ben to night bentonite ?

True enough but dry it out a bit and any remaining moisture is locked into the small capillaries like glue.

ie plants don't stand a chance!

Soil science from 20years ago.....:)

Very true. My garden is made up of the stuff. The lawns full of moss as it doesnt drain properly.
I just tried this tweak and I say it works!

No, I haven't (double) blind tested ................but as far as i'm concerned (I just played a well known (to me) cd) and the prrsentation was VERY different to last time ( actually only afew days ago) I played it.

soundsatge ( a bit)
Detail ( I heard detail don't belive I've heared before)

Thats my opinion, anyway!

Gets two of these....

:) :)

Cheers Pete.

(edit; as has been noted; about on a par with a cable change)
yep ...thats about what I'm getting ....

glad the bits arrived without mishap .....

anyone else want a few ounces of cat litter ? me if you do just cost you the postage.

Not nght/day.

Just kind of an all round improvement in everything; postioning, placement, precision of instruments, etc..
I just tried this tweak and I say it works!
No, I haven't (double) blind tested ................but as far as i'm concerned (I just played a well known (to me) cd) and the prrsentation was VERY different to last time ( actually only afew days ago) I played it.

I'm a bit sceptical that you can remember the difference between a tracks presentation from a few days ago and today...especially as you say the difference is subtle. I would be more inclined tobelieve you would remember a difference if the said differecne was significant. Your memory must be photographic.

Note I am not disputing whether said tweak works or not.
I'm a bit sceptical that you can remember the difference between a tracks presentation from a few days ago and today...especially as you say the difference is subtle.

IMO such observation can be made.

Its a recording I know exceedingly well.

I began by playing a recently aquired recording....and changed it for that precise reason.

I would be more inclined tobelieve you would remember a difference if the said differecne was significant.

Perhpts that what I should have said.

In fairness I think perhpts I should say it was bordering on the significant.

In view of Petes comments on its sublety I was quite surprised how much differnce there was.

Your memory must be photographic.

Oh Dear God.........I wish!!!! :(

Note I am not disputing whether said tweak works or not.



I guess the thing to do is to try investment of about £5 max!
Well was it VERY different or not night and day?


Night and day to me is .....just that.

A complete transfromation.

No, it wasn't that but.....

It was very different.

Is that not fair enough?

I agree with Kmac.

Please see my reply above.


Again, maybe the thing to do is to try it.

I would be interested to know hear your opinion.
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Crikey what a thread!

...just an opinion... :)
The most important thing about 'imagined' things is that they're 'real'... not just that we all live in a single reality shared by no one else with common points of reference to help us interact and cooperate with one another, but that the 'placebo' effect has been demonstrated to be real and does make/help people get better if they are ill. It's also true that medication tends to work less well if the person taking it thinks it's a waste of time; and that a positive attitude contributes hugely to recovery after illness or surgery. All thoroughly and properly researched and repeatable.

So, sitting in front of my hi-fi, if I believe (or expect) this or that will make a difference, it quite possibly will and not only that, the difference will be 'real'. I might be the only person that can hear it of course, but I can hear it :D
Crikey what a thread!

...just an opinion... :)
The most important thing about 'imagined' things is that they're 'real'... not just that we all live in a single reality shared by no one else with common points of reference to help us interact and cooperate with one another, but that the 'placebo' effect has been demonstrated to be real and does make/help people get better if they are ill. It's also true that medication tends to work less well if the person taking it thinks it's a waste of time; and that a positive attitude contributes hugely to recovery after illness or surgery. All thoroughly and properly researched and repeatable.

So, sitting in front of my hi-fi, if I believe (or expect) this or that will make a difference, it quite possibly will and not only that, the difference will be 'real'. I might be the only person that can hear it of course, but I can hear it :D


Its possible!

I don't dispute it! (but I don't beleive so)

...but just as you may place doubt on the factual accuracy of my opinion, I can also suggest that your post is equally an opinion, not absolute fact!

A fair observation?

......but instead of just reading my review (dare I call it a test?) and telling me i'm talking a load of s**t, you might consider testing it for yourself and then you'd know a first hand whether I'm talking a load of s**t?!

I don't beleive you can make the observation properly without!


ah ....apologies......your first line.

