CD5i = muffled - very unimpressed...

do you mean dido won;t play full stop or that it jumps about 10 seconds into each track? if the latter i just live with it.

i think naim gear in general dislikes some of the more shoddily produced cd's. but then even the 1920's gershwin i have that sounds bloody awful is still musically engaging. give it a half decently produced cd and it sings. it even makes the cardigans grand tourismo (one of the most dire production jobs i've ever heard) sound good to me.

Originally posted by merlin
Now I'm worried! You mean they let units out the factory that sound shit?
Yes of course they do, it helps sales.

Dido won't play on it

That'll be the taste filter circuitry.
Originally posted by julian2002
do you mean dido won;t play full stop or that it jumps about 10 seconds into each track? if the latter i just live with it.

No worries dudes - Naim've got 2 CD5s heading towards Audio Excellence in Exeter as we speak, so hopefully I can suss this out tomorrow night (or Monday at the latest); they'll swap em over for me no problems, so that just leaves me running it back in again now :)

Thanks Naim/AX :)

Dido's OK Devil - besides it was worth the cash for the pictures :)

So now I'm prepared for a very rough'n'ready sound for a few weeks.

I couldn't get over how good the Sex Pistols were sounding last night though. Cardigans' GT isn't that bad though Julian, surely? The last time I played mine though was on my Pioneer PDS703 back in 2000 so I can't remember!
gt's production is very sloppy rough edges everywhere. there's one track with a very complex bass line on it which has been eq'd into a jumble that's tough to make any sense of. it sounds great from mp3 though as everything just gets glossed over.


I'd rather have silence than Dido. Wallpaper.

My copy of Gran Turismo sounds fine - quite well-produced, in fact. I haven't played it f'rages, must dig it up.
Bub have you ever done the naim factory tour?

Your above comment is just utter bollocks fuelled by your desire to bash at every given opportunity.

The level of almost anal detail they goto to insure a consistant product would be best engaged by many other manufacturers.

Where is there profit in letting defective products out the door when they will be returned by a demanding public?

Get a grip.

Edited to add that if you were taking the piss, then sorry.
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The level of almost anal detail they goto to insure a consistant product would be best engaged by many other manufacturers.

Not wishing to fan the flames, since it's no big deal, but IME the same thing can be said about virtually every quality small to middling hi-fi manufacturer, of which there are still a fair number.

-- Ian
Hiya Gary,

My last remark to Merlin was a tad sarky.

OTOH, I read something somewhere by the late JV, and in essence he was saying that there was a bit of sample variation with the Naim preamps. I would imagine that the same is true for almost anything else made by anyone else.

I don't have the slightest desire to 'bash' Naim - I'm a 'Naimie', remember? [CDS2 and 52 and ARO]. I think some of their gear is absolutely brilliant, but not all of it unlike you & Rico & all the other sheep.
As I understand it JV was refering to the front panels being variable in colour due to the manfactuer of them, I guess why they changed it in the end.

You really must get off the sheep thing, its so bloody hypocritical coming from mana users.
Julian, my 82 encapsulated all that can go wrong with Naim - harsh, aggressive, unsophisticated - eager to please like an uncouth adolescent. It wasn't bad with a Supercap but I still preferred the 32.5/SC and by then its a very expensive preamp for what it is IMO. Its a bit like a CDX which was also all the above and needed an XPS to sound decent. Again, that makes it very expensive. Maybe I just got bad samples of the 82 and CDX. Have to say that every sample of a 52 or CDS2 I've heard has sounded good, even mine (the latter) on occasion. Also, in Naim's defence, my room did not seem to suit their equipment. Before I moved I was happy with 32.5/HC/250 for twenty years at least.

thanks for that. i must say that i'm inclined to disagree with you based on my experience but then the variables are huge, different sources, probably different speakers and cable and definately different rooms so horses for courses i guess.

OK, so they're not officially "CDs" but if you think I'm going to become a software pirate using my time, my blanks, and my computer to produce a real CD I can play in it you can forget it. Bloody ridiculous that - making a legitimate CD purchaser turn into a pirate just to play the bloody CD he should have had in the first place...

Hear hear - f***ing stupid isn't it?

Anyone fancy running of a few thousand copies with me (including some mp3's) and bulk mailing them to record companies to make a point ;)

That new Dido album was a bitch too, the hardest one to copy yet for some reason. I did it though so now I can play the mp3 in the car.

Wish I hadn't bothered, it's not a patch on the first album ;)

With hindsight, more than anything, I put my recent Naim bad experiences down to appalling mains. All kit responds very well to good mains, Naim is crippled more than most by bad. Also, my lively, concrete cube of a room sent Naim over the edge; Mana likewise. As you say Julian, horses for courses - I'm inclined to do a merlin and not diss anything - too many variables, like you also said. Musical Fidelity is crap though as is most Meridian, Arcam, anything American and anything Japanese.
Originally posted by Andrew L Weekes
I think it was 32 vs 62.

It was 62 vs. 72, and he said that different batches of PCBs from different suppliers made more of a difference than the amp itself, so sometimes a 62 could beat a 72, sometimes vice versa.
Originally posted by Alex S
I'm inclined to do a merlin and not diss anything - too many variables, like you also said.

Musical Fidelity is crap though as is most Meridian, Arcam, anything American and anything Japanese.

?!?!?!?!?! tongue in cheek I hope? :)

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