Cable directionality & cables

Originally posted by penance

Tones im not getting into an argument, it feels your being provocative, but that probably just me being pissed off of late

Not at all, ol' bean and I'm not trying. I can't remember ever being provocative on this issue or challenging anyone's personal beliefs. If I've done that to you or anyone else, it was unintentional and I unreservedly apologise. I suggest we put it all behind us and get back to listening to music and agree to differ on the issue.
Originally posted by penance
You'll have to come up with some examples I'm afraid. The objectivists always let the subjectivists have their view and respected it (and still do) even if they didn't share it.

Since I converted to objectivist I've had nothing but snide remarks and vicious ridicule aimed at me from the subjectivists.

Originally posted by MartinC
Well of course you could actually use blindfolds...
Absolutely, nothing wrong with auditioning a product over several days while wearing blindfolds. It makes changing disks a bit tricky but that's a small price to pay for a radical ojectivist.

Of course, the listening experience itself is changed by the blindfolds, as far as one can tell by testing with and without blindfolds. Difficult to do a blind test of that though.
Originally posted by 7_V
Absolutely, nothing wrong with auditioning a product over several days while wearing blindfolds. It makes changing disks a bit tricky but that's a small price to pay for a radical ojectivist.

:) Very true... you could do short tests though, which was what I think we'd have to be talking about in terms of getting a number of people from this forum together...

Originally posted by 7_V
Of course, the listening experience itself is changed by the blindfolds, as far as one can tell by testing with and without blindfolds. Difficult to do a blind test of that though.

I'll agree the listening experience is different blindfolded or indeed with your eyes closed, but I'd have thought it only improved your ability to truly listen, without distraction. I guess if you're not used to listening that way though the strangeness of the experience may make it harder for people to judge changes. FWIW, I do close my eyes when I'm lucky enough to get the chance to just sit down and listen to music.
Originally posted by MartinC
:) Very true... you could do short tests though, which was what I think we'd have to be talking about in terms of getting a number of people from this forum together...

I'll agree the listening experience is different blindfolded or indeed with your eyes closed, but I'd have thought it only improved your ability to truly listen, without distraction.
I would agree that such a test is a good idea and could certainly be used to detect differences (or not) between different cables or pieces of equipment.

I would prefer much longer term trials to make more meaningful assessments, for the reason I gave above, but there may be some value in a snap judgement.

Tom Fletcher of Nottingham Analogue told me that all of his turntables sounded the same. The difference between the most and the least expensive models was the amount of time you could listen to them without fatigue.
Originally posted by michaelab
You'll have to come up with some examples I'm afraid. The objectivists always let the subjectivists have their view and respected it (and still do) even if they didn't share it.


they dont do they, just laugh at us for believing what our ears tell us.
As for respect of others views i have seen very little of that lately
Originally posted by 7_V
I would prefer much longer term trials to make more meaningful assessments...

I totally agree with that. (My comment re. blindfolds was only to point out a way you could do without the curtain problems with blind speaker comparisons, if they were to be done in the necessarily quick style of a group ABX listening session.)
Originally posted by penance
they dont do they, just laugh at us for believing what our ears tell us.
As for respect of others views i have seen very little of that lately

Penance, most of the baiting in this thread has come from Merlin winding up Michael.

I don't think cable sceptics are laughing at the believers. If they are, it's happening the other way just as much.

There are only three ways to resolve this:

(a) The believers and the unbelievers arrange to meet, tooled up, and beat the living daylights out of each other

(b) We have a properly conducted blind test arranged by neutral parties and see who's right

(c) We all forget about it, realising these debates rage periodically on all the forums but never get resolved

I'm in favour of (a). :)

-- Ian
Originally posted by penance
A it is then
chopsticks at dawn;)

But i wish people would go for C
So we're all agreed then. A it is.

My chosen weapon is an array of Bandor 50mm drive units flaying off 1/2 metre of finest Omiga Audio interconnect. You'll feel the difference. :club:
Originally posted by sideshowbob
I don't think cable sceptics are laughing at the believers. If they are, it's happening the other way just as much.

-- Ian

It is now;)

And I think that's the purpose behind you first statement to be fair. I'm amused to see the non believers claiming their views are being ridiculed - maybe the balance has just been redressed.

I too am in favour of A, but rules of engagement need to be laid down first I feel. Personally I suspect it will just prove the inevitable - that everyone "hears" differently. Plus my money's on a solution to the Palestinian problem before we can agree on a mutually satisfactory format:rolleyes:
Originally posted by merlin
It is now;)
I too am in favour of A, but rules of engagement need to be laid down first I feel.

This is the real nature of this forum. We like nothing more then setting rules of engagement for everything. We manage to spoit our hobby and now the exciting up and coming fight club.


For a while I thought we have a real crisis.

In my humble opinion the most interesting aspect of this forum life is the sick sense of humour.

One moment it is like :buddies: and then :chair: but worst if you think others are doing this to you :NADowner: .

I think some one have to start an official poll whether A is really on otherwise nobody is going to turn up.
And I think that's the purpose behind you first statement to be fair. I'm amused to see the non believers claiming their views are being ridiculed - maybe the balance has just been redressed.

Fact is dude, none of it matters in the slightest. I don't take any forum discussions seriously any more, and I don't think any grown up should really, but FWIW I think Michael's been pretty badly treated.

-- Ian
Originally posted by sideshowbob
Fact is dude, none of it matters in the slightest. I don't take any forum discussions seriously any more,-- Ian

Totally agree Ian, and I would have hoped my posts would have made that very clear;)

I don't see Michael being treated badly - playfully maybe. Truth is, if he was so impressionable as to be sucked in by the claims of tweakers, is it so unreasonable to suggest that he has been similarly affected by recent forum content:confused:

To not accept that as plausible smacks of double standards to me, but as you say, it really doesn't matter and I am happily enjoying a system totally devoid of tweaks as I write this;)
Originally posted by merlin
Truth is, if he was so impressionable as to be sucked in by the claims of tweakers, is it so unreasonable to suggest that he has been similarly affected by recent forum content:confused:
You fail to take into account that the hugely overwhelming balance of influencing pressure be it from friends, peers, forum members, dealers, shows, magazines etc is pushing the "cables are just as important as boxes" view. It's hardly surprising that most people are taken in by it to a greater or lesser extent.

To be an objectivist means seriously swimming against the tide, a tide much stronger than I had imagined it would be :(

Originally posted by michaelab
To be an objectivist means seriously swimming against the tide, a tide much stronger than I had imagined it would be :(
We can ignore the tides and swim wherever we want.
Originally posted by sideshowbob
FWIW I think Michael's been pretty badly treated.-- Ian

I've been mistreated, I've been abused.
I've been struck decablism, baby, I've been confused
'cause I know, yes, I know I've been mistreated.
Since my subjectivity left me I've been losing my mind, you know I have.

I've been lonely, I've been cold.
I've been looking for a Objectivist to have and hold
'cause I know, yes, I know I've been mistreated.
Since my Subjectivity left me I've been losing, I've been losing,
I've been losing my mind, cable, cable, please.

I've been mistreated, I've been abused.
I've been looking for a Eupen, yeh, I've been confused
'cause I know, yes, I know I've been mistreated, ooh o-o-oh.
Since my subjectivity left me I've been losing, losing,
I've been losing my mind, cable,cable, please.
Oh oh oh, oh Isloda, oh Isolda, oh Isolda.

I've been losing my mind.

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