ATC active 10's

Originally posted by GrahamN
Funnier things do happen, and it would be interesting to hear your views, but I would say that the ATCs and your LVs are at the extreme opposite ends of the 'character' spectrum.

Could well be right!

Things are sounding very different now, in chez chris as WM would probly call it. Different deck, arm, dac, pre, pwr amp, interconnects and a lot of room acoustics have really made their differences. Only the speakers and speaker cables remain!

The new transport and the pwr amp returning from service/modification should see me in 7th heaven I hope, in the not too distant.

Ive always liked the studio sound (as I call it) aswell though. In small rooms I like the monitor thing. I just dont like it so much in big rooms, especially big rooms with bad acoustics, which I used to have! (hopefully cracked it now.. time will tell..)... but close up and personal, I do like to hear everything.

Hi Chris, I've ATCs and a big bad room, now with added squashed green paper as you suggested. It's a long way, but you never know till you know......
Hi Bub

My bad experiences of monitors in big rooms... is probably more down to using SMALL monitors in big rooms.

I used to run some AE1's in a 17/17 room with no carpet, and what sound there was, was thin and gutless.

Sitting 6 feet away from them though in the previous house, sounded great IMO.

What do you think of the green acoustic board? I really noticed a difference when I fitted it under my rug. Did you hear much?

( I hope so! or I'll feel guilty!!)
Ian - thanks for the offer. Kind of you.

It would be great to take it up at some point - not least of all to get a taster for some new music... you do have more ecletic and interesting taste than most.

We'll have to sort something out :)

Cheers matey
Yes, I think there's a slight change but it's a bit difficult to describe. More 'solid'??

TBH, the main reason I got them was to try to cut the noise a bit for my downstairs neighbour. Not that she has complained for months & months...Funnily enough I bumped into her as I was bringing them in the front door (I haven't seen her for weeks) and I showed her the boards, what they were for & my shining halo. She told me that she hadn't heard any noise for ages! Bloody hell!

Oh well, at least it means I can push it even louder, if I feel the need, without guilt.
yeah, thats it exactly.

Couldnt have thought of a better word for it myself.

The acoustic panels Ive made for behind the speakers had a similar effect all over again. Not an invisible improvement like the boards under the rug unfortunately, theyre enormous!

Still, I have no live-in-bird to appease, so thats ok. :D


... probably the best use for them however IMO is underneath carpet underlay.... you'd have acoustic boards, underlay, and then carpet, and then maybe a rug on top of that. Havent tried that combination, but I bet it would sound much better than just carpet/underlay.

.. "She told me that she hadn't heard any noise for ages! Bloody hell!"

That's because Alan and I rendered her stone deaf. You'll have no further trouble there.
Hi Chris,

I've had another good listen this pm, and I have to say that I owe you a debt of gratitude for these things. The best £18.95 I've spent in the audiophilia line. The whole picture is improved, more 'punch' more solid, more everything.

Nice one!

They work very well with my suspended wooden floor. I guess they stop a bit of bass leaking out through the floor.
What are these green boards of which you speak?

Chris, drop me a PM sometime and we'll arrange a mutually convenient date.

Graham, you barsteward. My amps are more powerful than yours, anyway, and that's all that matters, so there.

-- Ian
Hi Ian,

B&Q acoustic underlay tiles made from compressed paper. They are designed to go under laminate flooring, I think. I've shoved a few under my rugs, well worth a go.
ian - you can get them at B&Q. Ive seen similar ones at Focus, but the B&Q ones give some indication about their acoustic properties on the packaging, so a better bet IMHO.

they are designed to absorb noise .. footfall and such like.. and can go under carpets and laminate floors etc. They are compressed paper or something similar, and can be easily cut with a stanley knife.

I have them under my laminate.

Using them additionally under the rug on top of the laminate though helps quite a lot. Basically made the rug a lot more effective.

I also used them as one of the layers in my acoustic panels I made for behind the speakers.


Originally posted by sideshowbob
Graham, you barsteward. My amps are more powerful than yours, anyway, and that's all that matters, so there.

-- Ian
It's a fair cop guv...I conceed (although it's what you do with it that counts :p ). BTW, finally got around to buying a couple of legal Mingus CDs and a few Ellington too this week. You got that Goodman yet?
Originally posted by bottleneck
ian - you can get them at B&Q. Ive seen similar ones at Focus, but the B&Q ones give some indication about their acoustic properties on the packaging, so a better bet IMHO.

they are designed to absorb noise .. footfall and such like.. and can go under carpets and laminate floors etc. They are compressed paper or something similar, and can be easily cut with a stanley knife.

Ah, I know the stuff you mean.

Luckily I have concrete floors and a neighbour who never complains, but I might try it out, give her a break.

Graham, no luck finding the Goodman on vinyl, so I'll probably give in and get the seedy version.

-- Ian
Originally posted by bottleneck

I also used them as one of the layers in my acoustic panels I made for behind the speakers.




All in all, what did you end up doing to your room? Are the 'acoustic panels' for behind the speakers panel bass traps or something?

I just finished completely treating my room. I can't really tell hw much better it sounds though because I need to wait for my new speaks to arrive! But with the gear I have at the mo (technics amp and DIY Standmounters) It is very obvious that the bass is improved.

Be interested to know what you did?

I ended up with 2 panel bass traps, 6 helmholtz resonators (yet to be tuned), 4 broadband absorbers, 6 diffusers and some acoustic foam around here and there.

Originally posted by bottleneck (re: Sideshowbob)
........ not least of all to get a taster for some new music... you do have more ecletic and interesting taste than most.

Should I be reading between the lines here at all? ;)

I asked Ian on Saturday whether he'd managed to grab a handful of Plinque for the OA day, and he replied in the affirmative. Fortunately though, no one was hurt in the struggle .... :D:D


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