bands that don't do it for you

Saab said:
hmmmmmmm,anyone regard Punk as anything more that part of social history? its great when SLF or the Pistols come on the radio,but does anyone actaully play it at home?

Yes, I listen to it lots :o but I'm too young to really 'get' punk as everyone else understands it perhaps, being 18 as I am :p

I do like The Ramones though (a very 'fashionable' band these days to wear a t-shirt of for some reason, but 9/10 people I meet wearing a ramones t-shirt haven't a clue about the music the ramones made...just about the image).

Occasionally I'll listen to the sex pistols, but more recent punk stuff that I listen to would include Bad Religion, some early Offspring, and a bit of Green Day (vastly overplayed on the radio at the moment, granted, but I prefer their early stuff anyway, 1039 Smoothed Out Slappy hours is a great punk album).

But I actually like Oasis so what do I know :p
Saab said:
hmmmmmmm,anyone regard Punk as anything more that part of social history? its great when SLF or the Pistols come on the radio,but does anyone actaully play it at home?

Yes I do :D There's a raw energy that is lacking in most music that can be addictive when in the right mood IMO. There were some great bands. Ruts, XTC, Blockheads, Stranglers, Buzzcocks and the Ramones to name a few. Remember the punk movement gave us many musicians that were both talented and went on to even better things.

Oh and the Mac Lads :D
slf were the dogs as far as their early albums go , inflammable material was top drewer , then , of course they went all shite.
as for bands i dont get , well lets see,

oasis , thers just no need , i want to be the beatles , fukc off camera man before i nut you , i hate my brother he's a nob. talk about any publisity is good publisity , pretentious twats i recon.

ok thers so many im gonna try and pin a few down genericaly

rappers who rap about their gold chains , big cars and mancions , what the f has happened to rap?
people who sing one word scentences backed by a keyboard and a drum machine such as demgirlsdemgirlswiddabigfatbootycumsitonmemelovley i mean really.
beautifull girl , piano , droll boring f;ing songs about nothing. and thers loads of them jumping on the band wagon calling them selves jazz artists when in fact the are really singing some kind of country and western , droll boring bollox.

my kettles boiling , i may have to come back to this.
Saab said:
hmmmmmmm,anyone regard Punk as anything more that part of social history? its great when SLF or the Pistols come on the radio,but does anyone actaully play it at home?

Anyone who doesn't listen to Wire, The Fall, The Gang of Four, PiL, The Clash's first album, the Pistols' Spunk sessions, Alternative TV, etc etc, on a regular basis, is missing out big time.

-- Ian
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I think you do reggae a big diservice. Ever heard Dennis Brown? Gregory Isaacs???

Do you remember 'Night nurse'? (no, not the childrens medicine:s) - not one for the pro-womens liberation army - but cool classics all the way.
sos iamboy i dident mean all reggea , just a lot of the more commercial crapp thats out there , you know the kind , the rap/reggea mix that you cant make out what their saying because they talk way to fast.
hmmmm,Sidesshowbob,i have all of them,but i just dont play them at home anymore,except Alternative Ulster,at least once a year,and California Uberales.Seems i need to revisit my vinyl collection
Play The Fall's Live at the Witch Trials, or Wire's Pink Flag, or the Gang of Four's Entertainment!, or PiL's Metal Box, and then try and think of 10 better records made subsequently by anybody. Can't be done ;-)

Never liked SLF myself, I always thought they were simply efficient Clash copyists (right down to having a reggae cover, where the Clash had "Police & Thieves" on the first album, SLF had "Johnny Was"). Amazing that they're still going!

-- Ian
If you class Johnny Rotten appearing on "I'm a failed celebrity please rescue my career" as "still going", then yes, I'll agree :D

Bands like Green Day are lame. Very lame. US 'punk' peaked in the 80s with bands like Mission of Burma, Minor Threat, Husker Du, Minutemen, Black Flag etc. A very rich vein of music. Albums like Husker Du's 'New Day Rising' and 'Zen Arcade' and the Minutmen's 'Double Nickles on the Dime' are genuine timeless classics. Forget Green Day.

Some Husker Du:

Some Minutemen: ocean 71 8-2-84/minutemen_miamibeach_8-2-84 (36).mp3
sideshowbob said:
Never liked SLF myself, I always thought they were simply efficient Clash copyists (right down to having a reggae cover, where the Clash had "Police & Thieves" on the first album, SLF had "Johnny Was"). Amazing that they're still going!

I like Inflammable Material a lot, its a great album - definitely one to crank up and its not as if their cover of Johny Was is bad (rather good in fact) - can't say I liked their other albums though.
Hey - lay off The Smiths! One of the best guitarists around - a fantastic riff-meister and not too shabby on the old 12 string acoustic - plus a great (opinionated) lyricist.

I can appreciate that some might have found Morrissey's sullen delivery rather depressing but they were still worth 10 times most of the dross you hear on the wireless these days.

As for bands that don't do it for me - Travis, Coldplay - they have some nicely constructed songs but I just don't believe there's any heart and soul in what they are singing - they're going through the motions if you like.


sideshowbob said:
the Clash had "Police & Thieves" on the first album,

Considered by the one and only Mr Perry to be the single worst piece of music of the 20th century ;)
Said Mr. Perry of course produced the Clash's "Complete Control", one of the finest singles of the 20th Century.

Perry was cool with punk, hence "Punky Reggae Party" and the like. Don Letts was the house DJ at the Roxy after all, and almost exclusively played dub.

-- Ian
Absolutely agree Ian, but he was far from enamoured with Poleece an Teeves - maybe he thought he'd help out in future to prevent further embarassments :D

I have to say, Armagiddeon Time was somewhat more memorable than the Willy Williams version and could be guaranteed to get those skinheads stomping at the Buttery Bar all those years ago :D
Matt F said:
Hey - lay off The Smiths! One of the best guitarists around - a fantastic riff-meister and not too shabby on the old 12 string acoustic - plus a great (opinionated) lyricist.

I can appreciate that some might have found Morrissey's sullen delivery rather depressing but they were still worth 10 times most of the dross you hear on the wireless these days.

As for bands that don't do it for me - Travis, Coldplay - they have some nicely constructed songs but I just don't believe there's any heart and soul in what they are singing - they're going through the motions if you like.



Yeah I am not quite so much of a fan of the Morrissey albums, I have most of them and I am buying Viva Hate on 12" tomorrow. However some of his lyrics are more depressing than the songs he wrote for the Smiths. I personaly don't think any of the Smith's songs are that depressing, most of them are just irony's some of them are even funny (Frankly Mr Shankly) and Some Mothers are bigger than oithers.

I must admit a year ago I hadn't really heared much Smith's stuff I admit I am a new fan, but having got every single Smiths album, most Morrissey ones, and having seen (hopefully) two Morrissey gigs by the end of year its safe to assume I am a fan.

I think You Are the Quarry is Morrissey's best solo album, its one of them albums that has really grown on me. I also own a rare 12" double thickness version of that album :)

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