ATC studio monitors

The Devil said:
It's not only my opinion - that's the whole point. Leading lights in the recording industry rely on ATC - their reputations for producing good recordings depend on them.

I've never attacked PMC, but people who have heard them turn their noses up at the exaggerated bass from the transmission line. Probably impressive over a short demo, but this is exactly why you need to live with speakers for a while - to get a handle on what they can do. You are currently handle-less, hence the erroneous beliefs you have.

BUB It's not only my opinion - that's the whole point. Leading lights in the recording industry rely on monitors other than ATC - their reputations for producing good recordings depend on them.

I've never attacked ATC, but people who have heard them turn their noses up at the lack of accuracy. Probably impressive over a short demo, but this is exactly why you need to live with speakers for a while - to get a handle on what they can do. You are currently still on very defensive mode, hence the erroneous beliefs you have.

See Bub, anyone can type stuff like this but it does not make it 'the truth' it is only 'your thruth'. Do you wind everyone up that you come across in life or just here online?
You really should learn to question a bit more bub - there are other truths out there in the world. Not just one.
When I hear better speakers than the ATCs, I'll change. But I've not heard anything better in over 20 years of hi-fi nerdery, so it seems to be an unlikely proposition.
Take your hands off your ears. Mission and isobariks dont count. What have you heard from the same strata as the atcs?
Can I warmly recommend the Linn Akiva cartridge to you, Tony? It really is awesome. . . compared to a retipped Troika.

I was wondering why Bub had only made three thousand posts (and BV none at all) on PFM in the last day or two - he's been otherwise engaged.

Before Bub volunteers the MF9s, allow me - they are total crap - amusical yet inaccurate.
Yes I have been b****d. Give my regards to DL, Rejayce etc. I still look forward to a dem and being demmed if you are still on for it. Maybe you can petition for my return? ;).
MF9s were auditioned in an echo-y concrete cavern on the end of an enthusiastically-vibrating turntable of foreign provenance. Difficult to tell what they were like.

Alex, the Troika certainly saw off your current cartridge, whatever it was. It often comes down to set-up, old bean.
The Brinkmann EMT will demolish both - not that it is relevent to this thread ;-)
At least Dynavector make their own carts whereas Linn and Brinkmanship have to rely on other people.

Totally agree though bub, that Troika totally trounced the, er, thingamybob I may or may not have had at the time. Nontheless, I had to sell it to you because you're so nice.
Aw come on - its a different stylus cantilever motor assembly and a modified shell. Hardly any of the original remains!

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