Cable directionality & cables

Originally posted by wadia-miester
I've yet to see a DBT panel assembled for a 15 point thermocouple array linked to a control system for a Kiln, or production line assembly welding robot intergration softare package.

Since they aren't open to human perception issues and while clever obviously aren't sentient observers I'm not that surprised that you don't need DBT.


Originally posted by Paul Ranson
You're a silly monkey.

Why is that silly monkeys have so little imagination? How many ways are there to say that a 'blind' test means that the listener doesn't know what they are listening to, and that a 'double blind' test means that neither the listener nor the tester know what is being listened to.


Sounds fine dude................................just that when I'm checkin' out some new gear to buy, I don't wanna involve blindfolds, and shit like that.............if ya get my meaning:)
Have to say I've never heard a difference in putting the cables either way round, but usually put them the way arrows point anyway. Probably for no better reason than thats the way the arrows point.

I believe there's so much hype about cables now that I go buy a decent quality ofc shielded length of copper cable from maplins and a set of plugs and I make my own.

Cost? About £6

I listened to the cables I've made head to head against cables sold as award winners, 5 star rated etc, and maybe there were slight difference's from these cables to each other and from these cables to my own, very slight.

I wouldnt say they were better or worse than each other, just slightly different, but certainly not in the way the hifi press would have you believe.

I guess you can use cables to try and tune a system if you percieve that you personally like the "sound" of one cable more than others etc, thats the indeviduals choice.

I'll stick to my own cables and spend the money that saves on better quality hifi or more music.

;) indeed. It might give the game away!

Although on review of some earlier posts, the mask has slipped off from time to time.
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Hey, James, you should get an award of some sort for the most visited "regular" posting - 4615!
The trick is to pick an emotive 'nonsense' topic like this one. Directionality of cables only 'exists' in domestic hi-fi systems AFAIK.

Gets the golden-eared anti-scientist audiophools going like nothing else!
The thread also came at just the right moment to pefectly capture the objectivist wave here. I haven't looked but the "Is the GBP 7000 Naim CDP any good?" thread must have had quite a few views too. That also ended up being a sub. vs. ob. thread :rolleyes:

Originally posted by michaelab
The thread also came at just the right moment to pefectly capture the objectivist wave here. I haven't looked but the "Is the GBP 7000 Naim CDP any good?" thread must have had quite a few views too.


(Yes I am that bored this afternoon...)
Well I propose that henceforth we change the names:

Objectivists = 'Lone Rangers'

(wears a mask for blind testing)

We could have Moderate Rangers or Radical Rangers

Subjectivists = 'Tontos'

They could be Tonto Moderates or Tonto Fanatics

Maybe if we call each other different names we can get less emotional about it all.

After all, where would the Lone Ranger be without Tonto (and vice-versa).

Tonto Moderate, HFMQ:18, HFMuQ:1, SillinessQ: extreme
Originally posted by 7_V
Well I propose that henceforth we change the names:

Objectivists = 'Lone Rangers'

(wears a mask for blind testing)

We could have Moderate Rangers or Radical Rangers

I want to be the RED RADICAL RANGER.

Originally posted by The Devil .......In my experience there is no such thing. ..............With 'serious' companies like Naim, for example, telling us that their interconnects and power supply cables are directional........ 'Burndy' cables which connect the CDS player 'head unit' ............differences which are allegedly audible if you reverse the Burndy. I think that they believe in what they are saying, in fact I'm sure they do.

Out of interest have you tried it? I reversed my burndy repeatedly over a few days and there is no question in my mind that the sound was changed significantly. Terry
No of course I haven't! Asking the question means that you don't really understand. Connecting/disconnecting will clean the contacts. Other than that effect, any differences which you have heard are psychological in origin, Terry.

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