Ive been told about this thread, and its compelled me to register and make my comments.
Firstly Hi Mike how you doing?
Sorry to see that this has gone this far, also please understand that at no time have i given your address to AFs , and that the information that AFs recieved regarding your purchases we given when asked "what has he purchased from MAX" at no time was it mentioned that there has been a dispute,
I also am one of the few to realise that its a free world out there and you can buy from whoever you wish, no crime in that
And with the advent of the Super Highway and the amount of information at our fingertips makes it easier to find out more about prices and availability of goods world wide.
I have done demonstrations for people who have no intentions of buying the items from me, but just want to use my facility , so to make sure that what they are buying elsewhere is what they want, as you can imagine this goes down well, especially finding out after i have done the demo and wasted time doing it.
But hey im a big boy and my shoulders are wide and i can take it, but at no time am i rude to people thats a different matter of attitudes towards fellow human beings.
Firstly you must realise that Mr Bozic cant help the way he responds to people, its in his nature, Black is Black and White is White, almost a superior attitude towards his customers, this works with some but not with others.
So the only way you can combat this is not to buy the product from him or any of his resellers, you have the last word.
In all my years of dealing with AFs i can honestly say ive had more confrontations with Mr Bozic than any others supplier, but i still choose to do business with AFs because i believe the products they represent are very good indeed.
I rise above it all and just get on with my job, trying to sell the best products and give people the opportuntity to hear them without making expensive mistakes.
My industry is in the decline and there are few of us left, there will come a day where you will have to buy this stuff "VERTUALLY" without being able to listen before you buy, that will be sad day indeed.
Support the guys who support you and afterall its only Hi-Fi