ben to night bentonite ?

This should be a hobby were peoples ideas should be tolerated may not agree with his fiscal strategy, you may not think the units purchased have any merit, but I'd have thought it would be common sense to at least try something before dismissing it ?

You'd look very stupid if these items do what they claim I have no idea ...

Those that know me ...know that I only post when I find things work ....

if you don't like the thought of using this idea ..then don't post or read about it..... this is not the hifi and av section were general discussions occur ...this I remind you is the DIY section for those people who occasionally get off there over weight donkeys and actually do something... rather than sit in front of there pc's pontificating about things they clearly have no knowledge.

So who wants to try the idea ?
well, if it was a choice between this guy upgrading his hifi or running around iknifing people - I know what I'd prefer to read about...
also we should remember everyone has an opinion even if its currently out of fashion ...and as long as its not breaching the rules has as much right to heard as any other.

if you don't like the thought of using this idea ..then don't post or read about it

Make your mind up.
the man looks mad :)
but who cares, have a little giggle and carry on, he has just gone ott. doesn't mean the idea is rubbish.

the world was flat once remember. :)
I think amateur experimenters should be encouraged.......

just maybe not this guy :D

cheers for sharing the idea btw.
I might try it for 2 quid !!
This should be a hobby were peoples ideas should be tolerated

Well it should be yes, the reality however is rather different - as reality often is.

I'd have thought it would be common sense to at least try something before dismissing it ?

In a sense yes and in a sense no - I've never tried taking my contact lenses out with a scalpel but I still believe it to be a bad idea; in fact, there are thousands of things I've never tried that I think would be a bad idea, that's partly the reason people don't try them.

You'd look very stupid if these items do what they claim

No one won't look stupid - 'very mildly foolish for a short' moment at worst - Let's put things into context, we're not talking about discovering hard proof that God does exist or that the Scientologists were right all along - it's only a 'slightly nutty' tweak.

Those that know me ...know that I only post when I find things work ....

Well I don't know you but you seem like a nice, honest chap. However, I think pretty much everybody who posts believes in the content, the truth, of their posts - doesn't make it actual fact though, belief and fact being quite different things :-) (or not in some peoples belief structures).

if you don't like the thought of using this idea ..then don't post or read about it..... this is not the hifi and av section were general discussions occur ...this I remind you is the DIY section for those people who occasionally get off there over weight donkeys and actually do something... rather than sit in front of there pc's pontificating about things they clearly have no knowledge.

'Don't read about it' - a bit extreme don't you think, it's not easy to un-read something. 'Don't post about it' this is a Hi-Fi discussion forum - this is the 'nature of the beast'. At least this particular thread hasn't degenerated into in-jokes or wildly off-topic discussion (yet). I've done quite a lot of experimentation (mostly relating to turntable design and construction) but I've given up on posting the results now - I just don't think people are interested. I quite agree with the sentiment though - most posts I read that relate to my particular are of interest are entirely conjecture and 'armchair theorising', far too few people are prepared to do any experimentation for themselves. A recent thread (on another forum) on turntable drive systems is a good example. Most 'evidence' consisted off 'I owned a TT with drive A and then one with drive B and I proffered B so that drive system must be better' - it's so simplistic a conclusion as to be laughable - I owned a grey car and a black car, the black car was quicker so all black cars must be quicker than grey ones! My point is that people are entitled to write nonsense, one can't control this. I'm afraid the only solution to avoid this problem it to either not post the thread in the first place or not read the responses to your thread, or not be a member of any on-line discussion forums – this last worked well for me for many years and may yet prove to be the best solution.

So who wants to try the idea ?

Not (yet) tempted to try this exact idea (though I believe a friend is about to try it and no doubt I will get to try his experimental rig) but it has encouraged me to look at improving my earth to my Hi-Fi spur. I had a separate earth at my old house but have never got round to doing one for this house.
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Save you having to "wet" the bentonite then :) and could sound better than using water....
Its not crap you need Dev, but something capable of absorbing crap.....such as gullable audiophools :)
Have I read this correctly: a 2kg container of wet cat litter is attached to the ground of a pre-amp or other hifi device using a suitable cable? For £2 it has to be one of the cheapest DIY I've seen :)

Is there any scientific principle behind this and how it might improve the sound of a system?
If you want to improve the grounding of your system you really could b better off, going outside the nearest window, digging a deep hole in the ground and berrying a long aluminum rod in there. Run a wire from it to your system. If it gets a bit dry outside, go out and water that patch of ground ;)
I've been into basic physics long enough to disagree fundamentally.

(I'll leave it there - not looking to provoke another negative thread!)
All I remember about clay from years ago is something along these lines:

"Very fine particles. Very large surface area; charged to hold ions. Good water retention and ability to hold onto nutrients."
All I remember about clay from years ago is something along these lines:

"Very fine particles. Very large surface area; charged to hold ions. Good water retention and ability to hold onto nutrients."

True enough but dry it out a bit and any remaining moisture is locked into the small capillaries like glue.

ie plants don't stand a chance!

Soil science from 20years ago.....:)
i'll try this but only because it is cheap and only because it shouldn't work; ie unsupported by any relevant science.

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