CD5i = muffled - very unimpressed...

Originally posted by HenryT
So I take it you went back to the shop and swapped the borrowed one for a spanking new one??

BTW, never mind the RDC platform and Target rack, you'll need to start saving up for a Fraim now! :p

Nope - I got the shop's one - the only one they had. It had less than 4 hours on it when I got it so that's fine - though I'll double check it's got the PIC update when I get home, 'cos if it hasn't, heads'll roll.

Yeah - and if I could afford Fraim I'd not be renting my flat...
i would have expected more of you... hang on no i wouldn;t.
if i did have one you would be welcome to it for the piffling sum of 500 ukp and you could then stick it up your sim :moony: :D

I checked out a CDX vs a CD5 last year. The CDX to me sounded VERY similar in it's style, just noticeably better in every way. Not that I thought it was worth the extra cash, but there we have it.
Originally posted by julian2002
i would have expected more of you...

OK Julian, how about NightCap, or Petrol cap for more of a firey presentation?

Guess what, I've just made an offer for a full Naim rig:eek:
mike, what are you like?!?!?! anything you dont want to try?!

Im sitting here thinking I'd love to put a Nait and some Epos Es11's through the PC for music while I type.

Just a pipe dream though, its needless expense for something I wouldnt use much.

Maybe great minds think alike!

You see you guys acuse me of being anti Naim, so I reckon if I try it and still don't get what it's all about after a couple of months, then at least I gave it a go:D

So without revealing much, what level of Naim do you reckon will give me a taste of their "high end"?
without knowing things like budget and stuff it's tough to say but something along the lines of a cdx/82/hicap/250 is damn good and a bit of a bargain at the moment. i guess the townshend and merlins are staying?


I think if you are going for the true Naim experience, then you should be getting Naim speakers as well. Probably Allaes or SL2s would be appropriate. Or maybe some old school SBLs. Just be prepared for a shock compared to your Merlins!
Now Robbo, I do know that Naim speakers are not my cup of tea:)

So the choice is hard.

1. Do nothing and live with the Rotel setup (actually surprisingly musical!) Buy Mac G5 and holiday in Phi Phi.

2. Trial Naim CDX2/XPS2, NAC202/Hi Cap/NAP200 and sell on if less than enamoured.

3. Get some Sugden Masterclass gear and beg for some Proacs.

3. Import something tasty (Audio Research/Mcintosh/Accuphase)

Currently, lying on Hat Noi, listening to Augustus Pablo on an i pod whilst sampling the local herbs seems a good shout:D
Merlin, what happened to the idea of buying a house?

I had an 82/hicap for a little while, into my active ATCs. Like you, I thought I'd try it out to see what the fuss was about. Not bad, but I couldn't live with it for long. I also had a CD3.5 which was similarly OK but far too coloured to make it a keeper.

Easy to sell on, if nothing else. Still use a 42.5/110 as the bedroom system, good fun, don't often drag it out into use as the main system mind you.

-- Ian
if you go for option 1 be sure to visit ao nang, phra nang cave and ko yaoh noi. this last place was the most peaceful and beautiful place i've ever been to and the beach bungalow we were in cost about 3 quid a night... fairly basic though with electricity only on between 6pm and 5am. khao lak was nice too if you want a bit of pampering but it was pricey and the scenery out to sea was nowhere near as good as that around ao nang.

the mac stuff is seriously tempting from an aesthetic pov though.....


Originally posted by julian2002
if you go for option 1 be sure to visit ao nang, phra nang cave and ko yaoh noi. julian


When were you in Krabi? Ao Nang is a bit built up these days, but Poda is still cool;) On our last trip, we were lucky enough to enjoy an all night beach rave on one of the quieter beaches. Eight hours of non stop psy-trance surrounded by very friendly people:D

Originally posted by sideshowbob
Merlin, what happened to the idea of buying a house?

-- Ian

Just been gazumped:mad: Cost me £600, nothing to do but make a "feel good" purchase.

I will go to listen to the Naim stuff, I really want the Berning valve setup, but it's six months before I can get one, and I'd never be able to sell on in this land of heathens;)

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