AudioFreaks are Nice Guys!

I would be interested to know however, how many of you who prefer not to order from the US, would order from a UK site that had sourced the kit for you?
I would definately be interested, but I see a couple of things things you would need to sort out first before you could start on a venture like this.

Firstly voltage conversion. You would need to build some kind of relationship with the manufacturers of the kit you import so that they would be prepared to supply you with the relevent bits. I wonder how easy this would be as you would probably be seen as undermining their distributors. You would also need to find a decent guy who can do all of the conversion work (not that hard really).

What about warranties? You would probably need to provide some kind of warranty, and what happens if repairs are required? How willing would the manufacturers be to send parts etc?

Finally, I see it as being very difficult to avoid the political backbiting and dirty tricks that the unhappy distributors would be likely to play - you are going to make a hell of a lot of enemies!

IMO, if you could address and overcome the above issues then it would be a much needed breath of fresh air, and I think you would find many punters willing to support such an ideal.

Just a few thoughts.

Originally posted by merlin
Wonderful Character this Branco chap! He's spent the whole afternoon issueing legal threats wait until he reads this thread :eek: :WMarrives

I don't think that anything libellous has been written here but I wonder whether, if he were to read this thread, he could make any claims about defmation etc. Anyone know what the legal issues surrounding this are?

I cant see anything defamatory. The mails merlin posted were the guys own words and any less complementary comments about the guy have been prefaced by the words 'sounds like a....', rather than 'he is a ...'

I would be very suprised if there is anything he can do except take it on the chin, and perhaps try to be nicer to the people he deals with in future!
I dont know audiofreaks (branco) but I have met John Roberts at MAX a couple of times and he was very professional and helpful. I've had a very good demo at his new church premises and plan to call him today about another (Ive got Amphion Xenons at the mo and would like to hear the new ProAcs to compare before I commit).

I would hope that MAX (if he reads this) would be pissed off with Branco as it sounds like Branco may have a habit of spoiling the supply chain by pissing off end customers.

I dont know audiofreaks (branco) but I have met John Roberts at MAX a couple of times and he was very professional and helpful. I've had a very good demo at his new church premises and plan to call him today about another (Ive got Amphion Xenons at the mo and would like to hear the new ProAcs to compare before I commit).

I would hope that MAX (if he reads this) would be pissed off with Branco as it sounds like Branco may have a habit of spoiling the supply chain by pissing off end customers.

I'd agree Lamboy, John has been courtious and knowledgable, although I've only visited him once to pick up the rack.

I am a bit miffed however that our friend Branco seems to have full details of my purchases from him and I can't hink of anyone else he would have got my home address from:(
(Ive got Amphion Xenons at the mo and would like to hear the new ProAcs to compare before I commit).

Would these be the new D25? I was very disappointed when I heard them at JJ's a few weeks ago. They were rather boom and tizz with a very recessed midrange. If this is how all new proacs are going to sound, they are losing the plot methinks:(
To be fair Neil, every new pair of Proacs I've heard have sounded like that. They take an age to run in from new (six Months is a good guide!) and I have a nasty feeling that the dem units out there will need time to mature.

Still it is possible that the new ones are just not to everyones taste, this AV lark is killing quality speakers, but I will reserve judgement until I have heard a well run in pair.
Yep - the new D range - not sure what the price points are yet, but any between 1500 and 2000.
Originally posted by michaelab wait until he reads this thread :eek: :WMarrives

I don't think that anything libellous has been written here but I wonder whether, if he were to read this thread, he could make any claims about defmation etc. Anyone know what the legal issues surrounding this are?


I don't think quoting his emails is an issue, I couldn't see a footnote, unlike mine at work that automatically carry :-

This is a PRIVATE message. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete without copying and kindly advise us by e-mail of the mistake in delivery. NOTE: Regardless of content, this e-mail shall not operate to bind *** to any order or other contract unless pursuant to explicit written agreement or government initiative expressly permitting the use of e-mail for such purpose.
Yeah thanks for that Sgt:)

The later emails did have just such a notice attached, hence i have not quoted directly from them.

But to say they are insulting is an understatement, the guy just seems to lose the plot to me. But to paraphrase, I am accused of being a fairly worthless individual of little moral fibre who mistakenly believes I can get for hundreds what he offers for thousands (or words to that effect).

I guess my setup must be an hallucination then:rolleyes: One thing is certain, I will not be buying any of the products he brings in ever again. I was going to upgrade the Pagode, but that will now be sold at a discounted price and I will purchase an alternative. And Avalons have been scratched from any possible future upgrade list.
I will not be buying any of the products he brings in ever again. I was going to upgrade the Pagode, but that will now be sold at a discounted price and I will purchase an alternative. And Avalons have been scratched from any possible future upgrade list.

And I am sure the same goes for many of the other readers of this forum. This guy certainly knows how to create good PR for himself:rolleyes:
I am accused of being a fairly worthless individual of little moral fibre who mistakenly believes I can get for hundreds what he offers for thousands (or words to that effect).

Well, obviously denying him a big fat wedge of you hard earned cash as profit for doing very little is completely immoral Mike. He has a right to get his hands on your money, didnt you know:)
Originally posted by lAmBoY
I cant afford Avalons anyways:)

Can you get me any cheaper ones Merlin?:D

How about a mint pair of Eidelons delivered to your door for 8K or Symbols for 1200 quid:eek: They are out there if you look.

I did have the D15 Proac, as well as the Response 1.5 (which I loved!) The D15 was new and not run in. It was bass heavy, closed in with a spitty treble. I'd be interested to hear a properly run in pair as Proacs are a totally different speaker once aged. This does make them an excellent s/h buy, the Response 2.5 in particular
Had a rather ''testy'' sales pitch from a certain high-end dealer in reading this week.

Hes previously been spoken about - thought he was ok, but changed my mind now. Chap acted like an arse IMHO, Im sorry to say.

Similar to merlins problem - this guys ethos was... literally....'' If you want to get the benefit of my experience you MUST promise to buy the product from me'' !!! ( I shit you not)

I worked in retail for five years, and never presumed to put any restriction on my help and advice. Doing so drives away the very business you are striving to generate!

I wish these dealers would realise that...

1) Enquiries are all part of the industry, and must be expected, encouraged, and assisted.

2) An enquiry might not lead to a sale, but it will lead to either satisfaction with the company, or dissatisfaction depending on how the enquiry is handled. One may lead to a sale, the other will not.

3) The second hand/ ex demonstration buyer is a neccessary part of the audio market, enabling others to buy new - secure as they are in the knowledge that they can sell their old equipment to help fund the new.

Is it just me, or is that just a mixture of logic and manners??
Originally posted by bottleneck
Had a rather ''testy'' sales pitch from a certain high-end dealer in reading this week.

I know the guy!!

I called in the summer to enquire about demoing Living Voice and Avalon speakers. The reply I got was "Well if you can't tell that Avalons are better than LV in all respects then you really shouldn't be buying hifi!"

Another classic when asking about a rigid shelf to isolate and support a projector was " No mate. We are a hifi shop. I suggest you try Ikea!". That was in Wycombe at a well known flat earth dealer.

I guess what we are seeing is a group of businessmen panicking with their backs to the wall as sales have plummited in an ever decreasing maket. But they sure ain't making it easy to feel sorry for them!!

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