Considering complete change

too much power?

yeah, I guess that can happen in certain circumstances. Horn speakers with a Krell springs to mind ?!?.. not that anyone Ive ever met would make such an unholy matrimony..

From whats been said about Dyns relishing power, I dont think its likely to be the case here.

Its been said (best by Robbo I felt)... chill out, spin some records, take it easy. Make some calm and rational decisions after much thought. Base the decisions on the experience you will gain which will show what works best in your home.

Originally posted by garyi
Big old power amp, wacking out the watts, but ultimatly dissapointing.

PA. :p

Garyi a truer word never spoken, all those Nap 500 owners shaking their heads at the moment in agreement with you.
A case of Brawn over brains here I feel.

Data, been at the beer ???

Naim, they don't paper strip IMHO, the speakers, yes, the power amp is very valve like in its musicality
A touch fancyful here I feel.
Originally posted by Lt Cdr Data
....and get some speakers to suit, I have really never been this happy with my kit, currently speakers I have a harbeth compact 7s and they are better than proacs, jamo concert 8s, too, the best box speaker I have heard to date.
So you got Compact 7s? Excellent choice if I may say so :D It's great to hear of them being with amps other than the "approved by men in white labcoats with clipboards Harbeth User Group 300WPC" variety.
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yep finally found a pair local after a hard long look. I had to pay more than I wanted.
I bought a pair of jamo concert 8s a few years ago, they are so dynamic and open. £500 for a mint pair.
The guy had eucalyptus c7s, mint for the same price:eek: but at the time I didn't know about harbeth, and I regretted it, as you would.

Also saw a pair next to some b/w cdm1s, which were good in the bass, ad more impressive initially, by this time I was drooling, but he had only just got them so he wouldn't sell:(

so a pair came up for £550, last year, and I couldn't afford, and the guy went awol, till I put up a wanted ad. I had to pay him £640, walnut the finish. Not my fave.

I still think it was worth it, they are better than the jamos were, no mean feat, they are neutral, VERY clear, great depth of field and imaging. Very dynamic, too, sometimes a little too forward, but I think that is just their revealing nature. Its not in a nasty way tho'.
A VERY underrated and sadly relatively specialist speaker, one that a lot don't know about, I don't think that can last long when people realsise they are good.

Pair on ebay went for £550 or so, too, slightly marked I think, but still good price....

I have no idea why they say 300 watt tranny, in my small room, the zero feedback 300bs, with an ouput resistance 100s times more than the tranny amp makes em loud and sounds brill.
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Originally posted by Lt Cdr Data

A VERY underrated and sadly relatively specialist speaker, one that a lot don't know about, I don't think that can last long when people realsise they are good.
You'd think so wouldn't you. But they've somehow managed 30 years in relative obscurity.

I have no idea why they say 300 watt tranny, in my small room, the zero feedback 300bs, with an ouput resistance 100s times more than the tranny amp makes em loud and sounds brill.
They used their sliderules to calculate this figure :rolleyes:
Glad you're enjoying the C7s.

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