Bel Canto

I was being somewhat sarcastic. I doubt very much that any amp "needs" power conditioning, whether it's a digital amp or not.

-- Ian
sideshowbob said:
Oh dear, I use a digital amp and have no power conditioning. Perhaps it doesn't sound any good. Then again, perhaps it does. Or does this conditioning requirement only apply to Bel Canto?
Ditto. I have even experimented with a Trichord powerblock on my digital amp and it made absolutely no difference to the sound at all. Just as it made no difference when I tried it on my CD transport or DAC64.

merlin said:
I'd agree that the mids on most PWM amps are to be found lacking - I would however point out that this is barely noticable with power conditioning. It does not take a genius to understand why, just someone without blinkers on.
So, people who hear no difference with power conditioners are blinkered now are they? Perhaps those who do just have a vivid imagination ;)

Not going to get dragged screaming back in to the folly of forum life but all I'll say Lawrie is try it! Yes on the AR too! Yes Ian, with the Sonateer!

Don't if you'd rather not find out if there is an improvement however - unless you can convince yourself it's all in the imagination ;)
Come on Merlin, you can do better than that. Let's have a fight!

I'll start: power conditioners, without exception, kill the groove.

Your turn. :D

-- Ian
sideshowbob said:
Come on Merlin, you can do better than that. Let's have a fight!

I'll start: power conditioners, without exception, kill the groove.

Your turn. :D

-- Ian

So Brotzman & power conditioners are symbiotic then :)
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michaelab said:
So, people who hear no difference with power conditioners are blinkered now are they? Perhaps those who do just have a vivid imagination ;)


Michael no - you are simply deaf, ignorant, blinkered and cynical these days. I have no idea what caused this transformation - whether it was linked to your financial situation or not- but I do find it amusing that you run a hifi forum when you confess to having absolutely no interest whatsoever in the subject anymore. Why do you do it? Is it simply to poke fun in an infantile fashion at those who actually do have an interest?
Ah I see. If you're not winning the argument, just bang your fist on the table harder. Shame that your sense of humour didn't return with you to the forum.

merlin said:
Michael no - you are simply deaf, ignorant, blinkered and cynical these days. I have no idea what caused this transformation - whether it was linked to your financial situation or not- but I do find it amusing that you run a hifi forum when you confess to having absolutely no interest whatsoever in the subject anymore. Why do you do it? Is it simply to poke fun in an infantile fashion at those who actually do have an interest?

Mike, steady on sir that a bit strong ;) I mean your no IMPILING that some-one can't hear anything and is being dumbed off, surely sir this never ever happens on hifi forums & would be considered rude and vermountly contested :confused:
Although I do feel your statement has some merit
I believe the owner of Bel Canto uses an Eichmann AC Power cable and its not a power conditioner, just a cable with a big fat blue thing in the middle.

I got one of these (the cable, not a BC), and it seems to work for me, or maybe I'm just hearing things. :D
yogus said:
I believe the owner of Bel Canto uses an Eichmann AC Power cable

The owner of BelCanto is a businessman first and foremost.

Shame that your sense of humour didn't return with you to the forum.

Maybe it's you who's not laughing Michael ;)
yogus said:
I believe the owner of Bel Canto uses an Eichmann AC Power cable and its not a power conditioner, just a cable with a big fat blue thing in the middle.
Ah yes, I remember seeing those on sale in Taipei last winter. Won't tell you how much they were on sale for. You'd cry :D
On one point I agree with Lawrie :eek: :D : if any piece of hifi gear needs a power conditioner to sound any good then it's just badly designed, simple as that. If BCs are throwing switching grunge onto the mains (just an example) then they have very poorly designed power supplies.

Take a look inside a Trichord powerblock and you'll see it's not rocket science. Just a big toroidal encased in some black gunk - that's it.

michaelab said:
Ditto. I have even experimented with a Trichord powerblock on my digital amp and it made absolutely no difference to the sound at all

I also had a Trichord 500,made no differance what so ever to my ears

I also had a PS audio conditioner for a while before it expired :(
now this IMO did have an marked effect

I believe that mains conditioner's power cable's do work to varying
degrees, biggest improvement I found was the PS audio with the Audio Research hybrid pre-amps I used, and they both had the old captive mains cables

Unlike a lot of people on here.. I say what I DO hear,not what people say I SHOULD hear...........and take with a pinch of salt The MASSIVE improvements claimed by some of the specialist tweakers who take as read there ear's are better equiped than our's
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Just out of interest what are you using now? Still the Proacs or something else?

Tell all, its more interesting than whether I should use a power lead into belcantos! (to me!)


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