Cable Happy.

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Spoken like a scientist - and correct until there is robust evidence to the contrary.
True David. Which is why people really won't be risking their lives if they partake in an A-B.
here's another idea.

audio memory being so short, apparently.

who don't we do AXB tests,and try and identify the X in the middle.
Its no good all bleating .....those that can't or won't hear will not change their inability to perceive regardless of the scientific papers presented or any number of listening test ab axb double triple quadrupl blind. Its just human nature no one wants to admit there wrong......or don't have the hearing capability or equipment thats not as good as the next person.

You all seem to forget I was a cable sceptic for at least ten years till I was able to compare an Audioquest Ruby against the freebies I was ok the difference was not huge but there was a difference. I've built a hundred plus different designs of cables some are better some are worse but theirs no doubt in my mind that even on lofi to nofi you can hear a difference ...anyone saying you can't has a serious problem either gear related, room related or perception related .......or dogma

Anyone with a cd that has two output can do this simple test ....get two dissimilar cables ie the freebie and A N other connect up to two identical inputs on your amp ...its best if you have a remote control as you can then switch inputs without moving ....

play any track and switch between inputs ......theres no kind way to say this but if you can't hear the obvious your in the wrong hobby.......

you don't need silly tests or fancy equipment your ears should be good enough ......As Rollo pointed out.

If your not hearing a difference it doesn't meant there is no difference it just means you can't hear it.

Remember though that cables with similar LR and C must be similar and therefore if these are the overiding factors then of course they will sound the same they will be by inference the same. If you alter the conductor you will not have the same electrical parameters and therefore the LCR will have to be different.....just look at the physics regarding resistance ....if you change the metal you change the resistivety but if you maintain the same crossectional area the resistance has to change QED. Therefore copper and silver ic's having the same conductor size must show different electrical properties....and if you believe that LCR are the be all and end all [very short sighted imo] of ic sound then you've just proved that there will be some effect.....weither you can or want to hear it is immaterial the electrical characteristic will be different .....whos going to argue that one with ?
Its possible....

.....but I don't think its quite the Holy Grail some people are making it out to be.

Science does indeed cover the subject more than adequately.

What's funny is all these protestations, claiming science is wrong, yet not a single example of it being so, nor one fanatic prepared to back the bluster up by testing their claims in a controlled enviroment. Laughable. In short. If anyone can demonstrate that they can reliably identify audible differences in cables then we have a debate.

Until that time we just have a group of religious advocates spreading the faith and insulting people when questioned. Indeed their behavior is very similar to that of some of the more objectionable religious cults currently polluting the planet. It's interesting to see how they fail to cope with their belief structure being questioned by the application of logic.
Remember though that cables with similar LR and C must be similar and therefore if these are the overiding factors then of course they will sound the same they will be by inference the same. If you alter the conductor you will not have the same electrical parameters and therefore the LCR will have to be different.....just look at the physics regarding resistance ....if you change the metal you change the resistivety but if you maintain the same crossectional area the resistance has to change QED. Therefore copper and silver ic's having the same conductor size must show different electrical properties....and if you believe that LCR are the be all and end all [very short sighted imo] of ic sound then you've just proved that there will be some effect.....weither you can or want to hear it is immaterial the electrical characteristic will be different .....whos going to argue that one with ?

This is the kind of bull shit being peddled by manufacturers the world over and has already been discredited in this thread and on sites the world over.

I noticed Zanash stayed really quiet when this was posted earlier, showing the real impact of conductors. Maybe you'd like to address those issues now, seeing as you insist on peddling this crap?

Basically, you are using this site to peddle cables sold under false pretences. There is no getting away from that. You also refuse to subject your wares to scrutiny from anyone remotely questioning of your claims. Please put up or ...
banpe2006, any more personal attacks on other members will result in your being banned.

Are we not all bored of the same circular argument by the way?

Seems to go, it does, it doesn't, it does, it doesn't ad infinitum, with a few choice insults along the way
don't have the hearing capability or equipment thats not as good as the next person.

anyone saying you can't has a serious problem either gear related, room related or perception related

theres no kind way to say this but if you can't hear the obvious your in the wrong hobby

If your not hearing a difference it doesn't meant there is no difference it just means you can't hear it

All products sold sale or return so you can evaluate them yourself. If you dare!
OK let's try and clarify this for you. What I am saying is that under extreme conditions, extreme differences in LCR will result in measurable differences, that may be audible. Now any competently designed cable will not have extreme differences in LCR simply because they are all designed to perform the same task. The tiny LCR differences in most audio cables are sonically totally insignificant and any differences are way outside of the audio band.

Still not 100% sure what the state of play is - so as recommended by Stereo Mic I have trawled back through the thread to try to discern it.

Ok - so as per my previous request for clarification, as far as I can see from the posts in this thread and especially the one quoted above, the deal here is that Stereo Mic and disciples believe that all cables generally available should have very simliar LCR if competently designed (which I'm assuming most are despite Bottlenecks issues with the Audioquest cables he tried) and, that being the case, they will sound the same, and it will be impossible for anyone with normal hearing to tell them apart.

As an example, is there going to massive difference in the electrical characteristics of say 1m off Russ Andrew bottom of the range cable (Tonik) and his top of the range one (KS-1036). If so, why, and how does that impinge on the arguments. If not, does that mean that the anti cables faction believe it is scientifcally impossible to hear any difference between them.

I'm not siding with either side I just want to know where the battle line is drawn.:confused:
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I don't think the issues around cables are discernable into two camps, each of which have a prophet.

In my personal case, my view is 'broadly similar' to SM's.. not the same.
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