Callin Bub proper speakers here

So that's Merlin & Wm on the cusades, Now off to combat the evils of nasty ferrous type wicked overlords that seek to ursurpt the balance of power in land of musical reproduction, onwards and upwards my incantation uttering partner, for'est into to battle we go, weilding our weapons of Righteousiness indignation and blatant realism and an unyeilding determination to thwart the dastardly foul fiends of the lower planes and restore harmony once again to the land of artistic interpertation through the use of Semi Quavers & Fender strats
wadia-miester said:
So that's Merlin & Wm on the cusades,

Nope, don't see me pushing one brand of speaker all the time do you WM ;)

If I am on a crusade, then it's to rid the world of harmonically threadbare and bodyless speakers - given the sh$t out there, this may take some time.

When are you going to start using the BH2's :confused:
'ULTIMATE' or 'HIGH END' interesting words arent they?

Some people would consider the pinnacle to be some ATC 200's, others large horns, others still big multi box jobs like these, others electrostatic/ribbons, others satellites and subs...

Funny thing is, you need a house like a barn to enjoy most of em! (or afford them)
Once you hit a certain price point, there really are no bad loudspeakers, just different sounding ones.
merlin said:
Nope, don't see me pushing one brand of speaker all the time do you WM ;)

If I am on a crusade, then it's to rid the world of harmonically threadbare and bodyless speakers - given the sh$t out there, this may take some time.

When are you going to start using the BH2's :confused:

Only when your using a pair you like a lot Merlin (VSM) ;)
Well its a bit of a dilemmia, the place I bought for the use of them, has had some unseen complications of a personal nature, that have yet to be resolved, the words here are "delicate negotations" .
Hence the lack of proper use, not a great a deal I can do about it, at the moment as all my other associated plans are in Limbo.
Which isn't good, as my timetable has been battered, though its all still good natured, just finding the ideal compromise :)
Hey come on :D

Not guilty! SOME JBL's can be fun yes, but that isn't a blanket recommendation.

The only company I can think of that have not got a bad speaker on the market (to my ears) are Harbeth actually.
analoguekid said:
again Ian not knocking the 100's I just think ART do it better, in fact I prefer mine to bub's never mind their more focussed big brothers, it is down to taste Ian, but if you ever get a chance to hear a pair, I do think they will surprise you.
I heard a pair of the bigger ART speakers which you are talking about at Jack Lawson's shoppe. They certainly make a big visual impact. To be honest, they come across to me as hi-fi jewellery. I've never heard a speaker quite as good as the ATCs, IMO, but I guess it might happen one day.

Where most speakers fall down is with dynamics and the midrange muddle/distortion that develops when things start to get busy. This may be down to the quality of the signal, as much as the speakers' intrinsic shortcomings. Or possibly room problems. Or a combination of all three.

The muddle problem makes it difficult to follow individual instruments or vocals in the mix. I guess I am a 'tune-demmer' after all.
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merlin said:
Hey come on :D

Not guilty! SOME JBL's can be fun yes, but that isn't a blanket recommendation.

The only company I can think of that have not got a bad speaker on the market (to my ears) are Harbeth actually.
Good grief. Is my name Merlin :eek: :D
I agree, of course.
<< Once you hit a certain price point, there really are no bad loudspeakers, just different sounding ones. >> Merlin, pray tell us the certain price point.


PS Bub, clearly not heard MF9s yet then. Also, I do find tune demming rather simpler when half of its been removed :>)
Alex S said:

PS Bub, clearly not heard MF9s yet then. Also, I do find tune demming rather simpler when half of its been removed :>)

I have to admit here (no wind up either) first thing i noticed when I got back home after Visiting james's was the immediate interest factor and greater detail retriveal, But I'm sure mine were distorting so I must discount this :cool:
merlin said:
The only company I can think of that have not got a bad speaker on the market (to my ears) are Harbeth actually.
I'm glad I don't have your ears then :rolleyes:

Of course it depends how you define bad. I can think of several speaker manufacturers who don't have any bad speakers in their range.
wadia-miester said:
I have to admit here (no wind up either) first thing i noticed when I got back home after Visiting james's was the immediate interest factor and greater detail retriveal, But I'm sure mine were distorting so I must discount this :cool:

You really do crack me up at times Tony :D

FWIW, the Shearwater is not bad - no great shakes in the scheme of things and certainly not on the same planet as the ATC's quality wise, but decent value at sub £1K if feel.

But of course loudspeakers are a very personal thing - which is why (provided they are full range) I cannot understand some of the absolutisms that spew forth from forumites orifices.
Good jokes from Tony & Alex.

Tony, next time (if there is one) I'll press 'Mono' to make you feel a bit more at home.
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