
So quit whining and buy a Denon, Rotel or a NAD amp.

Firms that can afford to pay decent designers. Never seen any pro guys use a Naim.
I'm perfectly happy with what I've got thank you very much. I'm merely expressing my thoughts on Naim's new range of gear.

I'll leave the Denon and Rotel for you.


I already has been constructive, in trying to save people money and build a super rig like mine that shifts air and really rocks.

The Japs do electronic stuff better than europeans and Britain and America make the best speakers.
all in your opinion of course

maybe you could be less abrasive in your methods.
And you cant blanket say that the japs make better electronics. Most jap companies use out sourceing for thier manufacture, and so the parts are made in other countries my semi skilled labour. So not better, or even close in a lot of cases. You may think it was made in Japan but chances are it was made in China, Hungary or similar.
And also, your system may not be to everyones taste, we all have different taste and that makes the world more interesting.

Please try to post with a moderate level of decorum, you may find people take notice then
Originally posted by michaelab

And all this stuff about the new Burndy leads being a "massive improvement" - cables (power cables at that) making a a Naim system? Perish the thought :D


Michael, some people are saying the new Burndy is simply the old one reversed (with the directionality tabs on the opposite end). Bet you find that hilarious ;)

Especially when they're charging £265 for the priviledge! :eek:

Originally posted by The Devil
I guess I must be easily pleased.

And there is an angle grinder or two who are eternally grateful that you are sir!

I do suspect that the poor individuals who have spent their entire life in hell holes like Wrexham, still believe that it is a fine palce, having been sheltered from the delights of the outside world. They too are easily pleased, as is anyone without exposure to the finer things in life.
Marco - I'm just amazed that all the reviewers are claiming such amazing things for the new Burndy lead:

Martin Colloms in HFN: "Accordingly I ran the CDS2 for a while and then substituted the cable 'upgrade'. This resulted in an impressive gain in performance, a clear 10% ...... This is a definite turbo upgrade for the outgoing model, and at quite moderate cost ( :eek: ) "

I had always thought that Naimees never believed in all that cable voodoo ;) Still, when a reviewer talks about things like "10% improvement" and, later on in the review talking about 3-4 point differences in performance (on a scale of 1-100) I start to give them very little credibility.

Originally posted by Marco
Merlin, are you trying to be witty? If so, it's not working...


Just your opinion Marco,

Sadly wit and subtlty is something you are clearly unfamiliar with, judging from your exchanges. No great judge then are you.

Editted to add: Sorry I didn't notice that you claim to be from Wrexham. Sorry if it caused offense. Does explain a few things though.
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Originally posted by michaelab

Marco - I'm just amazed that all the reviewers are claiming such amazing things for the new Burndy lead:

Martin Colloms in HFN: "Accordingly I ran the CDS2 for a while and then substituted the cable 'upgrade'. This resulted in an impressive gain in performance, a clear 10% ...... This is a definite turbo upgrade for the outgoing model, and at quite moderate cost ( :eek: ) "

To be honest, Michael, others and myself have also done that demo, and there is quite a big difference in favour of the new lead. Thing is, none of us are quite sure where the improvement is derived from. Naim claim improved earth arrangements and some other jiggery pokery, but I'm afraid the jury's still out on that one...

Merlin, what's your problem? You're obviously trying to cause trouble, so I think I'll just ignore you from now on.

Michael, perhaps you would have a word this chap? I certainly don't want this thread closed again.

Originally posted by Marco
Merlin, what's your problem? Marco.

Only that I'm in the office and bored Marco.

Bored of reading the endless pages about Naim that seem to have sprung up over hear in the past week or so since you and some of your less savoury comrades,having been banished from the relevent forums, showed up and started using foul language and personal insults as a form of hifi debate.

Apart from that Marco, nothing really. All is fine and dandy. But thanks for asking;)
I'm with Merlin,

I get beat on for being negative when anyone with half a sense a yumour can see I'm trying to make some points and have a laff.

Marco is plain nasty, disrespectful and would get his head kicked in for it at a club. No moderator bothers him I wonder why?
Originally posted by merlin

Only that I'm in the office and bored Marco.

Bored of reading the endless pages about Naim that seem to have sprung up over hear in the past week or so since you and some of your less savoury comrades,having been banished from the relevent forums, showed up and started using foul language and personal insults as a form of hifi debate.

Aha! So that's you're problem. You don't like people talking about Naim. That's hardly fair is it? So you thought you'd noise me up instead? You're example of behaviour is hardly respectful of polite hi-fi debate. If you don't like reading about Naim, ignore posts/threads where it's mentioned - it's that simple.

Originally posted by Marco
You're example of behaviour is hardly respectful of polite hi-fi debate. If you don't like reading about Naim, ignore posts/threads where it's mentioned - it's that simple.


Sadly Marco I can only have a debate with someone who's vocabulary exends beyond the world of Naim. But if it's debate you want, how would you justify the pricing of the 500/552 combo in both material and commercial terms, and do you believe mains cables can make a difference?
Sigh ...

What a perfect world it would be if everyone played nicely together, stopped slagging off each other's toys and bought decent speakers.

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