ATC studio monitors

Sony, Telarc, etc have reputations of their own to uphold, and very large budgets for monitoring speakers, I would have thought. That they select ATC speaks volumes, and says nothing at all about their credulity.

You are attempting to blacken the reputations of three industry leaders. Why?
Sony telarc etc use atc in the studio to do a job. I am sure atc are fine at that job. That they select atc to do that job speaks volumes - about atcs ability to do that job. Which is not the job of reproducing music accurately for enjoyment in my opinion.

I am not trying to blacken anything - I am just stating that the reputation, reviews and hype are worthless. Products stand and fall by their performance. Which is average in this case.
Sony selected the ATCs to demonstrate their new (at the time) 5.1 SACD.

"Reproducing music accurately" is what hi-fi is all about, FFS!
Yes it is - but ATC adds something. Which is fine - possibly helpful for the studio. But it isnt music. Forget the marketing or silly comments about PMC from atc owners. Give them a listen.
Only bub cares. But unless I answer this drivel he keeps pestering me.

All speakers are flawed.
James, thanks you for understand, trust and best wishes :)
Fact still remains, both sets of speakers are for a very small minority.
So a slap on the back for I'm in the best monitor in the world club (parts 1 & 2)
Either way they would never grace any listening room of mine :p
brizonbiovizier said:
In your opinion.
Yes, but your opinion flies in the face of so many others. This is the wonderful thing about the 'net. Any Tom, Dick, or Harry can waltz along, give his worthless opinion, and people may actually listen to it. Instant Expert status, no effort/experience required, just like Tony here.

Your erroneous description of Lyra cartridges was bad enough, now we are treated to your offbeat views on ATC, Linn, and Naim. What's next?

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