Cable Happy.

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Are you saying that cable believers see it as a religion?
They may not see it as a religion but the bullshit surrounding cables and a lot of hifi in general has many similarities to religion. A lot of people paying a fortune for things that they believe in but for which there is not a shred of scientific evidence and then getting extremely upset and annoyed when anyone questions their beliefs.

no it isnt

Shiner you don't know what my system sounds like or any thing about my audio system.....+you've never been here....!

I'll assume you're being deliberatly provocative and disregard this meaningless "converation".

There have been quite enough of these threads so I aint getting caught up in another.

Think on.
I tell ya guys I,m soorrry I asked the question. It appears we cannot stick to the question without some type of agenda or personal dig.
Since were off topic now, what is the big deal if a member sells cables? You don't have to buy them. You don't have to beleive they make a difference. Live and let live.
In the beginning of my ZG postings, I posted a question " is there a difference in sound between copper and silver cables". You would think I opened Pandoras box for goodness sakes. They jumped all over me. Especially protecting the guy who makes silver cables. A debate insued as to which was better. I stated again that I wasn't asking if one was better than the other just if one sounded different. However the the posters comments and comments by the maker of the cables continued.
I was beginning to get annoyed at the insistance that one was better than the other. I suggested that a Ryder Cup of cables be conducted. I would send my favorite copper cable acrosss the pond to that person and he would send his favorite silver cable. We would compare cables in our systems to see if the conductor type would be noticable.
However , no such event occured. Kinda fell away. Havn't heard from that person since.
There are a few know it alls and people who speak in absolutes who ruin this place for everyone else. Why can't we have an intelligent discussion about cables?
To the ones who continue with their agendas please give the rest of us a break and chill.

They may not see it as a religion but the bullshit surrounding cables and a lot of hifi in general has many similarities to religion. A lot of people paying a fortune for things that they believe in but for which there is not a shred of scientific evidence and then getting extremely upset and annoyed when anyone questions their beliefs.


In my case not "extremely upset or annoyed" but it is mildly irratating when someone has the arrogance to say you haven't improved your system through measures to improve vibration damping (actually a very well ducumented subject) haven't improved your system, when you know damned wewll they have.......and whats more ...I am the only person living here, so how do they know!?!?!. :confused:

Anyway, I guess I have a feeling I am being wind up so........ I'm off!
Shiner you don't know what my system sounds like or any thing about my audio system.....+you've never been here....!

I'll assume you're being deliberatly provocative and disregard this meaningless "converation".

There have been quite enough of these threads so I aint getting caught up in another.

Think on.

I think you are taking this all a bit too seriously.:)
hey! all cables make a huge difference dont they? i reckon the more you spend , the better you get right?
it is mildly irratating when someone has the arrogance to say you haven't improved your system through measures to improve vibration damping (actually a very well ducumented subject) haven't improved your system, when you know damned wewll they have

But you don't "know" you have because you have not tested them under controlled conditions. You have spend ages crafting something out of wood and metal, put them on your rack, and sat back expectant. We'll all hear differences when led like that.
But you don't "know" you have because you have not tested them under controlled conditions. You have spend ages crafting something out of wood and metal, put them on your rack, and sat back expectant. We'll all hear differences when led like that.

silly, me perhpts not

I'll tackle this one tomorrow am if i may, mike

edit mike we've been throught his one before....

speak tomorrow am
I guess this is getting a little relatively new here, but the same lines seem to keep coming around abx tests....blind tests, silver versus copper, fiction or non fiction..Im with rollo....why not simply ask people who are interested to post THEIR personal experiences of one or another cable...It cant be denied that cables make a difference. whether they are better / worse is and can only be personal opinion. The same applies to all equipment, surely....Person x cant tell me that his cd player is better than mine, na na na na na.....because I would think him a twat! He may tell me its got good soundstage and is musical, and i may listen , but why should I listen to someone telling me that his cd player would beat mine in a test.....whose test? who is the judge? who decides? what are the criteria to decide which is best? If 10 people sat in a room and told me they liked another cd player to mine, they may think that, but i may disagree. Am I therefore wrong or simply have different tastes, or i may simply be objectionable. It seems the debate regarding cables has stretched beyond a reasonable and mature debate and has, as some have noted here, descended into a debate about who is right or wrong, which is a pointless way to assess the qualities of product A or B...All of us have different tastes and whilst some may reject paying a lot of cash for a cable or IC if others rate them, how can you say they dont work????I dont get it! its down to preference! Ive got the silver cables of Zanash, and some vdh first ultimates, and some qed qnex and some red and black bell wire.....Ive found that at the moment im using the Zanash and the red and black more, due to the sound of my pre amp....this suits me fine.....One may in my opinion be better to listen to, but it also comes down to synergy......I used to think that all bell wire was wank, and it was - in my previous set up, but in my current one it matches my platalloy really well as the bell wire sounds better between cdp and pre and the platalloy is better between pre and power. The vdh sounds better direct from cdp to power....I know, Ive tried it and messed around with lots of wire...for me its whether the system as a whole sounds good. I cant believe that people say all cables sound the same, because they clearly dont.. Its personal preference...thats all it can be..tests would prove nothing of value IMO
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