
Joe said:
I love to hear my daughter (an avid nu-metal ska-punk devotee) go into rant mode about Travis, Coldplay and their ilk. Reminds me of my yoof in the 70s when ELO and Supertramp were the antichrist and the Sex Pistols, the Ramones and Patti Smith were the saviours of rock.

I want to meet her - she sounds like she could be an interesting conversationalist about pap music! Also sounds like her and my nephew'd get on like a house on fire re the ska-punk!

Supertramp and ELO are *still* the antichrist by the way!
domfjbrown said:
I want to meet her - she sounds like she could be an interesting conversationalist about pap music! Also sounds like her and my nephew'd get on like a house on fire re the ska-punk!
I rarely see her myself these days now she's at university! She's off to Donnington tomorrow for Download and is also going to the Reading festival. Her younger sister is unfortunately into 'pap music' and the two of them have blazing rows about the relative merits of Less Than Jake and Madonna, reminiscent of the rows between me and my brother about the relative merits of various obscure 60s/70s groups.

At various times my nephews have visited me and done the rounds of the independent record shops, with me in tow trying not to look too ancient. On one such record shop visit, an elderly couple wandered in and asked the bemused yoof with multiple piercings and bright blue Mohican behind the counter if they had any Mozart.
I heard the Radio 1 show the other night too. I think they sounded quite good. They sing/play nice hummable tunes, there's nothing wrong with that. Sometimes nice hummable tunes is just what you need in your life. I'd prefer a little more complexity from them occasionally, wish they'd try to push the envelope a little sometimes. It appears they're turning into U2.

Perhaps I'm expecting a bit much from them. If we want challenging indie-rock music with a few tunes thrown in we've got Radiohead already.

Personally I'm looking forward to hearing the White Stripes new LP. I think the single is an absolute corker. And the Kraftwerk live album.
Whatever else one may say about them, U2 are possibly the best "stadium rock" ensemble on the planet, and were actually very good when they first started out. Coldplay are "soft rock" nancy-boy bedwetting timewasters, not in the same division.
Paul V said:
Personally I'm looking forward to hearing the White Stripes new LP. I think the single is an absolute corker. And the Kraftwerk live album.

Auntie bought it Monday. Both of us are big fans of theirs ever since White Blood Cells came out and it was much anticipated. Frankly though I found it a bit of a disappointment. There's some good tracks on their but if you were expecting a proper Jack White ROCK out, you'll be disappointed.

Maybe it'll grow on me but all of their other albums have made the hairs stand up on the back of my neck first listen. Thisuns a bit lame in comparison and I never thought I'd say that about a White Stripes album.
I'd heard it was different. Heard about five tracks on the little portable in the kitchen last night, seems to be a fair bit of marimba on it. I'll give it a go. Even if it's rubbish I had to have "Blue Orchid". With the WS there will always be hits and misses, perhaps the opposite approach to Coldplay...
Paul V said:
I'd heard it was different. Heard about five tracks on the little portable in the kitchen last night, seems to be a fair bit of marimba on it. I'll give it a go. Even if it's rubbish I had to have "Blue Orchid". With the WS there will always be hits and misses, perhaps the opposite approach to Coldplay...

Oh its worth a whirl. Like I say, it may grow on me. Its a relative thing. My expectations of them are always so high.
Coldplay know how to write a quality pop song imho, unfortunately they know how to change it slightly and re-release it. They can really write some good stuff when they want to though.

Oasis - best not go there. Their biggest problems are not being able to play their instruments properly, or write interesting music.

White stripes - dissapointed to hear their new album might not be much cop. I like the 2 albums I have.

Travis, quite enjoyed their first and second albums, but again suffer IMO from lack of new and original thought as time progresses.

U2 - how can you criticise a band that keep re-inventing themselves in this way. Coldplay and Travis could learn a thing or 2 about changing the formulae to stay on top.

Kraftwerk live sounds good - I like live albums. Mind you, I'd much rather see Kraftwerk play live. Maybe one day they'll play somewhere within easy travelling distance of my house :)

All just IMO
I saw Coldplay live once, at the Astoria as support to Muse...
And what a pile of steaming choss it was. All sitting down playing quiet acoustic strummy supercificial shite.. Then Muse came on and it was a proper gig again..

And as for U2, I saw them twice on the October tour, then again on the Joshua Tree tour.
Thought they were great first time - then Bono's posturing save-the-world stance started to get on my tits.. I mean how serious can he be about povery and saving the world if he flies his hat to Italy 1st class?
I've had a couple of listens to my new Coldlay vinyl now. Hmmmm... it 's a bit 'samey' isn't it :o . I really liked a Rush of Blood ( and still really do ), however this one hasn't really grabbed me so far, I wish they would Rock Out ! a bit more. The first 3 or 4 tracks could very easily have been by U2 , i saw some startling similarity, especially in the vocals.

The actual LP itself from a materials and recording 'product' point of view really is top drawer in my opinion, really can't fault the package at all, perhaps the main reason for my purchase ie the music will grow on me over time, i hope so I've nearly worn my copy of AROBTTH out, I suppose i could always play my CD copy.....Hmm .....Nah, I'll have to buy a new one .... ;)

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