag tried to sell second rate pap with flashing blue lights to the general public.

Iwould seem that not everone likes the Blue LED.

A quote from me from the same thread -

FWIW I thought the Blue LED's where a stroke of genius and class, how many other companys are now copying Tagmclaren....Exposure...Rotel....MF ....etc.

Penance, feel safe in the Knowledge that a bank loan is not required, just some quality diamond blue LED's, and very small psu, rectifier and regulation, plus a resistor slightly too small for the job, in a stout black box.
Liberaly spinkle the leds diameterical opposed at the exact centre of the horizontal plane, plug in and hey presto instant upgrade, stunning results garanteed, miniscule outlay, maxium return, physco acoustics don't you just love' em.
So a big forum thanks to woofie :)
Brother Penance,

Your thoughts here at most welcome, the placement of the scared Blue in such areas are inspiring, however the Blue must be FULLY visiable in all its resplendant glory for the 'Effect' to work.
The Blue will weave its magical & wonderous spell across your entire audio spectrum, only if seen for its true worth, blazing brightly for all to see.
Come join the party brothers , for it is truley a uplifting & monumental experiance.
I turned my Shearne on its side last night, as the BLUE wasnt visable in the usual position.


Yet another upturn in musicality and enjoyment.
WM, i think i am getting the hang of this.
With extra long IC's i would be able to drap the BLUE light part over the front of my rack, from wence the light shall emit its lovely engulfing BLUEness across our living void.
No longer a void it shant be, for now the BLUE filled room of musicality is on the horizon of our unfulfilled lives.



and the nookie was better aswell
I saw my problems and I'll see the BLUE
We got a lovin' BLUE thing, we gotta feed it right
There ain't no danger we can go too far
We start believin' now that we can be BLUE - BLUE is the word

They think our BLUE is just a growin' pain
Why don't they understand? It's just a cryin' shame
Their lips are lyin', only BLUE is BLUE
We stop the fight right now, we got to be what we feel - BLUE is the

(BLUE is the word, is the word that you heard)
It's got a groove, it's got a meaning
BLUE is the time, is the place, is the motion
BLUE is the way we are feeling
I think the search for the Miles Davis induced LED colour is almost over - how about the new MF version.....

nee naw nee naw nee naw //lamboy
I feel empty, my hifi has red LEDs on the marantz kit, yellow on the superdac, blue LCD displays on the tuner and cd player...but not really much blue :(. My PC has muchos blueness though, guess its why I use it so much for music I guess :cool:

Isaac, buy in some blue LEDs for when I'm gonna get the superdac modded :D
Clearly blue LEDs in the SuperDAC are a must. Mine has blue casework as well, which will clearly add to the effect.

And I've just realised... The best capacitors have blue cans. Oscons, some BGs, FCs, Samwhas, etc... Clearly there is more to the blueness issue than we understand.

Of course, any components bought using an amex BLUE credit card will sound significantly better also.
You see it is possible to start an audio revolution on pure physco-samatics alone.
DBT is the way forwards BLUE is the colour.
Today my Blue leds have been brighter than ever, and my sounds so good, the connection has been missed for all these years, but no more :)
This is true for home cenema (;)) too....

everyone know that blue movies are the best:o :o :o

ta //lamboy

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