talks a load of rubbish
too much power?
yeah, I guess that can happen in certain circumstances. Horn speakers with a Krell springs to mind ?!?.. not that anyone Ive ever met would make such an unholy matrimony..
From whats been said about Dyns relishing power, I dont think its likely to be the case here.
Its been said (best by Robbo I felt)... chill out, spin some records, take it easy. Make some calm and rational decisions after much thought. Base the decisions on the experience you will gain which will show what works best in your home.
yeah, I guess that can happen in certain circumstances. Horn speakers with a Krell springs to mind ?!?.. not that anyone Ive ever met would make such an unholy matrimony..
From whats been said about Dyns relishing power, I dont think its likely to be the case here.
Its been said (best by Robbo I felt)... chill out, spin some records, take it easy. Make some calm and rational decisions after much thought. Base the decisions on the experience you will gain which will show what works best in your home.