why cant someone organise a test and we can all meet and stop the nasty " I must win the argument " bullshit and see for ourselves who is correct? all we would need is the wires and our ears... and the sceptics to agree that they would be honest as would the believers....I guess that the sceptics have more to lose and they could easily "blanket" disagree with all tests, whereas the believers cant blag it....they have to get it right to be successful. This tips the scales in the favour of the sceptics.....All the science in the world means nothing if you dont believe in science does it? try telling a jehovas witness that the world was evolutionary, or a Scientologist! Science is only believable, when people believe, and clearly many do not believe the science. The debate is polarized .I personally, think I hear a difference, but I would rather know if I was incorrect and could be proved wrong...I like facts that are tangible, not passed around a forum by those proporting to be knowledgeable or wise ( on either side). So, how can we set a time and date and who will host? i cannot for baby reasons and a deep seated hatred of hif on my partners behalf...I will willingly come along and give an honest reply to the question of whether differences are heard. however, I deny the cable sceptics the right to start measuring and piddling about with measurements....let it be a test of the ears...i couldnt honestly be bothered to listen to a load of garble about this value and that value and all that "get out of jail" rubbish..Either they sound different or they dont....That isnt to say that we believers have to identify a cable, or it s properties....that is a tall ask, under pressure and with many switches of wires. the test should be do the cables sound different....someone mentioned on here an amp where you can switch between cables instantly...that sounds the way to go... So who can host and when? Please dont clog up the next post, with mumbo about why this needs to be measured, or wont work.....do we have a meet or dont we? I can do New year....anyone else?