bands that don't do it for you

amazingtrade said:
These days teenagers start at 10 and finish at 14. By the time they are 14 they think they are an adult. Its only ten years later they realise they weren't :)

Yo AT - can I directly quote you for this on my website??? It's got to be one of the best quotes I've EVER seen - so accurate!!!! (btw, since those tossers at, errr, a certain webhosting place couldn't or wouldn't accept my domain name renewal, my old is dead. I'd be adding it to this page when I redesign the site in the next few weeks.

Right - bands that don't do it for me:
Limp Jizkit/Stinkin' Arse
Keane (pass the razorblades)
Latter-day Radiohead (basically "Kid A" onwards, and also incuding "The bends" - of which only "Street spirit" is tolerable, though I bought "Hail to the thief" after hearing it at a mate's)
Kings of Leon (at least if some richardhead wants to snap up my 10inch vinyl for a song in 10 years I can humour them)
Beethoven (good openers, boring after - actually, that defines my view of almost ALL classical music!)
Barbara Streisland/Barry Manilow (did ANYONE actually like this shite????)
Mantovani (because I have to rifle through that crap every time I'm in a charity shop)
Crooners (barring Jim Morrison)
Oasis (surprise surprise - though I do have 3 of their CDs, and like "Definitely maybe")
Marilyn Manson (though it's covers singles are OK)

ELVIS! Overrated and mediocre at best - although I hope he DOES posthumously win the "most number ones" prize simply as it'd be quite amusing

And my thoughts on RnB etc mirror AmazingTrade's word for word!
lAmBoY said:
he can shove his big PMCs up his arse! fat junkie talentless twat that he is.

I think eh's simply spiffing - NOT!!!!

HOW THE HELL did I miss this fat prick!? Deliver me from hell! I bet you though that the prerecorded memory card of his "Greatest hits" will be worth a mint one day, should you be able to get one in Virgin (they were selling for £30ish).
Saab said:
hmmmmmmm,anyone regard Punk as anything more that part of social history? its great when SLF or the Pistols come on the radio,but does anyone actaully play it at home?

Yes - more frequently than the Beatles too :) Usually either the Pistols, UK subsand the Undertones, but sometimes some other stuff like The ruts and Stiff little fingers, and of course the wander that is "Snuff rock" by Abertos Y Los Trios Paranoias - how can you miss with lyrics like:
"'Cos living is a cliche
it's all been done before
death is the only thing
we've got left to live for"

Of course, the Albertos' are the Rutles of the punk scene - if you want to hear the Beatles properly, listen to "All you need is cash" by the Rutles :) It'll please the Beatles-haters anyway!

I really should have read through to the end of this one before replying FOUR TIMES though! BTW - the quote below is also by the Albertos'

Oh - "So has it now become the accepted norm to start a guitar band without the ability to play your instruments very well? Have standards dropped?" - well it's good enough for 70s punk, so why not naughties rock??? :)

And I forgot to mention:
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domfjbrown said:
Yo AT - can I directly quote you for this on my website??? It's got to be one of the best quotes I've EVER seen - so accurate!!!! (btw, since those tossers at, errr, a certain webhosting place couldn't or wouldn't accept my domain name renewal, my old is dead. I'd be adding it to this page when I redesign the site in the next few weeks.

Hiya yep feel free to you use it, it was just an observation I had when going past certain night clubs and see loads of 15 year olds arguing with bouncers who won't let them in for being under aged.

The funny thing is 18 year old suddently pretend to be 15 when they want to pay 40p on the bus, they want it both ways :)
domfjbrown said:
And I forgot to mention:

On that score you may wish to add Kenny G to your list :D ...but then again,he doesnt really play jazz.
Have just discovered this thread - good idea! Started out nice and contentious (Beatles, etc) but then seemed to lose its way a bit - found myself thinking it was bleedin' obvious that hardly anyone on this forum is going to argue that R Williams is their hero, for example. Mind you was also gobsmacked to see so much support for the Smiths!

So to get back to being contentious - maybe. I've bought quite a few albums recently based on reviews or recommendations, some of them on Zerogain:

Lambchop: can't remember the title someone here recommended but it's a recent one. Sorry, just don't get this. Tried on the hi-fi and didn't get the point. Before I ditch an album, I soak myself in it in the car to see if I'm just being a narrow-minded old bugger and if any aspect grows on me. Still absolutely awful. I'm sure the lead "singer" (now that's stretching the definition) might write some words which are deep and meaningful but is he just too arrogant to get a real singer into the band. I'll take Tom Waits for my misery any day!

Elbow: some cracking tracks on Cast of Thousands (needed the car test).