I think the post still has a ring of trueth about it?
bottle of organic whitstable ale currently drinking now, £1.99,
pay money, make choice :)

Ok, but as I write (7.37pm) I suspect your bottle of beer has been despatched (with untold affects up on your brain, liver...if not to say your ........dare I say it....:eek:...your calory intake ;))

My hifi is still sounding better and will be tomorrow ...and the day after .....etc etc ( with no physical side effects of course)


Edit; alright In my estimation it will still etc etc
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i don't think corky was esposuing the 'you are fuill of shit line'.

More an acceptance that in cases where a difference may not be provable, that the sefl sugestion of a difference may be enough to infact make us perceive a difference as existing.

a completely seperate thing to whether this does make a difference.

I beleive as much in nocebo as placebo. if you think peter Belt things make a differnece then you truly do experience something.

and let's be honest that's far more fun than just being grumpy old men.

viva la perceived imaginary differnece.

i'm off to tescos...
aaah but few (surely none?) would argue that my beer DEFINATELY had a effect :)

Ok, but as I write (7.37pm) I suspect your bottle of beer has been despatched (with untold affects up on your brain, liver...if not to say your ........dare I say it....:eek:...your calory intake ;))

My hifi is still sounding better and will be tomorrow ...and the day after .....etc etc ( with no physical side effects of course)


Edit; alright In my estimation it will still etc etc
aaah but few (surely none?) would argue that my beer DEFINATELY had a effect :)

I can hardly argue with to any extent as I'more than a little partle to the od canny myself.

I'm prob just sore a strained back = little exercise (also no job at the moment!) = no calory burning = no alcohol.....
i don't think corky was esposuing the 'you are fuill of shit line'.


phew - that's a relief. I didn't think I was either. Hope I never do (espouse the yafos line) though I might by accident. Another piece of research I half remember - 70% of email is misunderstood :D

Sorry if what I posted suggested any dissing of your view DavidF; not intended I promise. Yes, just my opinion. Well, more my fascination really - I work in a world a long way from 'fact' - I'm a counsellor and psychotherapist :)

One of the difficult balancing acts that I imagine this field has to deal with is the 'reality' of physics and engineering and the 'reality' of perception. That could be why it's so intriguing to me as I know practically nothing about engineering or physics beyond school stuff but know quite a lot about people and what makes us 'perceive'.
i don't think corky was esposuing the 'you are fuill of shit line'.

More an acceptance that in cases where a difference may not be provable, that the sefl sugestion of a difference may be enough to infact make us perceive a difference as existing.

a completely seperate thing to whether this does make a difference.

I beleive as much in nocebo as placebo. if you think peter Belt things make a differnece then you truly do experience something.

and let's be honest that's far more fun than just being grumpy old men.

viva la perceived imaginary differnece.

i'm off to tescos...

When I (just) re read my reply to corky I have to say I was slightly taken aback my own abruptness :( :o.

Perhpts it a reaction from days gone by.......

I guess all you say is true, or is possible at least.

Unfortunatley I have neither the time nor the inclination to start taking stuff apart again to A/B so the mattter will have to be left unproven.

So, I play a cd regularly hearing much the same stuff, install Petes cat litter idea, then percieive fairly major improvments incliuding instruments not heared before ......and say it could be in the mind.....?

Dare I suggest it, is there mileage in this on a big scale?

Could I end up with a ££££££ system just by putting in (placebo) tweaks?

The snag is (IME) some don't work! (as I know all too well from playing with cones +BBs)

How do we account for that?
phew - that's a relief. I didn't think - 70% of email is misunderstood :D

I can well beleive it

Sorry if what I posted suggested any dissing of your view DavidF; not intended I promise.

not at all

I wa sapologising to you for being a bit agressive

Yes, just my opinion. Well, more my fascination really - I work in a world a long way from 'fact' - I'm a counsellor and psychotherapist :)

what a fascinating combination!

One of the difficult balancing acts that I imagine this field has to deal with is the 'reality' of physics and engineering and the 'reality' of perception. That could be why it's so intriguing to me as I know practically nothing about engineering or physics beyond school stuff but know quite a lot about people and what makes us 'perceive'.

I've deleted some posts and yet again I feel the need to ask you guys to pay attention to the AUP. Please refrain from using abusive language and baiting.


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