Nick Drake: promise and potential, yeah sure, but Five Leaves just sounds like a posh kid feeling sorry for himself.

Jeff Buckley/Grace: yes, remarkable vocal range and dexterity, and an annoying knack of getting his tunes stuck in my brain but "impressive" isn't what music is about to me, and I can't get into this. Failed car test.

Nitin Sawhney/Human etc: got Beyond Skin as a result of forum recommendation a while back and it has become one of my favourite albums ever. Never tire of listening to it. Went back to previous albums which had the odd really strong track but did not compare. Recently bought Human having put it off because I thought it was bound to disappoint... and it does. Big step back. Would love to see the guy live though - he got universal praise for recent gigs.

KIngs of Leon: I like the latest album (haven't heard anything earlier) - excellent driving music, a grower.

Norah Jones: love the first album, one of my favourites, but follow-up again a massive disappointment.

Decades ago I used to love Yes and Genesis but attempts at rekindling enthusiasm (mid-life crisis style) reveal it for the pretentious crap it was. Still love D Purple Machine Head though... any of you young whippersnappers out there who are still in denial should get a copy.

Stone Roses: Mid-2004 Observer "Best 100 Albums Ever" supplement was wide-ranging with inevitable splashes of Beatles, Stones, Hendrix, etc - a brave attempt. Got Stone Roses' first album on the basis of it being judged number one.... and I just don't get it. Nice, I suppose. Pleasant. But best album ever? You're having a larf....

For the record I am a guy who likes a broad range of stuff - classical (piano and chamber music more than most full orchestra stuff), some jazz (Coltrane/Love Supreme, Brubeck/Take Five) but not most, world (Buena Vista is a cliche now but still excellent), Led Zep II/III, Lemon Jelly, John Martyn/Solid Air, Tom Waits/Closing Time... and the list goes on. I do try to listen to stuff before I buy, and I do take note of reviews/recommendations, but I'm not sure that the latter are doing anything to increase my "hit rate" of buying stuff I at least like if not love.

So I'm going to ignore all the negative stuff in this thread and be my own judge... off to get myself a slice of Westlife!

That was a joke by the way.
Was having a conversation about with an asian lad on my course (although he is actually as British and as manc as me) but is a Muslem, he is one of the biggest Smith/Morrissey fans ever, people were taking the mick out of him because of it, there was 8 people in this group.

Basicaly me and this other lad won the argument, and by the end of the conversation the other 6 stopped having pops at the Smiths/Morrissey.

What people don't get about the Smiths is the irony of it, if Morrissey really was a racist we would not have dared write songs such as The Headmasters Ritual. People say the lyrics are depressing? How is a song about if you have a crash it dosn't matter because we will both die together and will both go to heaven and be happier depressing?

I've seen clubs in Manchester and Dublin full of people dancing and going mad for some of the slightly depressing Smiths songs as such as How Soon Is Now.

You can't really understand what Morrissey and Smiths is all about to you see him live, plus it helps living in the same area as Morrissey was from so much of the lyrics make instant sense with me.

I think the Stone Roses are good, but Ian Brown is a 'knob' to use his language and its all very overated. Still I like the music and can dance to it.

I am glad nobody on this thread has mentioned Joy Divison yet, if they do they will really feel my weight :D
pedant mode

a 'knob' is an item of door furniture

a nob is a penis

I think
Saab said:
pedant mode

a 'knob' is an item of door furniture

a nob is a penis

I think

I know, that is why I said it in inverted brackets, 'knob' is Ian Browns language not mine. Its a manc slang word I think, and I think it means a penis rather than a door handle, although I used to think people were calling me door handles when I got called it at school.
EVERYTHING is shite!! Except Milli Vanilli...

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Saab said:
pedant mode

a 'knob' is an item of door furniture

a nob is a penis

I think
[ultra pedant mode] A Knob is an item of door furniture, which is also used as a euphemism for a penis, wot with the way it sticks out and likes to be grabbed.
A Nob is a posh bloke, as in "Nobs and Toffs" [/ultra pedant mode]

And as for Lambchop, keep away unless you like your music only for it's recording quality.. If you want music that's called after sheep of any sort try Lamb - much more interesting in a Big Beat/Portishead sort of way.
Quite right. The mis-spelling of "knob" as "nob", to refer to a penis, is really irritating. Nob means someone posh, so if you're want to refer to a posh person as a penis, you would say "Look at that nob knob".

-- Ian
I did not know that!

So, if you were with someone posh and wanted to point out someone who was acting like a penis, you'd say 'look at that knob nob'.

Exactly! Or if an aristocrat was trying and failing to open a door, you could say "Turn the bloody knob nob knob".

-- Ian

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